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I want u to be there... For a little more than always!!
Part 24:
As the bottle was rotated again this time the target was cabir.

Cabir: Ohk so truth...

Manik: Arey yr.. Ab isse kya puche!! Kabhi serious hua h kya ye aaj tk...

Cabir: Umm... Guys, i hv something to tell u all. I mean, i wanted to tell this to u from do long but then i just couldn't get a chance and it was left out-

Aliya: Hang on cabir... Come to the point directly!! U being serious scares me...

Manik: Yeah bro what's it??

Cabir: Actually guys i... Last week I kinda... I kinda proposed to Navya.

Mukti: What??

Cabir: Annnd she said yes....

"OMG!!" came a loud noise and within the next second all of them threw themselves over cabir.

The entire room got filled with happiness and Nandini heard Cabir shout.
Cabir: Get off me ppl... U'll choke me to death...

Well time was some sneak peek, so Navya is a leading journalist, who initially hated fab5 due to their famous attitude. Fab5 knew how to handle media but Navya also knew how to block their way each and every time. Over time Nandini and Navya had become gr8 friends as Nandini would step up in between Fab5 and Navya whenever the situation went out of hand. If it was up to Navya, she would hv parted her way from them long back, but Nandini then handed over the official advertisement of Fab5 to her. And Navya couldn't just refuse her sweet friend.

Although with time, navya understood Fab5 and she didn't hv any problem with it.

All of them heard Cabir shouting and got up when Manik said,
Manik: U jerk... Why didn't u tell us??

Cabir: Manik u know na.. last week it had been busy so i just-

Manik: Oh not this ... Why didn't u ever mention that u hv feelings for her?

Cabir: Let's just say maybe i was waiting to know whether she reciprocates my feelings towards her.

Manik: Man.. i m so happy for u!!

Aliya: That calls for a double celebration.

Mukti: Absolutely!! Come on guys lets plan a trip. Lets just go out somewhere, all of us and we'll invite Navya as well. After all its time for us to bond with her as well.

Dhruv: I m in!!

Cabir: Ohk then so am I.

Manik: Umm... I m really sry guys!! I hv this really important meeting in Lonavala day after tmrw and i can't miss it.

Aliya: No problem Manik... It's perfect actually, u go down over there attend ur meeting and then we all will join u the next day mrng!! We'll spend 2-3 days out there and enjoy. What's say??

Mukti: Sounds perfect!!

With this mukti again hugged cabir and said,
Mukti: God i m so happy!!

As mukti broke the hug she turned around and saw Nandini smiling at all of them and said,
Mukti: And Nandini before u say anything, I m telling u that u r coming along with us and thats final!!

Nandini: But-

Cabir: No if's and but's allowed over here baby... U r coming!!

They all sat down again when Manik got an important call from someone and he excused himself out.
And with Cabir's truth, the game ended and now Aliya was telling Nandini about hers and dhruv's love story. About how they became friends to lovers.

After about 15 minutes, Manik was about to enter the room when he heard Mukti say,
Mukti: Ohk.. so Nandini... U tell me, what do u feel about relationships?? About love??

And that made him stop on his tracks he just stood there and peeked into the room to listen to her answer.

Nandini: Me... Um, When it comes to relationships, i truly feel like... Um Wholeness can come from brokenness. We can find Love in the most strange places... That we didn't expect. And I think thats the beauty in love, thats the beauty in connecting with the other person. Who we feel can be The One for us. Love, what i feel is connecting to that person through..... our hurt, through our growth and through the struggle...!!

Nandini was so lost in her own thought that she didn't even realise what all she kept on saying. It was an answer right through her heart, without any filter and it portrayed her feelings clearly.
But the moment she realised her place and company, all she wanted to was to run away from there. She was glad that at least Manik wasn't there to listen to her and she said,

Nandini: I m so sorry guys!! I m a bit tired, can i plz rest. I'll like to call it a day now...

Everyone could see that it was some other reason, something else due do which Nandini wanted to go away. They wanted to ask her, but then they knew they weren't that close to her for her to share the pain that was clearly visible in her eyes.

