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I Need U To Be There.... For a little more than Always!!
Part 39:
The next day, Manik and Nandini woke up early and left for office. They moved towards their individual cabins and started working. About two to three hours later, Nandini received a call on her landline.

Nandini: Hello!! Malhotra Group of Industries....

Person: Hello... I would like to speak to Mr. Manik Malhotra!!

Nandini: This is Nandini Moorthy speaking, his secretary.... May I know who r u??

Person: Oh yes, Ms. Moorthy!! I hv Prakash Singhania...

Nandini: Good afternoon Mr. Singhania!! Can u plz hold on a sec, I'll transfer ur call to Mr. Malhotra!!

Person: Sure....

Nandini called on Manik's cabin and he picked up,
Manik: Hello!!

Nandini: Manik... I hv Mr. Singhania for u on line... He wants to speak to u.

Manik: Yeah connect him.

The call got connected, while Nandini got back to her work. A few minutes later, Manik called her in his cabin.

Nandini: Yes Manik....
She said as she entered the room.

Manik: U'll hv to cancel to the practice tonight... We hv to attend a party!

Nandini: Ok.... I'll call Fab 5 and inform them but...
Suddenly she realised something and stopped.

Nandini: Manik... Party??

She then noticed him properly and found his favorite smirk on his face. He gave her a sheepish smile and said,
Manik: I m being awarded as the best business man of the year.

Nandini heard him and smiled to her broadest, as she moved closer and jumped in his arms.

Manik stumbled on his steps, on her sudden attack but then he rested his back on the table as he held her protectively.

Nandini: I m so so so Happy Manik..... Congratulations!!! I Can't tell u I m so damn happy....

Manik: 😂😂😂 I can see that!!

Nandini broke the hug and looked at him shocked,
Nandini: Aren't u excited??

Saying so she again hugged him when Manik said,
Manik: I guess... I was, but seeing ur excitement.. mine stands no where!!

Nandini finally broke the hug and gave him a I_dont_care look when Manik continued,

Manik: Ohk, so as I was saying... We hv to go to the party tonight!!

Nandini: We??

Manik: Yes... U n me!!

Nandini: But Manik... I never go to parties with u.

Manik: So what?? Everything has a beginning.

Nandini: But manik.. People are going to be there, media will be there...

Manik kept his hands over his shoulders and calmed her down.
Manik: Nandini... U handle Media for me, why can't u be in front of them.

Nandini: Manik... I m ur secretary!! That's my job. U stay in the limelight and I cover u up.

Manik: What if I say that I need to change that??
Nandini heard him shocked and moved away removing his hand from her shoulder,
Nandini: I m sorry... I can't!!

She was about to leave his cabin when she heard his voice,
Manik: I m being awarded as the best business man of the year for the first time ever. I want U to be there by my side.

Nandini heard him and stopped immediately, happy tears started flowing down her cheeks. She turned around and moved closer to him, cupping his cheek,

Nandini: I will be there... As I always am!! The only change is that I won't enter the venue with u. We'll go together, but won't enter together. And in the party, I would be by ur side as ur secretary for the entire world.

Manik was about to say something when she again stopped him and asked excitedly,
Nandini: Did u tell everyone... Dadi, Fab5... And uncle, he is gonna be so proud...

Manik: I told u before everyone.

Nandini again got shut listening to him and kissed his cheek in happiness.
Nandini: Now I'll shout it to everyone....

And within a minute, she was sitting on the couch already talking to Dadi. She finished her informing session and passed her phone to him as he talked to his parents and Dadi. While on the other hand, Nandini took up his mobile from his table. Manik asked her not to but as if she would listen and by the time Manik disconnected the call with his family. All his friends were already on a conference call including Navya ready to congratulate him.

Manik smiled looking at Nandini's face, clearly filled with Happiness. When she ordered some stuff and moved out telling him to come downstairs to the office canteen in the next 10 minutes after finishing off the call.

Saying so she was out of the room, while Manik talked to their friends. As the call got over, Manik saw the time and moved out in 10 mins as she said. He reached the 10th floor,i.e., canteen when he heard her voice on the mic.

Nandini: Come on everyone... Be quick!! I want u all to drop whatever u r doing and assemble in the canteen immediately.

To his surprise already almost all the employees were present there and the rest were rushing in listening to Nandini's orders. Nandini saw him approaching towards her and said,

Nandini: So ladies and gentlemen.... Welcome our respected CEO... Mr. Manik Malhotra!! Who has been selected for the most prestigious award of this Industry, the Businessman of The Year!!

The entire crowd erupted into an applause while Manik walked towards the center in his signature style. He took up the mic from her and said,
Manik: Well thanks a lot Nandini was this not so necessary acknowledgement...(laughing employees) But on a serious note, guys... This is all because of each and every employee working in this office. So a big congratulations to each one of u for this. And yes, the canteen is on the house for everyone today!!

Everyone clapped again while a few senior officials congratulated manik.

Later that evening, Manik and nandini were leaving the office when he noticed the staff members all carrying similar looking boxes.
They got into the car and Manik asked,
Manik: What r these boxes that all the employees are carrying??

Nandini: Nothing... Just sweets!!
Manik: Sweets?? From?
Nandini: Me!!
Manik: Nandini... What was the need, it-

Before he could say further Nandini held his hand and said,
Nandini: Manik.... This is my only family!! U r my family... This is the only place where I can spend the fortune that I earn from my job. Let me celebrate the success of someone who matters this much to me....

