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I want u to be there... For a little more than always...
Part 11:
Manik and Nandini continued there talk under the tree for a little longer about all the preparations for the party.
When Nandini said,
Nandini: I can call a few of her friends whom i know today itself and then tmrw mrng I think I'll go to the temple and invite the others..
Manik: Hang on!! Go to the temple??
Nandini: I don't hv their numbers to invite them.
Manik: I don't care what u hv or not. U R NOT GOING OUT.
Nandini: but i hv to, we hv got just one day.
Manik: I don't care.
Nandini got irritated by it again and folded her hands sternly.
Nandini: Then who will invite them??
Manik: I don't know... I can go.
And the moment she heard this, all her irritation was forgotten and she started laughing out loud.
Manik: Ms. Moorthy something amusing u??
Nandini: U!! U r amusing me. Ohk tell me what are u going to talk to them.
Manik gave her a oh_just_shut_up look and Nandini stopped laughing.
Nandini: Ohk I'm sorry... But seriously what are u going to say to them and u don't even know who are her friends at the first place forget talking.... So i need to go! And admit it apart from business, u are just a beginner when it comes to talking.
Manik smiled at her and nodded slightly.
Manik: but-
Manik started to say something and moved his hand up but Nandini immediately held his hand and stopped him. She took it back down and again rested it on the ground.
Nandini: I'll be fine!!!
She patted his hand once and then left it with an assuring look. Manik was silent for a long time probably thinking about it. Nandini knew he was just very concerned and finally he said,
Manik: That i know.... I know u'll be fine... Coz I'll go with u.
Nandini: U??
Manik: Why Ms. Moorthy can't I??
Nandini: Umn... No... I mean off course.
Manik: Ohk so now that it's decided... I think it's time for ur medicine.
Nandini: Oh ya!!
Manik: But i m hungry... Let's get something to eat first.
Nandini: ohk..
Manik: Hang on.. I'll get u up!!
With this they started moving into that house, Manik pushing her wheel chair as he moved.
Nandini: sir... Fab5 is due here in half an hour.
Manik: Gud... I hv got u for 30 mins more... And then u hv to rest.
Nandini didn't say anything for the"take rest" part as her heart recovered from the "I hv got u" part.
About two hours later, in the Music room mukti said,
Mukti: Ohk enough guys i need a break plz...
Cabir: Yeah and I need Nandini...
Listening her name Manik immediately looked up at cabir and aliya asked,
Aliya: Nandini??
Cabir: God, i m hungry aliya.... Manik why hasn't Nandini interuppted us even once today?? I miss her perfect timing for food.
All of them laughed at it and mukti beated cabir,
Manik: Ms. Moorthy is out of field work for the next 10 days.... She fell off a number of stairs yesterday and has managed to get her bones cracked. She is on bed rest for a few days. Just as he said this, they heard a knock on the door,
Manik walked ahead and opened the door to see a servant standing there. Manik never liked anyone interrupting his practice and so he snapped at the servant,
Manik: What???
Servant: Sir.... Nandini madam ordered to get something to eat for u all.
Manik's expression immediately softened listening to her name and he said,
Manik: Keep it on the table and leave.
As the servant entered, cabir said
Cabir: And she still is somewhere there... A bit out of field but still on duty.
With this he bounced on the food and the others pitched in one by one. Manik picked up his phone and typed a msg,
"I m assuming u did rest before getting up and again worrying about things like our hunger breaks.... "
He picked up a sandwich for himself and took a bite as his phone vibrated with a reply,
"I m following all ur orders sir.... I m still in bed for all u could ask me to and yes i did take an hour's nap.
Ps: I hv a doubt!! "
Manik immediately left his sandwich at a side and replied,
Manik: Good to know u r following my orders.
Ps: and that is??
Nandini: How should I ever get to know when there is my friend and when there is my boss while I'm talking to you or texting u??
Manik smiled at it and again replied,
Manik: Can't ur boss only be ur friend?? Or does it has to be two different ppl ??
Nandini: Being two ppl would not necessary if the boss could manage to get a few snaps, a few answers as no and a number of tantrums... 😂😂
Manik: Well I might want to carry on with this discussion in detail later when we talk in person.. If u don't mind that is.
Nandini: Not until u are not in a mood to go back to being a strict boss that hated me.
Manik: I don't really see myself back there again any time soon... So chill!!
Ps- I never hated u Ms. Moorthy!!
As Manik hit the send button he looked up to see all his friends staring at him,
Manik: What guys??
Cabir: Is everything ohk manik?? Do u need to tell us something?