But one heart shrinked to see that. And that was our one and only Manik Malhotra. The Nandini that they all knew was a sweet, joyful person, who had a heart of gold. None of them ever noticed the pain in her, but then no one actually talked to her that much. She was always busy in her work, probably to hide that pain or maybe even trying to forget it. Just then Nandini said slowly,

Nandini: Umm... Cabir! Can u plz help me to my room??
Cabir looked up at her, when he noticed Manik standing at the door. Manik blinked his eyes, telling him to go on, when Cabir shouted excitedly,

Cabir: Yes... Yes!! I knew it... See mukti I knew it....

All of them looked at him confused when he continued,
Cabir: I always knew u loved me Nandini. And i love u too!! Believe me...

Mukti: Oyee joker when did she say that!!

Cabir: Muku baby... Love doesn't need words. It can seen by actions. Thats why Nandini picked me over dhruv to drop her to her room.

All of them burst out laughing at him including Nandini. And for the first time Manik was thankful to Cabir's PJs as it made his girl laugh.

Nandini: Cabir.... Didn't u just express ur love towards one of my bestest frndz about half an hour back.

And that made everyone laugh out even more louder while Cabir made a puppy face.
Cabir: Yaar... Relationship me aane ke baad koi flirt bhi krne nhi deta thik se!!!

Mukti: Idiot... Above everyone... U chose ur girlfriend's best friend to flirt with.

Chucking it aside Cabir picked up Nandini and moved out while Manik was hidden behind the wall next to the room.

As cabir went away Manik entered the room when Mukti said,

Mukti: Manik woh Nandini-

Manik: Yeah i know!! I heard everything....

Aliya: But what happened to her suddenly?

Manik: I don't hv any idea... I never knew she has so much pain hidden inside her.

Dhruv: Don't worry buddy... I think its something inside her that she is trying to hide. But i m sure, once she gets closer to u, she will definitely confide in u and i m sure u'll help her come out of it.

Manik looked at Dhruv and then turned towards Mukti, who smiled at it and simply said,
Mukti: These love birds knew it even before me or Cabir even realised.

Manik smiled at it slightly when aliya stood up.
Aliya: Chill guys... I m sure things will be alright. We'll make them alright. Thats what we always do, after all we r Fab5. I m sure this trip with Nandini is gonna help us know her better.

Mukti: Yeah... Come on guys!! Group hug...

All of them stood up when they realised Cabir missing.
Dhruv: where is cabir??

Cabir: Here I m ppl!!
And with this they got into their special group hug. They continued their celebration for a few hours more after which dhruliya left while cabir and mukti were too drunk to go, so manik somehow settled them in spare rooms and he himself moved downstairs. He first peeped into Dadi's room to see she was fine and then slowly moved towards Nandini's room. He slowly opened up the door to see Nandini too sleeping. He couldn't help but enter the room and move closer towards her. He caressed her face and slowly kissed her forehead when he noticed dried tears on her cheek. And he knew she had cried herself out to sleep.

She was just too strong to break up in front of anyone, but she too felt weak sometimes in alone and he wanted to change that.

After spending some time staring at her angelic face, Manik walked back up to his room and fell asleep.

The next mrng, Nandini was out in the garden watering the plants as the gardener worked on the other side, he heard Manik's voice.

Manik: Now this makes it a perfect mrng!!

Nandini smiled at it and turned towards him.
Nandini: Good mrng Manik...

Manik: Good mrng!!

Nandini: What were u saying?? What makes it a perfect mrng??

Manik: U knw... A beautiful sunrise, when a beautiful lady.... What else could i wish for early mrng??

Nandini blushed at it but then asked,
Nandini: Manik Are u trying to flirt with me??

Manik: I m Nandini.... As i said, what else could i wish for early mrng!!

Nandini giggled at his direct answer and said,
Nandini: Btw Mr. Malhotra!! Don't u think that these days u hv been very lazy.

Manik: Lazy and me??

Nandini: Yes of course, I mean from the day ur secretary has been on leave. U too hv started neglecting work. See its already time for u to get ready and here u r flirting with me openly. Don't u hv to prepare for ur important meeting tmrw...

Manik: Ohh freak.... I forgot!! I need to go bye...
Saying so Manik turned around and rushed towards the mansion while Nandini turned towards the plants again when she felt a hot breadth at the back of her ear.

Manik: And just bcoz u pointed it out. Yes, i too feel i hv started neglecting work after all my personal inspiration for work is not there in front of me in office these days. Now how can u expect a man to work when both his mind and heart are after someone else.