Manik smiled at her as he knew this was the end of the topic.

Later that evening, Manik and Nandini were on their way to the party. When Manik whispered to her,

Manik: U look breathtakingly beautiful tonight.

Nandini blushed at his comment and looked ahead towards the driver while Manik entwined his fingers with hers. Soon they reached the venue and Manik noticed media waiting for them at the entrance itself.

He felt Nandini's grip on his hand tighten and turned to look at her smiling face,
Nandini: Its ur show Today Manik.... Go kill it!! I want u to cherish this day all ur life...

He smiled at her happiness and was about to say something when she said again,
Nandini: I'll see u in 10 minutes inside.... U get down here for the media, l'll take the entrance through the parking lot.

He nodded at her and got down as the media surrounded him and his security team took over, again something on Nandini's insistence. She couldn't just let the security lack anywhere.

Well, these flashes and snaps weren't new for him in any way. But all this around, for Manik Malhotra the businessman was new. He has always been in limelight for Music, and in that case always accompanied by Fab5. This was for the first time, solely for him alone. And not even a single soul present around him knew that there is one person responsible for making him reach here and she has herself pushed him here and taken up the back door.

It's said, behind every successful man is a woman.... Well, it was exactly the truth in his case. Nandini had entered in his life, when he had just started his business career and music was long left behind. And not only did she got Music back in his life, she also helped him equally all throughout his business journey.

Manik posed for a few cameras and entered the venue. The Rockstar within him was used to having all the eyes on himself, as he walked with full confidence through the crowd. Meeting the important people on his way and talking.

Just when, he was about to look around for her, he heard her whisper.
Nandini: Just by ur side... As I promised!!

Manik turned around with a smile and there she was.
Mr. Singhania: Manik.... Hello!! Finally u r here...

Manik greeted him and the other ppl with him while Nandini stood by his side.
Mr. Singhania: Hello Ms. Moorthy... U r looking fabulous!!

Nandini: Good evening Mr. Singhania... And thank u for the compliment.

The party went on and Nandini excused herself with another set of people while Manik stayed with Mr. Singhania, though she could feel his constant gaze on her, making her blush everytime their eyes met.

Host: Ladies and gentlemen... I would like to request u all to take ur seats.

With this announcement, they got to their table and Nandini sat right next to Manik and 6 other business men and women. The award for Manik was announced. The entire place was filled with claps while Nandini simply pressed Manik's hand under the table and that was it for Manik. He got up and walked up towards the stage closing the button of his blazer and his signature smirk on his face.

He received his award and gave away a formal cut short speech with nothing special as such. He was about to get down, when suddenly the reporters stopped him saying,

"Mr. Malhotra..... As u r known, ur speech too showed ur attitude of not moving around the bush. But one thing that I think everyone present here would want to know... Whom do u dedicate this to??"

Everyone hooted at this question while Manik smiled broadly and took the mike back.

Reporter: So... Mr. Malhotra according to u who r the three most important ppl in ur life to whom u would like to dedicate this award to.

Manik: Three!!! I m very sorry to disappoint u all but I must say I m lucky enough that I hv more than three ppl who are equally important in my life. I just can't point out who is above whom. But still to answer ur question....

The first would be my family, i.e. mom, dad n dadi... To hv made me capable of standing here!! And so that i can call my old man today and say proudly that i m at the place where u once stood and i hv this place much before u.

The crowd laughed out loud at it and no one but Nandini knew how proud Raj would actually be at that particular moment.

Manik: Then comes Fab5, as everyone knows... My friends, for supporting me through everything. And.... Last but not the least, to my Shining Star!!

The moment he said this, Nandini's smile changed into a shock. Yes, he called her as his shining star sometimes but this was something which she never expected. Manik looked straight at her and continued his words,

Manik: To my Shining star, for being there by my side always.... Right from the time, when I was just Raj Malhotra's son and not Manik Malhotra, the businessman or Manik Malhotra, the Rockstar.... And for never giving up on me, even when I had almost given up on myself. Thats it...

But before he could step out another reporter asked,
"Sir, who is this person... Who is ur shining star??"

Manik: Well I would hv definitely told u her name but if u want to see me alive till tmrw mrng then better leave that!!

"So then, can all ur beloved fans believe that she is ur secret girlfriend!!"
Manik heard him saying secret girlfriend and laughed whole heartedly,

Manik: Actually u know what!! Thanks a lot for that question... So now I guess its time for me to ask her... U only tell me madam, Are u my secret girlfriend??

Nandini blushed hard listening to him while Manik excused himself from the press and took his seat.

Manik gave her a naughty smile when nandini slowly bent forward and whispered,
Nandini: Seriously Manik... U were having fun at my cost that too with the media!! Seriously!!!

Manik: Manik... I want u to cherish this night all ur life!!
Manik said mimicking her at which she could do nothing but smile giving him a I_will_see_u_later look.


Ohk so guys... Thats it for today!! Hope u all liked this update. Do vote and comment ur views!!!! And yes, its March 11... Happy birthday Pikachu😍😍😍😍😍

Check new manan story written by stuti on my inkitt profile stories with Purna /purnachatterjee

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