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"Ouch. That looked like it hurt." Jaemin grimaced at the sight of them panting from the tumble they took.

"Fuck..." Jeno panted. "I think I hit a tree while falling."

Renjun sat up, looking at Jeno who clutched his side. When his boyfriend removed his hand from his side, his hand was all red from the blood that leaked from his skin.


"Hyung where'd you get that crop top?" Chenle teased Renjun. Renjun huffed, embarassed and trying his hardest to lower the torn fabric of his shirt.

After Jeno and Renjun's fall down the muddy path, Jeno had been bleeding pretty badly. Renjun's bottom half of his thick shirt was already falling off, so he tore it off and tied it around Jeno's side. There was no bandaid big enough for the cut on his side, so they had to improvise.

"Not gonna lie though, Renjun pulls it off." Hyuck added, trying to tease his friend as well.

"Can you shut up?!" Renjun yelled, embarrased as the wet fabric clung onto his small figure. Jeno was being helped by Jisung as he kept limping. 

Jeno couldn't bear to even look at Renjun's direction. He hated to admit that the "crop top" along with his high waisted track pants made his figure look even better than it already looked. He was so flustered to see him, even if the boy was already his boyfriend.

"Luckily, we're almost there." Renjun was able to lower his voice down a little as the rain was still pretty heavy, but not as heavy as before.

Trudging in the mud for another 15 minutes, they finally arrived.

"Hey you guys made it- oh god." Kun shut himself up, seeing them all drenched in water, Renjun's cropped shirt, The red spot on Jeno's side, Hyuck's scratches all over his nose and all of them were covered in mud.

"Jesus... what happened to you all." Doyoung rushed over to them, seeing Kun take Jeno and Hyuck to the infirmary.

"Fuck nature." Is all Renjun muttered, setting the bags down and sighing.

"You guys set up the tents. The showers are over there in that blue mini cabin." Doyoung instructed them. It was lightly raining at this point, not that any of them cared anymore.

They all nodded, starting to set up their three tents on a patch of somewhat dry grass under a tall oak tree. They saw only two other groups of tents set up, meaning they were still pretty early.

Jaemin and Jisung set up their own tents while Renjun and Chenle set up the tent in Jeno's bag. Renjun sighed, swiping his hair back out of his eyes.

Once the tents were set up, they saw Hyuck walk over and sigh. He looked relatively okay, going to his group and sitting against the oak tree. He only had two bandages on his face, a pack of tissues in hand.

"Is it broken?" Jaemin asked, referring to the other's nose.

"Luckily, no. I just have a bruise." He smiled softly. "Can't say that Jeno's any better..." He sighed. He was relatively worried for his best friend.

"What?" Renjun asked, hearing him say that about Jeno. He was worried now.

"I'm pretty sure he needs stitches." Hyuck said. "It looked pretty bad."

"I'll be right back." Renjun said, going to the infirmary "room". It was a giant tent set up near the bathrooms and showers. He was worried for his boyfriend.

Stepping in, he saw how Jeno was on a table top, wincing as one of the counselors probably gave him stitches. Renjun grimaced, stepping closer to Jeno. The counselor went away to grab something in the storage tent next to the big one.

"Junnie..." Jeno mumbled, holding his hand and bringing it to his lips, leaving a kiss on it.

"Jen... I'm so sorry." Renjun had teary eyes, blaming the need of stitches on himself. "If I didn't slip, you wouldn't have falled down with me and you-"

"Hey, it's okay. I've gotten stitches before, this is nothing." He smiled, holding his hand tightly.

"Jeno?" One of the counselors called him. He directed his attention on the counselor nodding his head. "I'll give you these pain killers. It's just Advil, and try not to do anything strenuous tomorrow in the woods or the wound might open up."

"Yeah, I know. I've had stitches before." He smiled. The camp counselor let out a small chuckle, nodding his head.

"Then you know the drill. If you need anything, come to this tent, cool?" Jeno nodded, maneuvering his way off the table and onto the soft grass.

