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"When you guys are done sucking each other's face, you can come and get your lunch." Chenle said, making Renjun pull away from Jeno, really shy.

Jeno chuckled and redirected Renjun's face to look at him. Leaning back in, he feels Renjun pull away.

"What? He said to join when we were done?" Jeno had that teasing smile swiped across his lips.

"We're done." Renjun's flushed cheeks became even more red at Jeno's words.

"For now."


"This was a way faster hike." Jaemin sighed as they sat around the fire, eating lunch.

"Shut up and eat." Hyuck told him, making sure the kid got all of his nutrients. They all giggled, smiling at Jaemin who shut up and ate his lunch.

Renjun held Jeno's hand in his, leaning his head on his arm.

"You okay?" Jeno asked him, seeing him nod.

"I'm really full." Renjun replied, hearing Jeno chuckle. His arm snaked around his waist, holding him tightly as Renjun let his eyes close for a while.

Renjun felt his tummy hurt a bit from the large amount if food he ate. The ramen cup alone was too much food for him. He felt sleepy from it.

They sat for two more minutes, getting up soon afterwards.

They started to pack up, seeing how Jaemin and Jisung's clothing had enough time to somewhat dry. Soon enough, they were on their way to the next camp site, this time, Jaemin had the map in hand, seeing how Renjun was doing almost all the work. He had been feeling way better after eating something and getting some energy.

Jeno and Renjun trailed behind their friends, hand in hand as they talked about everything and nothing.

"Did your glasses get damaged?" Renjun asked the taller boy.

"Luckily no. My mom would have killed me if they did." Jeno sighed. "Last time ghat happened, I had to pay for my cell phone bill for that month."

"What? How?" Renjun started giggling, seeing Jeno roll his eyes.

"Jeno works at a diner." Hyuck chimed in, hearing their conversation.

"Hyuck~" Jeno whined as the boy shared his secret.

"You still work at Burger Bar?" Jisung asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Chanyeol hyung managed to give me the summer break off since he also went to this camp as a kid." Jeno chuckled.

"You work at Burger Bar?" Renjun asked him, seeing Jeno smile and nod.

"Yes, Jeno somehow manages soccer, school, video games and working." Hyuck chuckled.

"What? How?" Chenle asked.

"He sacrifices sleep." Jaemin chimed in. "I remember Jeno fell asleep in a Chem lab once."

They all grimaced, including Jeno, who remembered the scolding he got, grimaced as well. It was a disgusting memory for him.

"I was poked awake and when my partner poured whatever inside, the beaker exploded and I had a bunch of cuts in my arm."

Renjun clutched his stomach a little, feeling rather nauseous.

"It was partially her fault though." Hyuck sighed. "Yeeun right?"

"Oh god... that name gives me chills." Jeno shuddered at the name, making Renjun look weirdly at him. He started to feel itchy around his arms, the skin feeling hot and like it was on fire.

"Yeeun had this giant crush on Jeno and would always go to the diner and pester him while he worked. Poor Baekhyun hyung had to kick her out once because she was getting a little too touchy." Hyuck said, seeing Renjun pale a little, scratching his arms. He thought maybe he was thinking of something dirty minded, but he was wrong.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jisung asked Renjun. Jeno looked down at the boy, seeing how he sweated and held his head and stomach.

"Junnie?" Jeno asked him, drawing everyone's attention.

"I'm gonna throw up." Renjun murmured, running off into the woods and falling to his hands and knees.

The boy was sweating and Jeno was terrified. Hyuck ran after him, hearing the boy throw up a liquid like substance that made him grimace. Renjun kept vomiting up his lunch, raising his sleeves to show red hives that were starting to form.

"Jeno?!" Hyuck yelled for him, trying to remain calm but the panic leaked through his voice. "What the fuck did y'all do in the tent last night?!"

Jaemin covered the ears of Chenle and Jisung, hearing where this conversation was going.

"Hyuck! He can't get pregnant!" Jeno yelled.

