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"I love you." Jeno whispered against his neck. Renjun smiled, hands patting Jeno's head.

"I love you too, baobei." Jeno only smiled at his response, relaxing a lot.

"Oh, so now you're calling me baobei?"

"It was about time I did. You mean a lot to me." Renjun smiled.

"I better."

"Gee, thanks for being all romantic."


"Junnie~" Jeno called out for the boy. He had woken up and needed Renjun to wake up. "Junnie?"

"Jen I'm sleeping." The older mumbled. He turned around in his sleep, getting Jeno to backhug him. Renjun relaxed and his soft snores were the only sound in the room.

Jeno frowned, seeing how Renjun didn't want to wake up. So he did it the hard way.

Jeno started running his fingers across Renjun's bare sides. His lips peppered multiple kisses across his neck and Renjun attempted to push Jeno away. He like the affection, but not right now when he was trying to sleep.

"Stop that." Renjun's sleepy voice was raspy and hushed. He was also too sleepy to deal with Jeno. There was no way he had enough strength to push him away.

"Why should I?" Jeno teased him, giving one last kiss to his neck.

"I have my leg between both of yours. I won't hesitate to knee your dick." Renjun mumbled, seeing how Jeno pulled away, laying his head on Renjun's shoulder. His forehead laid flat on his small shoulders, smiling brightly.

"Fine, you win." Jeno mumbled. Renjun hummed, eyes closing again. He couldn't seem to open up his eyes, but he was conscious. His hands petted Jeno's hair, staying in their comfortable position for a while.

Renjun exhaled deeply, super comfortable. The atmosphere in the room was lazy and happy. The sun was shining nicely outside and they felt a nice breeze enter the room through the windows.

"Are you awake?" Jeno whispered to him.

"Sadly. I just don't wanna move." Renjun mumbled, hugging Jeno tightly and feeling the younger hide his face in his neck.

"Okay." Jeno smiled. "We have like half an hour before our last breakfast here at camp." Jeno said.

"I'm surprised you didn't flat out say 'our last breakfast' since you're kinda dramatic." Renjun chuckled, feeling Jeno frown and plant a kiss on his neck.

"We'll have breakfast together, just not here." Jeno said, rubbing Renjun's tummy with his palm. "Maybe we'll have it at my place or your place."

"Or maybe I go to Burger Bar and eat pancakes for breakfast tomorrow." Renjun smiled, feeling Jeno's deep exhale on his skin.

"How about you don't and you can come at 11 when my shift's over and I'll take out pancakes for you." Jeno said, hearing Renjun gasp.

"You would do that for me?" Jeno felt giddy while hearing Renjun speak with that childish tone of his.

"Of course. If you love Burger Bar's food that much I can take some out for you and me so we can have a late brunch and hang out the rest of the day." Jeno knew Renjun was smiling brightly at his offer.

"Oh my gosh! Of course Jeno. I always order the same thing there." Renjun twirled around strands of Jeno's blonde hair in his finger.

"What do you order?"

"Three buttermilk pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries for breakfast. A double cheeseburger with onion rings for lunch and if it's dinner sometimes I order fried chicken with french fries and ranch."

"Damn, Junnie, you eat a lot." Jeno chuckled and Renjun smiled.

"You ain't seen nothing yet. When it comes to junk-food or like really really good food, I eat so much." Renjun furrowed his brows and looked down at his head of hair. "Did you not see how much I literally ate yesterday at the barbecue?"

"Oh I did. I just thought you were exhausted." Jeno chuckled. "Nah, exhausted is studying for midterms, functioning on three sleepless nights and three cups of coffee while practicing for the Spring Play."

"That's not a good thing, baby. This year there'll be none of that. If you look exhausted I will take you home." Jeno frowned and cupped his cheeks. "I care too much about you."

"Oh god stop it, I'm blushing like crazy." Renjun swatted away his hands and they sat up, ready to brush their teeth and go get some breakfast.

At the picnic tables, Renjun notices that Jaemin and Hyyck were missing. He furrows his eyebrows, taking a seat next to Yukhei.

"Where's Hyuck and Jaemin?" He asked, feeling a hand on his thigh that came from Jeno.

"Dunno." Yukhei shrugged. "Haven't seen them since yesterday afternoon."

"I know exactly where they are." Chenle said, picking at his nails.

"Where?" Renjun asked him, curious to know where they were.

"Making up." Jisung said, hering Chenle snort.

"More like making out." Chenle shuddered in disgust.

"Huh?" Jeno asked, just as confused as everyone.

"Yeah, they started yelling at each other last night and then suddenly they're kissing." Chenle sighed. Jeno and Renjun looked at each other, shocked at what they heard.

"You think...?" Renjun trailed off, a small gasp at the end. Chenle stared confused at them.

"I'm certain. Hyuck was being petty." Jeno nodded and Renjun's eyes widened.

"I know you guys are boyfriends and all but, you wanna tell us what you're being so cryptic about?" Chenle sighed, so done with the two of them.

