❁ Dunno What I Got Myself Into ❁

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I was really feeling a triple update today so here we are.
Multimedia: Brick & Lace as Shequoia (left)
And Shafuara (right)

🎶 Cellphones and beepers
And know how to treat ya
You break her heart
She'll walk out and leave ya 🎶

Chapter Seventeen

The girls had finally arrived at the beach party but Katari had seemed a little down in the dumps.

It wasn't because of DeVante though, it was because Lil Kim and her father still didn't know that she was here right now.

Whilst Solana and Serayah were kind of obsessing over the beach, Katari didn't say anything, and now she was starting to feel as though she didn't really belong here.

As the girls were about to go and do an activity at the beach, Katari didn't follow them and now they wanted to know why.

"Katari, on the way here, you said you'd try and have fun," Solana reminded her. "What's going on with you?"

"I have to make a phone call real quick but I promise that when I finish, I'll be right back."

Solana and Serayah just looked at her.

But they trusted her.

"Do you want us to wait for you?" Serayah offered. "We can happily do that."

As much as she wanted them to, she shook her head.... but she wasn't going to take a U Turn and leave.

Even if she wanted to do that too.

Leaving her, they had hugged each other again and then Katari had made the phone call to Lil Kim and her father at the beach bar that was located right next to her.

She had picked up on the first ring which was great because it saved a lot of time.

I'm the one that put the Range in the Rover
When I'm steppin out the Range?
Yo it's over

Was the song playing in the background and it was actually one of Lil Kim's.

Lil Kim: Yo, Katari. I was just about to call you, girl. Where you at?

Katari: Uhm...

How did she tell her she was in the wrong place completely?

Katari: Please don't get mad but I kind of got in a fight on a plane and now I'm at some couple's retreat that's called—

Lil Kim: *shouting* I don't care what it's called! Why would you get yourself into a fight? You should know better, Katari. You don't fight in public!

Katari: It wasn't me. It was Serayah, as in Severin and Serayah, Serayah. Lil Kim, please. You have to believe me. None of this was really my fault.

She didn't reply, she was currently telling Katari's father the news.

And he hadn't been there before because he wanted to cook something.

When Armani had heard the news, he too wasn't happy, but he was calmer than Lil Kim was about the whole thing.

Armani: Katari, you get yourself to our location right now, you hear me? I just sent you the address. We promised a lot of people that you'd help us on our tour.

Katari: *screaming* Maybe I don't care about other people!

Everyone in the bar had looked at her blankly.

She apologised on her behalf.

She was just pissed.

Lil Kim: And what's that supposed to mean?

Katari: I want my break. The big break that I've been telling you guys about, but you didn't listen! This is literally the perfect opportunity to get it!

Lil Kim: It's not that we didn't listen, it's just that we specifically told you that you can have your break after our tour because if we had it during then you'd be letting a lot of people down.

Armani: So you better come back right now young lady otherwise—

Katari cut them off by hanging up.

She didn't know why she hadn't done that before.

Sighing, she had then walked away to find Solana and Serayah in some sort of circle.

Realising that she had no other choice but to join them really, she had then sat down right in between both of them.

The hosts of this game which nobody knew yet (as they hadn't announced it) were known as Shequioa and Shafuara.

Everyone was looking at them and there were also about 50 ladies in the circle at the moment.

The twins had shorts, sandals, as well as really pretty tie dyed T Shirts that had said #YOLO on it. That they tie dyed themselves.

"Alright, y'all. Welcome to truth or dare," Shequoia had announced, clapping her hands. "I'm Shequoia and this is my twin sister Shafuara."

She waved.

If anybody didn't like the game though then they were inevitably free to leave.

Solana wanted to do so — that was until Katari had reminded her that if she had left then she was being a hypocrite.

"She ain't wrong," Serayah agreed.

Solana had just looked at Katari.

Then at Serayah.

Rolling her eyes, she had then sat down and stayed with the two of them.

Only about 10 or so girls had left, with the rest of them eventually getting started.

Apparently, the way this worked was that a bottle was going to spin in the middle, and whoever it had landed on....

They had to do a truth or dare.

It really wasn't that hard.

