❁ I'm Sorry Things Had To Be Like This ❁

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I really wanted to get through this chapter today so here's another update!

🎶 I need a girl to ride, ride, ride
I need a girl to make my wife 🎶

Chapter Thirty Seven

DeVante had tried calling Solana about what had happened but she had completely ignored him.

At least she hadn't blocked him, but then again she probably couldn't have been bothered. She probably didn't care about him enough to block him.

Like the good and responsible girl she was, she did tell Jordan Francis what had happened but it was the day after as she was freaking out too much the day before.

Right now, Jordan Francis was at McDonald's and it was about two o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

He had been feeling kind of down lately, mainly because of his break with Solana but also because of some personal insecurities regarding his annoying parents.

Little did he know that Katari had normally gone there too, with him actually meeting her right now as he was drinking some milkshake.

Katari had to debate with herself on if that was Jordan Francis or not. She still had feelings for him even though he was married.

When she did realise that yes, that was Jordan Francis, she had taken a deep breath and gone over to him, tapping him.

Mondays to Fridays, she was helping Lil Kim and her dad do something at a studio, mainly making music videos but right now she was on break until quarter to three.

"Yo, Katari, what's up girl?" Jordan Francis had said to her when they had seen each other, and they hugged.

"What are you doing here? I ain't ever seen you here in my life." Katari wanted to know, sitting next to him on the high chair. 

Jordan Francis had explained why he was here after she had ordered and they talked.

Katari couldn't take this anymore, she wanted to tell him she had liked him. That way, she would have gotten over him faster.

"Now that you're here, Jordan Francis, I really have to tell you something."

"You have a crush on me?"

She froze because how he knew that, she didn't know.

Did she accidentally admit that at some point?


"Severin told me yesterday," Jordan Francis deadpanned. "But before you get mad at him, let me explain something. Apparently you wanted to tell me anyway and you were scared. So if anything, Severin did you a favour."

She guessed but things had seemed better coming from her own mouth, not Severin's.

Katari was expecting rejection anyway so she therefore wasn't surprised when Jordan Francis had turned him down because of Solana.

"Katari, I'm still married." He had frowned at her, pointing at his wedding ring. "Until Solana and I officially separate, then I'll be single again. Break or not, she's still my wife. Now's just not the right time. Hope you understand."

She didn't want to but she did, at least they were friends.

Speaking of Solana, when Katari was about to say something, that was when his phone had very unexpectedly gone off.

Katari wanted to know who it was even if it didn't really concern her and Jordan Francs kinda freaked out.

"Solana wants to FaceTime me. Our break isn't over for another couple of weeks."

Not that they couldn't talk but they barely FaceTimed since the break had started two weeks ago now.

"Why does she want to FaceTime you?"

How the heck was Jordan Francis supposed to know?

Either way, he had told her that he was going outside, and she could have come with him if she wanted to.

"But this seems like a private matter," Katari noticed, collecting her food.

"I feel like it would be better with a friend around though in case things go really downhill and I can't deal with everything all by myself."

Not saying anything, Katari had thought about it and she had followed him to the back of the restaurant.

All this time Jordan Francis had kind of been thinking that Solana had called him accidentally but it didn't seem that way.

He was absolutely mortified when he had picked up the phone to see Solana crying.

Jordan Francis: Oh my God, Solana! What's wrong? Why are you crying?

She had gotten intimate with DeVante yesterday when she wasn't supposed to.

That was why she was crying.

Jordan Francis and Solana were so close that they could have called each other looking or sounding like a downright mess and the other person wouldn't have minded.

She didn't say anything though, with her make up being ruined.

If she had known that telling him this would have been this difficult then she wouldn't have worn it at all.

Solana: Jordan Francis, please don't be mad but... I... I—

Jordan Francis: You?....

She had blurted it out without thinking.

Solana: I kissed DeVante yesterday when I went to his house and I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you yesterday but I was panicking and—- and—-

Jordan Francis didn't even let her finish talking as he had looked at Katari.

Jordan Francis: I'm sorry. What?

Katari: Why were you at DeVante's house yesterday girl? What were you doing there?

Solana: I was doing pizza deliveries because I was seriously behind on bills and I had to look after my daughter Ezinné.

Katari had known she had a daughter already but not Jordan Francis.

Jordan Francis: Whoa—- you're behind on bills and you have a daughter? Solana, why didn't you tell me? Most especially about the bills thing.

She didn't even know why she hadn't told him, it just didn't really cross her mind like that she had guessed.

Solana: I didn't want to place any burden on you, Jordan Francis. I didn't want to bother you with my problems.

Then what was she doing now?

Jordan Francis: You wouldn't have placed any burden on me, what are you talking about? If anything I believe the second rule for our break after don't be intimate with the opposite gender, which you've already broken, is that if we ever need help then we should tell the other person ASAP.