Nandini blushed to the darkest shade of red at this while Manik had already rushed inside to get ready. Nandini to moved inside after a few minutes. She first gave Dadi her medicines and then was instructing simi for the breakfast when she heard Mukti's voice.

Mukti: God... My head!!

And at the same time, cabir too moved out of his room holding his head.
Mukti: Cabir yr... My head is spinning!!

Cabir: Same here Mukti...

Both of them moved down the stairs to see a smiling Nandini.
Nandini: Good morning guys!!
Cabir: There can be nothing good about this morning Nandini. I m not even able to stand properly.

Saying so both of them dumped their asses on the sofas still holding their heads.

Manik: Good morning evil twins....

Mukti: Manik yr... Talk slowly! Or my head will burst.

Manik laughed at it when he heard Nandini's voice,
Nandini: Here.... Guys hv this lime water maybe this can help u.

Cabir: Nandini... U r a saviour.
On her cue, simi walked out and served them the lime water. While moving in Simi said to Nandini

Simi: The breakfast is ready Ma'am.

And 10 minutes later, all of them were sitting on the dining table with Dadi. Dadi noticed Mukti and Cabir holding their heads and smiled,

Dadi: Hangover???

Both of them have her a guilty look when she said,
Dadi: Nandu gives an amazing head massage... I m sure u'll be alright if u try.

While this was news for Manik, cabir immediately grabbed the chance.
Cabir: Nandini.... U gotta help me!!

Nandini smiled at him and simply nodded when Mukti said,
Mukti: Me too!!

They continued their breakfast in silence after which Dadi moved to her room and Mukbir agreed for their massage after Manik leaves.
As Manik moved up to his room to get his stuff, nandini too went to her office and came out to see Manik sitting in the living room with Mukti and Cabir waiting for her. She moved her chair to his side and then said,

Nandini: Manik...

Manik: Ohh haan..
And as she got his full attention, she was back to work.

Nandini: Ohk so this is the file for ur meeting with the investers today. It is gonna be mostly informal, just about the growth status and all. I hv asked shubham to be accompanying u to get that covered. Other than that, I hv a meeting with my team in two hours, after which we'll be ready-

Manik: Woah woah... What?? Didn't I tell u that u r not joining office.

Nandini: Yeah i know so i hv arranged the meeting over here. In the out house.

Manik: Nandini... I don't want to keep u out of office, i want to keep u out of work. Can't u simply take rest for a few days.

Nandini: Come on Manik... I m taking rest almost all day at least let me work this much. And moreover this deal is very important for the company.

Manik: But-

Nandini: I m fine Manik... An hour's meeting won't do any wrong to me. And plus, now that i m coming to Lonavala, then its good na that i get the work done like i usually do. What's the problem in me attending that meeting when i m already there.

Manik: Hang on!! U want to meet ur team today for about an hour go on with that. But u r not gonna attend the meeting with me tmrw, that meeting is gonna stretch upto 4-5 hours.

Nandini gave him a pleading look but she knew Manik was not gonna agree so she murmmered,

Nandini: Fine... Monster Manik!!

Manik(smirking): I heard that..

Nandini: Good u did.
Nandini said back at which Manik smirked again while Mukti and Cabir couldn't control their smiles seeing them fighting like this for each other. When Nandini pulled up her last try,

Nandini: Now that i m not attending the meeting then why should i even come with u. I'll come there the next day with Fab5.

And the look on Manik's face was tremendous. Mukti burst out laughing at it while Cabir supported Nandini.

Cabir: Yeah... We'll get Nandini with us. U go tmrw itself manik.

Manik: Noo.... Nandini!! U r coming with me, I'll need u to brief me about the meeting before it starts.

Nandini: I'll ask someone frm my team for that.

And this time she heard a stern command,
Manik: U r coming with me... And that's final!!!

Nandini made a bad face at this and continued,
Nandini: Anyways...
She continued with a little more work related talks and soon finished.

Manik: Hmn thanks...

Nandini: I think u r getting late.
Manik nodded at her and got up to leave, he knew she was mad at him again. So he reached the door and shouted back,
Manik: Bye guys...

Mukbir: Bye!!
Mukbir replied with their backs facing him but as he expected Nandini turned to look at him only to get a wink and a fly kiss from his side. Within a microsecond, her anger flew away as her cheeks heated up and she blushed at him.

Manik smiled looking at her turning red and soon he was out of the house.

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