"How can a bottle spin in the sand?"

"Did I say bottle?" Shafuara realised, embarrassed. "If that was the case then sorry. I meant wheel."

After she had said that, she had then gotten this huge multi coloured wheel with a black pointer in the middle.

There was one with a smaller size but there were a lot of girls here so therefore the bigger one was used.

"Whoever the pointer lands on.... will answer the question."

Then Shequoia had spun it.

Katari just prayed that it didn't land on her.

Please don't land on me.

Please don't land on me.

Please don't land on me.

Inevitably, most of the time if somebody had thought that, then the completely opposite thing had happened.

And it did.

It had actually landed in between Katari and Serayah, but it was mainly of Katari so therefore it was on her.

"We have our first guest!" Shafuara beamed, everyone turning to face Katari's direction.

She didn't say anything as everyone was looking at her.

Shequoia had then asked her what her name was, and to take off the sunglasses too.

"Do— do I have to? It's really hot out here."

"Beach rules," Shafuara let her know. "You don't see any of us wearing sunglasses during the game. So you shouldn't either."

Reluctantly she did that, and everybody gasped.

Yoooo, that's Katari!

She works for Lil Kim!

"Didn't know she was famous," Shafuara had whispered to her sister, who had just frowned at Katari when she wasn't looking.

She was going to kick this up a notch.

"So Katari!"

She stared at her.

And people stared at her staring at her.

"Truth or dare?"


She had always chosen truth because she didn't like dare, and the same thing happened.

Shequoia had tried to convince her to choose a dare as truth was too boring apparently, but Shafuara had told her to dial it down.

"Fine. I have one question."

"Uhm... okay?"

The question was...

And Katari was kind of suspecting it...

Did she have a man?

No, she didn't.

And it didn't help much that everybody was looking at her as now she just felt obligated to lie to please other people.

She nodded.

When she did, Solana and Serayah as they had known her pretty well had asked her what she had just gotten herself into.

"Okay, follow up question. Is your man at this retreat?"

"You can't do follow up questions in Truth or Dare," Shafuara had whispered to her again.

Shequoia didn't care.

And yes, people could, maybe anyway.

She wasn't much to listen or pay attention to rules.

Katari didn't know what to say.

So she had therefore turned to Solana and Serayah for help.

They wanted her to say the truth but she didn't because she was worried about how this people would have seen her if she did.

So Katari nodded again.

Solana and Serayah would have facepalmed themselves but they didn't because they too knew what it was like.

To feel pressured to lie.

"Last question. What's your man's name?"

Katari freaked.

Her man was called Mr I Don't Exist.


In the middle of nowhere.


Just admit the truth, Katari. Don't care what they think, Solana assured her through a whisper and Serayah had whispered.

Katari had looked back at the twins after looking at them.

"My man's name is DeVante."

Oh god, what did she just do?

She had even said it confidently as well.

Shequoia and Shafuara didn't say anything, they had just heard the gossiping.

"DeVante from Jodeci?"

Katari said yes.

"He's at this retreat?"

"Yeah, he is," a black girl nodded. "I saw him, he's really nice."

For some reason, this had made Shequoia even madder as she had pretty much scowled at Katari.

Then she had turned her truth.

Into a dare.

"Fine. If you claim DeVante to be your man, then go up to the boys' section, find him, and flirt with him like you've never done so before. Then kiss him."

Katari felt uncomfortable, with a lot of people throwing shade at Shequoia for taking it too far, as she had changed Katari's truth to a dare.

"What? I just said she should make love to her man. It's not like I told her to kill him," she announced, rolling her eyes.

Katari didn't reply.

She was trapped.

Even worse... if DeVante had found out about this, then he would have been so exasperated.

Solana had told Shequoia that that was enough as Serayah had gone to talk to Katari privately as she was panicking.

Did Shequoia listen?

No, she didn't.

"And did I ask you to speak? I don't even like your music anyway. You completely trash."

Solana wanted to hit her but Serayah had stopped her so she refrained.

Then Solana had gone with her too.

Looking as irritated as hell.

Is Katari being selfish? 🤔
As in not going back to see Lil Kim and Armani for the tour.

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