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I need u to be there.... For a little more than Always!!
Part 55:
It was finally the time when Dhruv and Aliya were taking the 7 vows around the holy fire, promising to be with each other all their lives no matter what the future held in store. Promising to protect each other.... To shower their love over each other through all the ups and downs of life..... Promising to hold each other strong in every situation..... To fight all their problems together.... To respect each other forever..... Promising to serve each other till their last breath.....

Not just the bride-groom but all the people present their could feel the strength of this holy bonding that god creates on ones marriage. All their friends stood their admiring them together. The positivity created could not be attained in any other way.

And finally the pandit announced them to be husband and wife, when Nandini looked at her side to see Manik too looking at her. Both of them smiled at each other as Manik took her in a side hug.

The couple moved towards the elders and took their blessings. After which they reached their friends and got into an amazing group hug.

"Congratulations guys....."
They all shouted together.

Everyone present there admired the amazing bond of friendship. Soon they crowd dispersed and they got back to their rooms to rest and freshen up before leaving.

Nandini entered her room totally exhausted and she somehow managed to change and then went straight to bed. Manik entered her room a few minute later, to see her lying on the bed with her eyes closed. He stood there admiring her and then slid next to her. Nandini immediately moved closer to him and hugged him resting her head over his chest,

Nandini: What took u so long?? I couldn't sleep, I was waiting for u!!!
Nandini said slowly with a pout as she opened her eyes slightly.

Manik smiled at her cuteness and said sorry slowly. She snuggled closer to him and soon he felt her breathing get slower as she fell asleep in his arms. Manik smiled again as he too slept.

About two hours later, Manik's sleep was disturbed by Nandini's phone. He stretched his arm to the side table and pick it up to see an alarm ringing. He switched it off and looked to his side to see Nandini still in deep sleep. He decided to let her rest for some time and slowly got out of the bed.

Nandini was deep in her sleep when someone shaked her vigorously,
Nandini: Mani.... Plz!! Thodi der....

Mukti: Nandini get up!!! Everyone is waiting, we hv our flight back.
Mukti said loudly shaking her again. Nandini got up irritated by her and somehow freshened up. Half an hour later, all of them were standing outside the palace ready to leave when Nandini walked out still feeling sleepy.

Dadi: Nandu... What happened??

Nandini: Dadi meko sona h.... Dekho na, koi mujhe achche se sone bhi nhi de rha!!
She complained with her eyes partially opened making everyone giggle at her childishness while one pair of eyes kept admiring her.

Dadi: Beta... We hv to leave na!!

Nandini: Hmn...
Nandini said slowly as she held a pillar and closed her eyes resting over it.

Everyone settled down in the car, when finally manik dragged Nandini to sit in, when she finally remembered her work.

Nandini: Mani... The management team!!! I need to meet the head.

Manik: Nandini... Leave it, u can handle things later as well!!

Nandini: No... Work comes first!!
Nandini immediately ordered the bell boy to call the required person. Soon he came running outside as Nandini got down the car and talked to him instructing him regarding the entire team. As she finished she got into the car and they left for the airport. Soon they boarded the flight and Manik took his seat next to Nandini, to find her resting her head on the other side with her eyes closed.

He smiled at her and tied her seat belt for the take off. Soon after the take off he untied her seat belt while Nandini rested her head on his shoulder and whispered,
Nandini: Good night Mani....

Manik smiled at her and kissed her forehead while she slept peacefully in his arms.

The bright sun rays disturbed Nandini's sleep making her open her eyes to the most beautiful scene in front of her. She smiled at it as Manik snuggled more closer into her hair to avoid the sun rays. She looked around to find herself in his room, when she realised that she had slept all through the last day and night as well.

Nandini somehow got out of his grip and closed the curtains to make him comfortable. While she moved out of his room to get ready soon.

Sometime later, Manik got ready for office and moved downstairs to find the house entirely silent. He checked Nandini's room to find it empty and then asked the servant.
Manik: Simi... Where are Nandini and Dadi???

Simi: Sir Dadi has just taken her medicines and gone to rest. And Nandini ma'am has already left for office 2 hours back.

Manik: 2 hours back!!! But why didn't anyone wake me up??

Simi: Sir Nandini ma'am only asked us not to disturb u!!

Manik nodded his head in disbelief and soon left for office after hving his breakfast and checking on Dadi. He reached the office to find the entire staff running here and there working their asses off and smirked knowing that it was all Nandini's effect.

He went up to their floor and found her cabin empty again.
Manik: Where is this is girl since the morning!!!

