❁ Everything Is Not As It Seems ❁

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Introducing Couple #2
Jordan Francis & SZA / Solana⬆️
There'll only be three couples, don't worry

What the heck? Here's another update. Next one will be on Sunday. Couldn't resist.
Hope I'm not updating too much? 👀

🎶 But, chicks don't romance me
Don't tickle my fancy.
Only Tiffany, Nancy
That's not what my plans be 🎶

Chapter Five

This had to be a joke.

Severin wasn't accepting this.

"What do you mean my card got declined?"

As in, it didn't get accepted.

Keep. Up.

Everything that they had eaten in total had cost $217. If Severin wanted specifics then he was $93 and 22 cents short.

Everyone was looking at them now, almost as if they had just lost a contest.

Then some people had thought that they were being encouraging by literally yelling:

It's okay, Severin! We all have broke days!

Yeah! Some more than others!

But they were just making it worse.

"Severin, you literally said I can buy anything because you had enough money," Serayah had whispered to him.

Yeah? Well, Severin lied, boo.

Move on.

"Look. Is there any way out of this?"

"You're not leaving until you pay this bill, famous Instagram couple or not."

If that was the case then they were surely going to be here all day...

Decades even.

They didn't even have physical money. It was all on their card.

When all hope was lost though, that was when a kind stranger had decided to pay everything for them, claiming that they had followed both of them on Instagram.

And they loved them.

"Wait, so you want to pay the whole $217?" André summed up.

It was $217 dollars exactly.

The stranger didn't mind though, and even better, Severin and Serayah didn't have to pay them back... it was the least they could have done.

After that, Severin and Serayah had thanked him, which just so happened to be when Layla Grace had texted Severin saying that she was waiting outside for both of them inside of her car.

The hospital really wasn't that far away from here.

Some people were laughing at them, they didn't care though, they had just left the restaurant with everyone's eyes on them.

They were never coming back again.

Severin was mad at Serayah earlier and now it was the other way around because Severin here may or may not have over exaggerated how much money he had.

This was exactly why it was not good to flaunt relationships online.

The lies would have caught up eventually, and they just did.


Rumours about Severin's credit card being declined at the restaurant had quickly spread, and now a girl called Solana otherwise known as SZA had just received a notification about that.

From the news— she had the notification for that turned on on her phone.

SZA was thirty years old and she had married twenty nine year old Jordan Francis last year February after being in courtship for approximately seven years.

Those were their real names and ages.

Now, there were some fake happy couples.

Ahem, Severin and Serayah.

But at the same time, there were some real happy couples too, like Solana and Jordan Francis over here.

They too had lived in San Diego, and they were flying off to Paris tomorrow too, for their honeymoon.

Solana and Jordan Francis were going over to meet Jordan's parents for dinner— not only that but they were spending the night there as well.

They had lived a lot closer to the airport compared to them, so why not stay there until they had to leave to go to Paris tomorrow morning?

When Solana had received the news on her phone in her and Jordan Francis' room: 

She was beyond shocked.

"Yo! Honey! Come look at this!"

Solana was already dressed, but Jordan Francis on the other hand was still getting dressed.

When he had heard his name indirectly, he had gone over to her, and she had explained what was going on.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Severin's card got declined," she sighed.

It was a trending topic on the News, their reputation was more or less ruined right now.

"Severin?" That name sounded familiar but he didn't know why. "As in Severin and Serayah Severin?"

This couple didn't have Instagram although they had heard about Severin and Serayah from other people more than enough times.

Some people would have checked to see if they were really all that on Instagram but these two had resisted temptation.

They didn't need to take a selfie to show other people that they were a happy couple.

They didn't care what other people had thought.

They didn't depend on other people's  approval.

"Yes! What other Severin is there?" Solana told him. "Huh. And you'd think they had it all just by looking at their Instagram."

"We don't have Instagram...?"

She was actually reading part of what the news report had said on her phone.

Made sense.

Solana and Jordan Francis weren't anti social media or anything, they just didn't really need or like people getting all up in their business like that.

After reading enough of Severin and Serayah for one day, Solana had asked Jordan Francis if they were all set to go.

He had to put on his shoes, but that was it.

As he was doing that, Solana in the meantime had looked at herself in the mirror, where all her insecurities had come back to her again.

The two of them would have had a baby in January... however unfortunately Solana had a miscarriage, feeling insecure about herself ever since then.

"Jordan Francis, can I ask you something?" Solana had asked him, placing her hands all over her face, lamenting over the way she looked.

"Yeah sure." He answered, sitting on the bed and putting his shoes on. "Also, don't stare at the mirror too much, it could get unhealthy."

He didn't know how.

It just could. 

Solana wanted to know if she had looked fat and ugly.

Of course she didn't.

She was flipping SZA!

Jordan Francis didn't reply for a while, because he was putting on his shoes.

Solana didn't depend on Jordan Francis for happiness but her confidence was not the best right now, and she didn't even have social media like that.

"Do you want to know what I think?" Jordan Francis had replied, just before Solana was going to have a go at him for not replying.

She had nodded, which was when Jordan Francis had hugged her from behind as she wouldn't have stopped looking at herself in the mirror.

Solana smiled widely.

"Do you know why I married you?"

"Because you proposed?"

One of Solana's friends had very rudely used a Haribo ring to propose to his blind wife on April Fools Day.

They weren't friends anymore after that.

Why would they have been?

If his wife could have seen then she wouldn't have been very happy either.

Jordan Francis laughed.

"Yes but... I didn't marry you because of what you looked like. I don't care about outer beauty. Inner beauty is more important. You may not have a pretty face, but if you have a pretty heart then I love you straight away. You have both of them."

Then he quoted Jeremiah 17:10.

The Lord says, "I look deep down inside human hearts. I see what is in people's minds. I reward a man in keeping with his conduct. I bless him based on what he has done."

Followed by Psalms 139:14

How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that. What you have done is wonderful. I know that very well.

And some other verses relating to inner beauty and not outer instead.

They met at a café.

They had gotten each other's orders by mistake.

Then they had simultaneously realised they had a lot in common... and plenty more after that.

"God cares about inner beauty more than outer and so do I. And if anyone made you feel insecure about yourself, then I'll fight them for you, okay? Unless it's yourself? 'Cause I don't want to fight you."

She nodded.

"But why... why would you be insecure about such a beautiful face?"

The miscarriage, that was what.

It all made sense now.

"We can always try again after our trip to Paris."

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one getting pregnant, as far as I'm concerned," Solana joked around.

Then they kissed and hugged.

"I wish I could see myself through your eyes."

"If you could, then you'd be the most amazing and heavenly girl in the world. And I'm not just saying that," Jordan Francis had admitted truthfully. "I mean it from the depths of my heart. I love you Solana."

"And I love you Jordan Francis! Forever and ever."

He always knew just the right thing to say at the right time, even better?

He had showed his love too.

He didn't play games with her or anyone too for that matter at all.

Then they had to go because they had promised that they would have been at his parents' house by three o'clock in the afternoon.

It was approaching two thirty and it had taken half an hour to get there, without traffic anyway.

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