"Oh so you admit to having se-"

"No! Of course not!" Jeno yelled, getting closer to him.

Hyuck only rolled his eyes, seeing Jaemin uncover the two younger's ears.

"Oh god, he's having an allergic reaction!" Jeno yelled, seeing the hives on his arm and remembering what Renjun told him.

"Allergies? Only to soy."

"Shit! Shit!" Jeno started rummaging through Renjun's bag for the boy's EpiPen, not finding it. He looked at the pocket on the side finally finding it.

He opened the cap, seeing the needle stick out and injected it into Renjun's side of his thigh. The boy winced and went a little limp in Jeno's arms.

The boy, gasping for air, was far away from the pool of vomit, being held in Jeno's arms who slowly took out the injection from his leg. He sighed in relief, seeing how the boy's breathing was getting better by the second.

"Chenle, check the ramen cups in the trash for the ingredients." Chenle nodded, grabbing one of the pieces of trash and reading the ingredients. "Check for soy."

"Contains: Soy." Chenle read. Jeno sighed.

"He had an allergic reaction to soy." Jeno spoke, grabbing a tissue Hyuck handed him to clean the edges of his mouth. Renjun's neck had gotten all red, no hives forming yet.

"Give me some Benadryl." Hyuck asked Jisung. Jisung rummaged the First Aid Kit for some, passing a packet to Hyuck.

The melanin boy passed it to Jeno, along with Renjun's thermos.

"I need you to gargle water in your mouth and spit it out after." Jeno carefully told the boy, seeing a weak nod.

Renjun did as told, not feeling as dirty afterwards. Jeno handed him the Benadryl pill, telling him to swallow it. Renjun nodded, swallowing the pill and sighing.

He felt a little better now.

Good thing he told Jeno about the terrible allergies he had to soy.

"Can you walk?" Jeno asked him, seeing how the boy was still having trouble breathing. He sighed, not knowing what to do.

"I'll take his bag, and you try to carry him." Jaemin said, grabbing Renjun's bag. It was small enough for him to carry them both.

Jeno nodded, picking up Renjun like a baby. Renjun was super light, making Jeno wish his bag was as light as the boy.

He had no problem walking while carrying Renjun, feeling how the boy had his arms around his neck.

"It's okay Renjun." Jeno mumbled to him, feeling his boyfriend's head snuggle by his shoulder. He knew it was scary for his boyfriend.

"We'll be there in an hour and a half." Jaemin said, seeing how Jeno had to carry his boyfriend all the way through the woods.

"Good." Jeno sighed, starting their treacherous hike through the woods.

Hyuck lead them with the map this time, seeing how they neared a field of grass.

Just as Jaemin had predicted, in that hour and a half they had arrived a grassy field, seeing the camps being set up.

Arriving at a nice grassy part of the field that overlooked the lake, they decided to settle there.

Jeno had taken Renjun to the infirmary tent, worried for his boyfriend.

"I feel bad." Hyuck sighed. Jaemin asked him why, seeing Hyuck sigh. "I just grabbed whatever Ramen packets there were and didn't know."

"Don't feel bad." Chenle spoke. "I totally forgot about Renjun Hyung's allergy and packed whatever Ramen there was."

"If it wasn't for Jeno, it could have been worst." Jaemin sighed.

"Jeno hyung knows Renjun really well." Chenle admired. "I've been his friend for two ish years, and even I forgot about something that seemed so obvious to Jeno hyung."

"Jeno's always been like that." Hyuck chuckled. "Even as kids, he always worried about everyone else."

"He still does." Jisung chuckled. "The underclassmen call him a mom."

They all giggled at that, understanding why he was called that.

"Oh! Jaemin hyung, why'd you cover our ears?" Chenle asked him, seeing Jaemin turn red a little.

"N-no reason."

"Really? You covered their ears because I asked Jeno if he and Renjun had fu-"

"Y'all hear sumn?"


omg but noren being chenji's parents 🥺😔💕

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