He moved to his cabin and found two files kept on the table by Nandini, he read through them and started the work. A few minutes later, the door flung open and there she stood with an amazing smile on her face and a cup of tea.

Nandini: Good morning Mr. Malhotra!!

Manik smiled at her and was mesmerised to see her looking as beautiful as ever while her glowing face made her look more beautiful.

Manik: Morning Miss. Moorthy!!! What's up.... U r glowing this morning....

Nandini: Yes Sir!!! The credit goes to my boyfriend, he pampered me a lot yesterday and I had a refreshing long sleep last night....
Nandini said keeping his tea in front of him as she walked round the table and stood next to him.

Manik: Ohh... Is he that good??

Nandini: He is the best!!

Manik: But u know I don't think I can say the same about my girl friend. See she is missing since morning, and didn't even hug me a proper good morning.

Nandini: Ohh... Is she that bad??
Nandini said in the same tone as he did. Manik hid his smile and made a puppy face. Nandini smiled at her and the next second he found her sitting on his laps as she kissed his cheeks hard.

Nandini: U r soo cute!!

Manik smiled at her and wrapped his one arm around her waist making her comfortable. He moved his free arm along the length of her bare legs as he said in a husky voice,
Manik: Cute.... Hmn!! So is that the only thing u see in me... Am I just Cute...

Nandini shivered at his touch and held onto him tighter.
Manik: Say Nandini....

Nandini gathered herself together and sprang up his lap as she said,
Nandini: Well all that is for me to know.... U should just remember that we r in the office and thus, u need to behave.

Manik: And the workaholic Nandu is back!!

Nandini: Well I just came to inform u that we hv a meeting with the investors for the hospital project at 2 this afternoon. It's just a periodic meeting, so I kept it today. Rest of the pending meetings we'll take up from tmrw as we hv the reception tonight.

Manik: Hmn...

Nandini: For now I m going downstairs, and these are the files that need ur opinions.

Manik: Ohk!!

Soon they both got back to work and the day passed in a blink of an eye. Soon they were back home while Nandini was busy on the call to check onto the arrangements for the reception. As she disconnected the call she turned towards Manik.

Nandini: Manik listen... I m getting ready and leaving early to check on everything. U come later with Fab5.

Manik: What.... No!! U will get in there with me...

Nandini: Manik.... This event is gonna be covered by media, so it will be better if we get in separately. Vese bhi Mukti is there na, u can come with her. Cabir is getting Navya.

Manik walked closer to her and held her hands as he said softly,
Manik: Nandini.... I want the world to know about us!! There is nothing here that I want to hide, coz there is nothing wrong here!!

Nandini: Manik, I know u don't want to hide this.... But plz understand!!

Manik looked at her with a confused expression, not becoz of her words but bcoz of the sudden stiffness in her body. He could see that she was nervous about whatever she was saying when she finally continued,

Nandini: Mani.... Its me who wants to hide it and I m not saying this just like that. I hv a really very important reason to hide this from the world. Plz just gimme some time, I know I m being too stubborn about all of this. I had thought to talk to u right after this wedding, but now I think I would hv to wait for a few more days for this International concert to get over.

Manik: Hey... Relax!! Don't be so nervous.... I know u want to tell me whatever it is, and I m ready to wait for it for as long as u want to. And remember one thing, whatever may it be..... It was ur Past, and it is not gonna effect Us and our Future in any way.

Nandini smiled at him and hugged him tight while Manik wrapped his arms around her as if hiding her from the entire world, and protecting her in himself. Both of them stayed like that for a long time lost in their own world until they were disturbed by the noise of Nandini's phone.

They broke the hug and Nandini got back to see it was a call from the venue she attended the call while Manik still held her hand. As soon as she disconnected the call Manik again cupped her face as he said,
Manik: I want u right next to me the moment I get in!! Is that clear??

Nandini smiled at him and kissed his check.
Nandini: Yes sir!!

Manik was about to say something ahead when Nandini phone again rang,
Manik: I m gonna throw away this phone some day...

Nandini giggled and looked at the phone to see Abhi calling, she immediately picked up and said excitedly,
Nandini: Abhi!!

Abhi: Hello kiddo.... Whats up??

Nandini: Nothing we were just about to get ready for the reception party.

Abhi: Nyc... But tell me when r u meeting me, I m back!!

Nandini: Wow u r back...

Manik smiled at her excitement and patted on her shoulder. Nandini turned around to ask him what, when he asked her to give him the phone.