Solana didn't know what to say, she had just apologised for being intimate with DeVante.

Now Jordan Francis couldn't have helped but wonder if this was the first time this had happened.

Not in a jealous way or anything.

He was just curious.

The easier it was for Solana to be intimate with someone else even though she was married... then the more Jordan Francis didn't really see the point of this break.

Solana: If you want the truth I've only been intimate with DeVante. We were almost intimate once but we weren't until yesterday. Jordan Francis, I'm so sorry.

He didn't reply, and now Katari was fretting over him... what was he going to say next?

Jordan Francis: It's obvious we want different things, Solana. I mean, if you initiated the break and you can't even stick by your own rules then what's the point? You get where I'm coming from?

Solana: So what are you saying?

Katari had figured what he was saying but she didn't want to jump to conclusions so she didn't say anything.

Jordan Francis: I'm sorry things had to be like this but I really think we should divorce.

She knew it.

She wondered what Solana was going to say though.

Solana: Actually I've been thinking that way too, I was just too scared to tell you.

Jordan Francis: So it's unanimously agreed that we should divorce then?

She nodded.

Jordan Francis: Okay. In that case I'll have the divorce papers signed as soon as possible and hopefully you can do the same thing.

Solana: I feel like if I hadn't been intimate with DeVante then none of this would have happened. Have you been seeing any girls behind my back?

Jordan Francis: No because unlike you, no offence, I can actually stick to rules most of the time. And about the DeVante thing, maybe. But let's not forget that you were also almost intimate with Severin back at the retreat.

He had a point.

Solana: Are you mad at me?

Jordan Francis: If you had told me any later then I would have been, but no.

Solana: Can we still be friends? I don't exactly want you out of my life yet.

Jordan Francis: I don't know, Solana. Exes aren't normally friends. Let's see how things go. It's too early for me to say anything.

There was then the hugest silence between them.

Katari had never imagined these two divorcing each other. They had seemed so perfect for each other because they more or less were.

Solana: So, this is it?

Jordan Francis: I believe so but I have a favour to ask. Please take care of Ezinné for me. 

Solana had agreed to that and realistically speaking she had to go, though before she had done that she did want to thank Jordan Francis for everything.

"You've been such an amazing hus... sorry, ex husband," That stung. It really did. "I never ever thought that things would end like this but I guess now we know how we stand. Thank you for always being there for me Jordan Francis. You are literally a godsend and I've love every single bit of our relationship."

"Everything you just said about me, I feel the exact same way about you. I know we've had our ups and downs and sometimes you'll be mad at me or vice versa but I love you and I will always love you. I guess we just have to admire each other from afar from now on. You are a very respectable 30 year old woman, soon to be 31 and I've seen you grow into this beautiful outstanding woman. Keep shining girl and I know Ezinné will turn out amazing like you did."  

Solana had adopted a child because the first, last and only time she had tried to give birth, she had a miscarriage.

Plus she would have needed Jordan Francis to make another baby. Hard for her to do that especially how they weren't even in the same country when as she adopted Ezinné anyway.

They had to go after that so they had said goodbye for the last time and then the call was over.

Jordan Francis now looked really depressed and Katari couldn't blame him.

She had asked him if he was okay and he nodded.

Then he cried.

Katari had hugged him, offering him a spot at the music video she was making right now but he politely declined as he needed time to grieve over Solana even though she was still alive.

Jordan Francis had even offered her a date when he had fully gotten over her as Solana was the main reason that he couldn't have been with Katari.

"That way y'all handled that was amazing though! It deserved like an Oscar. I was expecting like full on ranting or something."

"Thanks and we're both in our 30s, Katari. You almost are too. We had no choice but to act maturely."

She was shocked because the two of them were perfect for each other, but even the most "perfect" couple had their downfalls.

"I mean, have you met Severin and Serayah?"

She smiled then frowned after remembering that Serayah was no longer with them anymore.

He had taken the offer, although if he had taken too long to get over her then Katari would have moved on and she meant it.

She was talking 5-6 months. She was a pretty patient person to be fair.

As she had left she had kissed Jordan Francis on the cheek unintentionally, with Jordan Francis just staring at her blankly for that.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, that just randomly-"

"It's fine. Just go."

She had listened to him.

Seven months down the line and DeVante had proposed to Solana as Jordan Francis had proposed to Katari instead.

They didn't speak to each other.

Both of them said yes.

Solana had told Severin and DeVante about the divorce and they had helped her in every possible way — after DeVante had tried to talk to her anyway.

So DeVante was finally marrying Solana after the longest time, things were really looking up for him now.

That was, until the day before the wedding.. and things had started a little bit like this...

RIP Jordan Francis and Solana's relationship but hello DeVante and Solana's relationship!

This chapter made me sad to write but hope you enjoyed anyway, have a good day / night

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