"Well... I think they're dating-"

"Sorry I was fashionably late." Hyuck said, taking a seat with Jaemin following.

"You look as ugly as always but okay." Yangyang shrugged, getting a glare from Hyuck.

"That's not true, right Nana?" Hyuck asked Jaemin, getting and hum from him.

"Of course not, Channie."

"Is that what we look like?" Jeno whispered to Renjun and getting a shrug.

"Nah you guys are more tolerable. This," Jisung signaled to the two of them "Is pure chaos."

"You take that back!" Hyuck yelled at Jisung, hearing everyone laugh at the table.

"And most annoying couple of the year award goes to..." Chenle muttered under his breath.

"Spoiler alert, it's bot NoRen." Yukhei said, hearing everyone laugh at the table.

"Food's ready!" They heard Doyoung say to them and they all got up to serve themselves their breakfast.

They all ate, happily and embracing the last moments they would have at camp.

"Text me when you get home." Jeno told Renjun, placing a kiss on his lips. Renjun only goggled and nodded.

"You're really acting like we're not gonna see each other tomorrow for our date." Renjun giggled. His mom texted him she would be arriving to pick him up soon, and Jeno wanted to kiss him as much as he could.

"You better text me." Jeno sighed, getting a text from his mom.

I'm almost here honey!
You all packed up?

yup! i'm ready!

"You're not ready at all." Renjun giggled, giving him a kiss on his lips.

"You're right." Jeno chuckled. "I guess I won't be able to sleep over tonight either if I haven't met your parents."

"Were you really planning on doing that? I hope it was a joke."

"Maybe." Jeno chuckled, hearing Renjun laugh. "Either way, I have to come out to my mom first."

"Hey, you'll be fine. She accepted your brother, I know she'll accept you too." Renjun smiled. Jeno's lips twitched upwards and he placed a long and soft kiss on the latter's lips.

It was a cute and sweet moment for them. Jeno was holding his hips in place and Renjun really had to tip toe to reach his boyfriend's lips. If this was hard, he wondered how it would even work out if Jeno was as tall as Yukhei ir something.

He was glad Jeno was just above average.

"I'll miss you and we can text everyday and go on dates and-"

"Okay, Jeno." Renjun giggled at his rambling. "I'll text you everyday and we can FaceTime too."

"Good." Jeno smiled.

"Renjun!" They heard a feminine voice call out for him.

"Don't freak out, but I told my mom we were dating and she wants to see you." Renjun smiled, seeing Jeno turn pale.

"You're telling em thins now?" He sighed, grabbing Renjun's suitcase and carrying it for him. He demanded to help Renjun carry his heaviest luggage and let him have the backpack.

"Whoops." Renjun giggled, seeing Jeno roll his eyes and place a kiss on his temple.

"Mom!" Renjun yelled, waving at her with a bright smile on his face.

"Hi Renjun! How was camp?"

"Amazing." Renjun smiled, looking at Jeno. "Mom, this is my boyfriend, Jeno."

"Hi, nice to meet you, Mrs. Huang." Jeno put on his best smile and shook her hand with care.

"The pleasure's all mine, Jeno." She smiled at him. Renjun opened the trunk of their car, trying to lift up the suitcase he had.

"Hey, let me do it." Jeno said, unlatching Renjun's hands from the luggage and carrying it with ease into the trunk.

"Thanks." Renjun smiled. He saw his mom wait inside the car, giving them their space.

"I'm gonna miss you. Jeno smiled, holding both his hands.

"Me too." Renjun smiled. Jeno leaned in and pecked his lips.

"Text me when you get home. I'll see you tomorrow after my shift." Jeno smiled.

"Yeah, of course." Renjun smiled. Jeno brought him in a tight hug, placing a kiss on his forehead and letting him go afterwards.

"I love you." Jeno called out as Renjun opened the car dior. He blushed and shouted it back.

"Love ya too, Jen!" Renjun smiled. Getting inside the car, he sighs and his mom raises an eyebrow at him.

"Love him?" She said, teasingly.

"Just drive, mom." Renjun whined. She laughed and nodded, seeing Renjun look at the rear view mirror to see him still standing there.

He was sad that he couldn't spend every single morning and night with Jeno. However, now they could experience a totally normal relationship and he was excited.

"He's cute." His mom said as they began driving away.


"What? He's just really good looking and seems nice." His mom shrugged.

"You cause me embarrassment." Renjun sighed, a smile on his face.


whats wrong?

my mom likes you already lmao

well thats great
next step is meet my mom and i meet your dad

i'll text you when im home

i love you junnie
take care

of course
i love you too

"Wow you're texting him already? Renjun since when were you this clingy? I thought you were all independent."

"He's different." Renjun giggled.

"Yeah, he's way hotter than your last boyfriend."



we stan mrs. huang

omg im excited to write about their date and probably some chapters of them in school.

this book is almost ending 😔

but i already have another noren book in mind lmao 🤪

it'll have a bit more plot than this one. we stan drama in this household.

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