"C'mon." Renjun said, swinginghis and Jeno's hand. They walked their way slowly to where they set up the tents, with Jeno telling Renjun all the times he's been injured before this to calm the boy down. Twelve stitches were nothing to him. Well, compared to a black eye, broken arms, broken toes, concussion, etc.

"And yet you still play soccer." Renjun sighed, hearing Jeno giggle at the response.

"Yup." He smiled at him, hands swinging with Renjun's. "It's a lot of fun."

"I'll pass." Renjun giggled.

At their set up, they shoved their sleeping bags inside the tent, grabbing a fresh change of clothes and going to take a shower. They really needed a warm, hot shower and to just relax.

Jeno could feel his tense muscles relaxing at the heat of the water. It felt so nice to just relax after today. He made sure to be careful around his right side, not wanting any of the stitches to come undone. He washed all the dirt out of his hair, feeling way better afterwards.

He felt clean and nice.

He shut off the shower, drying himself off with the towel he brought and changed into some clean clothes. A white short sleeve and black sweats was all he really needed. He flet so comfortable now.

He saw Renjun at the bathroom sink, fixing his wet hair. Jeno smiled, hugging his waist from behind and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I've never been this exhausted." Jeno sighed, feeling Renjun pat his head.

"We can eat dinner and go to bed after." Renjun offered, hearing Jeno hum a response.

"Let's go, then." Jeno smiled, leading Renjun out of the small cabin and towards their camp site. The rain was just a mere sprinkle, making it feel more like fog than rain.

At their little camp site, they managed to get a safe fire running, with a couple of plastic chairs Doyoung had given them to use to sit around the fire, though the tents were already near enough the fire.

Haechan and Jaemin were sitting inside a tent, facing out towards their mini fire. Jeno and Renjun smiled at the cozy look of the tents. It was probably warmer inside them. Just what they needed.

"Woah, you're alive?" Jaemin asked Jeno, seeing him roll his eyes at the statement.

"Yeah I got twelve stitches." He said. Jaemin hummed, not surprised.

"Twelve?! You were gonna die!" Hyuck exaggerated.

"That's nothing. Yukhei got 26 in total once." Jisung said, remembering an accident Yukhei got into.

"Oh god, I remember that." Renjun shuddered. "When he was on his bike and-"

"Ew. I don't wanna hear it." Hyuck interupted him. Jeno chuckled and got into the tent, laying on top of his sleeping bag, with Renjun laying by his left side. He placed a kiss to his cheek, hugging him tightly. Jeno smiled and saw his boyfriend's head lay on his chest.

"I'm gonna fall asleep at this point. Jeno mumbled, hugging his boyfriend tightly. "You looked good in that crop top, by the way."

"Oh shut up." Renjun rolled his eyes. He zipped up their tent, seeing how they had separate sleeping bags. "Am I not gonna be cuddled to sleep tonight?"

"You should be able to fit in my sleeping bag." Jeno mumbled, sitting up to fix the inside of his tent. He laid out his sleeping bag, seeing how Renjun's tiny stature should be able to fit in his sleeping bag.

"Oh, I was gonna fit in anyways." He giggled, seeing Jeno smile and get into the sleeping voice, with his boyfriend fitting in perfectly. Jeno hugged Renjun close to him, seeing the boy go on his phone that was charcging with the portable charger they brought.

"What time is it?" Jeno asked him.

"Eight thirty." Renjun murmured. "You wanna sleep?"

"Mhm. I'm tired." He snuggled closer to Renjun, placing soft pecks across his neck.

"Tomorrow will be another disasterous adventure." Renjun joked, hearing Jeno laugh.

"Dissapointed but not surprised."


im pretty sure jeno was worried at the showcase when Renjun was wearing a crop top bc he kept looking at his tummy lmao. 

but just sayin renjun in a crop top would be the END of lee jeno and all renjunzens, omg not even. 

renjun in a crop top would end the mf wORLD

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