Nandini: Umn... Abhi, Manik wants to talk to u!!
Abhi: Ohh sure...

Nandini handed over the phone to manik who greeted abhi happily.
Manik: Hi abhi!!
Abhi: Hey... How r u??
Manik: I m f9... But I m not sure if u will be fine for long, if u keep on interrupting my romance always like this.
Abhi laughed out loud at it while Nandini hit Manik's shoulder blushing red like a tomato.

Abhi: Ohh I m really sorry dude!!
Manik: U should be.... Vese bhi we already hv a lot of people out here disturbing our romance always and now u too... What will happen of me??

Manik said being dramatic making both of them laugh.
Manik: Ohk ohk now on a serious note. Are u free tonight??

Abhi: Tonight? Yeah... Why??

Manik: I wanted to invite u for the party. Its Dhruv and Aliya's reception as u know. They would love to hv u there....

Abhi: Umn.. Me!! R u sure??
Manik: Ohh yes, plz do come!! I'll ask Nandini to send u the details....
Abhi: Ohk then... I'll see u soon...
Manik: Yeah.. See u!!

Manik disconnected the call the forwarded the phone to Nandini.
Manik: Ur friend is coming to the party.
Nandini: Really??
Nandini asked surprised, excited and jumping.

Manik: Yeah... Now happy???
Nandini: A lot!! I love u I love u I love u so so so much Manik....

Saying so Nandini pecked his lips hurriedly and dashed out of his room to get ready.

Later that evening, Nandini was already at the venue seeing through the arrangements and the guests. It was a really big event of the city, after all two members of Fab5 were now married. All the famous people from the Music Industry were present. Celebs from the fashion world were too there coz of Aliya and Mukti's fashion house.

Almost all the guests had arrived, as the hall was packed up with the guests who admired the heavenly arrangements. Just the nandini heard the media commotion on the front area so she rushed there to check into the matter but got her answer as she saw a white BMW stop right in front of the door.

She smiled at it as Cabir got down the car and walked to the other side opening up the door for Navya. Both of them stood there hand in hand, complimenting each other perfectly and smiling for the cameras.

Later that evening, Nandini was already at the venue seeing through the arrangements and the guests. It was a really big event of the city, after all two members of Fab5 were now married. All the famous people from the Music Industry were present. Celebs from the fashion world were too there coz of Aliya and Mukti's fashion house.

Almost all the guests had arrived, as the hall was packed up with the guests who admired the heavenly arrangements. Just the nandini heard the media commotion on the front area so she rushed there to check into the matter but got her answer as she saw a white BMW stop right in front of the door.

She smiled at it as Cabir got down the car and walked to the other side opening up the door for Navya. Both of them stood there hand in hand, complimenting each other perfectly and smiling for the cameras.

Soon the media was done with the clicks and they walked inside. Nandini hugged them both as they came in without anyone's notice and said that she would join them soon after dhruliya arrive.

A few minutes later, there was a even worse commotion outside and she saw the black jaguar, recognising it to be His.

Soon the media was done with the clicks and they walked inside. Nandini hugged them both as they came in without anyone's notice and said that she would join them soon after dhruliya arrive.

A few minutes later, there was a even worse commotion outside and she saw the black jaguar, recognising it to be His.

Just then Manik and Mukti both got them together, while Mukti waited Manik to join him as he walked around the car in his famous signature attitude, buttoning up his blazer. They posted for the pictures standing together in full attitude and then walked in.

Manik noticed Nandini standing just a little inside the entrance and his heart stopped beating at the sight of her. She looked mesmerising in her black golden dress. Nandini blushed at his gaze when Mukti nudged Manik.

Mukti: I can hear ur heartbeats till here dude!!

Manik got back to his senses and they reached near her,

Mukti: Hi Nandini...

Nandini: Hi Mukti, U look fabulous!!

Mukti: Thank u very much... And about u, well u can get ur compliments right on the face of ur Man.

Saying so Mukti winked at her and walked inside leaving Manik behind.

Nandini: So... I m right by ur side as u entered.

Manik: Well yes u r...

Manik smiled at her and held her hand.

Manik: Come...

They were about to enter when they heard another car stop there and the media blocked up the way. Obviously, it was the newly wed couple to grace the event with their presence.

Dhruliya got down the car and stood together to pose for the pictures. The entire media went crazy at the couple but soon they were sent off as the bride and groom entered. As they came off into view the entire hall fell silent at their pair and then showered them with love and greetings with a loud round of hooting.