Manik: Yeah.. All is good and what will i want to tell u guys..
Mukti: I don't know... Maybe to start with the name of the person u r msging with
Manik: Oh this... Nothing it was just some work msg!
Cabir: Come on Manik... Don't even try lie to us!! No one smiles the way u were smiling 5 mins back after seeing a work msg.
Manik: Smile... No way!!
Aliya: ohk then... Show us ur phone!!
Manik: NO.. No way... Guys what!! Why are u acting like teenagers??
Cabir: Teenagers?? We?? I don't think we are the one who is smiling while texting to anyone just simply.
Aliya: Yeah seriously Manik... What's cooking??
Manik: Nothing.. Now if u all are done plz change the topic.
They all practiced for a little longer and then wrapped it off for the day. All of them walked down the stairs together when Manik saw Simi walking out of Nandini's room.
Manik: Simi!!
Simi: yes sir..
Manik: Ms Moorthy?? Still in bed?
Simi: Yes sir... Though working on something!
Manik: Ohk u can go...
As she walked away, Mukti asked,
Mukti: Does this girl always keep on working??
Manik:Don't ask!! She ordered a wheel chair for herself this morning so that she could move to the office anytime she wishes and work a bit.
Cabir: I always told u she was something!!
Manik: I think she is much more than that...
Manik whispered which was heard by no one but Cabir, he was shocked to hear that from him but he preffered not to mention it in front of the others. He could see Manik stealing a glance at the other end of the house, so he decided to set him free.
Cabir: I think we should get going...
Aliya: Yeah...
Cabir: Chal Manik... Bye..
Manik smiled at them and soon they left. Finally Manik made his way back in and walked straight to Nandini's room.
He knocked at her door and Nandini said,
Nandini: Yes...
Manik opened the door and Nandini looked up.
Nandini: Sir...
Manik: Hello Ms. Moorthy... How are u feeling??
Nandini: Much better.. Thank you.!!
Manik moved in and Nandini cleared the bed from the files as bit to make space for him.
Manik: What are u working on??
Nandini: Sir... U hv a meeting with the finance team tmrw mrng...
Manik: Ohh!!
Nandini: Since u said that u would be going to the temple with me, i hv scheduled ur meeting at noon. Is that fine??
Manik: Plan the entire day as u always do Ms. Moorthy!! I m up for it..
Nandini smiled at it and asked,
Nandini: Ur practice sir??
Manik: Went quite good until cabir started missing u for ur food timings!!
As Nandini heard this she immediately let out a giggle,
Nandini: oh sorry sir!!
Manik smiled at her and then continued,
Manik: Though u never disappoint Ms. Moorthy.....
Nandini smiled at her and then said,
Nandini: Do u want a brief on the meeting sir??
Manik: Yes but maybe later, right now i would like to hv a serious discussion with u.
Nandini: Discussion??
Manik: Yes one in regards with ur msg to me dated today about an hour back.
Nandini smiled at it and looked down as Manik picked out his phone.
Nandini's text: Being two ppl would not necessary if the boss could manage to get a few snaps, a few answers as no and a number of tantrums... 😂😂
Manik: Ohk Ms. Moorthy... But before this once again... I never hated u!!
Nandini looked at him and found a sincere concern on his face.
Nandini: I -
Manik: Its ohk Ms. Moorthy... It must be me who made u think so...
Nandini: I don't..... I was just kidding!!
Manik smiled at her and then said,
Manik: Ohk so back to the topic... A few snaps!! Like the one this afternoon... Accepted my friend..
Nandini giggled listening to him and manik smirked.
Manik: I know i need those!! Ohk next... A few answers as a no!! Like ??
Nandini: Like ur senseless commands...
Manik: Senseless commands... Really??
Nandini: Uh huh... Don't u agree Mr. malhotra!!
Manik: U r mighty clever Ms. Moorthy... I hope these doesn't include any official ones.
Nandini: Ohh no no.. I don't think so at all sir... I never doubt any of ur official commands ever.
Manik: I respect that fact totally Ms. Moorthy... So the last one now- a number of tantrums.... Now whats that??
Nandini: That is the last but the most important one...
Manik: How is that??
Nandini: Now thats something u will hv to experience urself sir... Tantrums of a friend is not something u r new to.
Manik: Ohh thats true... But girls show those more and cabir n dhruv handle mukti- aliya well... I don't think i m well used to it.
Nandini: Ohh then this is gonna be fun...
Manik: Ohk then now that its confirmed... Welcome to my world "friend"!! Today we become just friends... Whether we r working or not.
Nandini: Ohh thank u so much "friend"!!

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