Finally the event was kicked start. They all attended the guests humbly and moving around the hall. Manik kept on stealing glances of Nandini again and again who was blushing profusely at it.

A few minutes later Manik again looked at the other end to find her missing. He scanned the entire hall but couldn't spot her, so he excused himself from his company and walked around looking for her. He was near the food counters looking for her, when someone held his hand and pulled him behind a wall.

Manik: Nandini... Where were u??

Manik exclaimed looking at the person in front of him. Nandini smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his neck while he took held her waist tightly, holding her closer to him.

Nandini: I just went to the car to get something....

Manik: U could hv sent someone else na.... Or at least would hv told me. I was so-

Nandini stopped him by placing her finger on his lips and asked him to close his eyes.

Manik smiled at her and closed his eyes as she said. He felt her doing something on his blazer and then she kissed his cheek once as she whispered

Nandini: U look quite handsome today Mr. Malhotra.

Manik smiled at her and slowly opened up his eyes. He looked at his blazer to see a golden broach pin.

Nandini: I bought it for u during the wedding shopping but forgot to give u.

Manik: Its really nyc and it matches ur dress too...

Manik said in a husky tone as he bent down and placed a kiss on her shoulder. Nandini closed her eyes feeling him close to her while Manik trailed his kisses further down her shoulder to her cleavage.

Nandini: Manik....

Nandini moaned as she too kissed his neck. Arching to the other side to give him more access to her. Manik pushed her to the wall as they continues kissed each other. Nandini moaned his name again which made Manik come back up to her face. He kissed her cheek and went on trailing kisses down her jaw line. Nandini moved to him and kissed the mole above his lips when they heard someone clearing their throat, they immediately moved back while Nandini turned to the other side not wanting to face whoever it is.

Cabir: Get a room guys!!!

Nandini heard his voice and turned around blushing hard and saw him standing with Navya.

Nandini: And U plz stop turning up at the wrong place Always!!

Both cabir and navya looked at her open mouthed while Manik couldn't stop his laughter.

Listening to Manik's laughter, Cabir snapped out of his shock and said to him.

Cabir: Manik.... What hv u done with her??? Where is our sweet shy Nandini??

Nandini smiled at him and held Manik's hand.

Navya: Ohk on a serious note.... Manik, I really wont be able to handle it if the headlines come up tmrw, "Manik Malhotra was caught making out with his Mystery Girl in his friend's wedding reception!!"

Manik: I would not have any problem in that but....

He stopped in the middle and looked through the corner of his eyes at Nandini's smiling face.

Cabir: But???

Manik: But I will kill u the next time u interrupt us.

He finished with a glare while Cabir made a I_don't_care look and said,

Cabir: Now if u r done... Can u go and cute the cake??

Manik looked at him in disbelief and walked out to join the party followed by the others. Soon Nandini asked for the cake and Dhruliya cut the cake.

The party went on normal after that while Nandini was standing with Mukti and Navya who were busy teasing her. Just then Nandini felt a pat on her shoulder. She turned around and smiled to her broadest as she threw herself over that guy.

The guys were standing near them with their drinks in their hands when Cabir saw Nandini and spilled his drink on a side as he looked from Manik to Nandini and again to Manik.

Manik saw him and followed his gaze as he too smiled broadly at the view in front of him and walked near Nandini.

Nandini broke the hug and Manik took him into a hug saying,

Manik: I m glad u came Abhi....

Cabir looked at Manik as if looking at an alien as he hugged the guy whom he wanted to kill a few days back. Manik broke the hug and introduced him again.

Manik: Guys remember him?? Abhimanyu!!! Nandini's friend....

Cabir: Of course how can we forget the guy that u wanted to beat to hell the last time u met him and now u r hugging him.

Manik laughed at it and said,

Manik: Chill cabir... I misunderstood him that day. Move on from that!!

Abhi: Hi guys...

Abhi greeted them all warmly.

Abhi: Arey where is the star couple for today??

Nandini: Come I'll take u...

Nandini held his hand and pulled him with her while Manik smiled.

Cabir: U invited him???

Manik: Yeah...

Cabir: Why??

Manik: I did talk to him a couple of times in the last few days, he seems genuine to me. And moreover I just did this for this smile of hers. The shine on her face when she talks to him or meets him is very different!!

Cabir turned to see him lost in her smile and laughed.

Cabir: U r whipped bro!! The Manik Malhotra is whipped hard.

Manik glared at him asking him to lower down his volume while Cabir cared least about anything.

Next part: Press conference.... Manan!!.... International Music Concert!!

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