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I Need You To Be There.... For a little more than Always!

Part 77:

Nandini's pov:

The moment Manik looked at his face in his phone he gave us a deadly glare before launching on towards the two of us. Nayan shrieks out loud making me join her as the two of us run outside the room. We both r trying our best to laugh and run, but I guess the combination of both is not very effective.

He targets Nayan and ran after her as I looked at the blurring figures around me. The house that was always as calm as a dead sea suddenly seemed to be alive. It was only just me, who lived here alone, ever since I got this constructed and today watching the two of them made me laugh harder at the irony.

Its a frenzy, I don't think this house was ever designed for this. It was never a family house, it was called as the Nanz Villa, just was a single popular girl to live alone. It was designed for fancy dinners, cocktail parties, professionalism, cold hearted stares. And definitely not a young guy running after a toddler.

The next minute, Nayan was lying on the sofa as Manik stood beside her tickling her stomach as a punishment. While the little girl continued wriggling in his mercy.

Abhi: What the hell is happening??

Came Abhi's voice behind me...

All three of us turned towards them but their eyes were fixed on something behind me, I turned around to realise it was Manik. And well the next minute all five of them were laughing their guts out, Cabir was almost rolling on the floor, while Mukti was leaning over Abhi pity much same as Aliya.

Manik was busy glaring at all of them as I slowly pulled out my phone and clicked a picture of his, only to get noticed by him.

Manik: YOU....

Manik shouted at me seething with anger as I ran away from him. I rushed towards the others him following me as I tossed my phone to Cabir.

"Save it as ur dear life Cabira!!"

I shouted as I took the flight of stairs moving upstairs.

Manik: U r so dead Nandini...

I heard Manik mutter as he followed me upstairs.

I entered my room and tried to close the door behind me but he was too fast to block it by his leg. Not wanting to hurt him at all, I ran inside the room leaving the door open. He chased me inside as I laughed out loud moving on towards the Balcony. Manik ran after me only to get hold of my hand as tackled me down on the couch and before I knew I was stuck between him and the couch.

I breathed heavily by all the running and laughing and his close proximity didn't help as well. I closed my eyes calming myself down but the moment I opened my eyes, I bursted out in laughter again. His eyes were glittering blue, with pitch red lipstick under his eyes all the way to his eyes. His lips painted golden and rest was his face had pink blush on it.

I couldn't help but laugh at his face, Manik continued looking at me with absolutely no expression on his face until his lips broke into a grin.

I noticed his smile as my laughter calmed down before he got over me and sat along still smiling. I got up looking at him confused. I had expected a completely opposite reaction from him and here he was smiling.

Nandini: Why are u smiling?? U r not angry?

I asked him slowly when he turned towards me. I noticed the softness in his glittering eyes as he whispered,

Manik: I just hvn't seen u so happy for so long, I don't mind if it's on my cost until u keep that happiness intact.

His words melted down my heart in an instant as I looked down at my hands a slight smile take over my face.

Manik: I love u!!

Manik whispered to me making me face him as my eyes met his.

Manik: Nandini For God's Sake, how r u not laughing, I can literally see this hideous face in ur eyes....

Manik said making me laugh out again.

Manik: U r helping me clean this off...

Manik said as he caught hold of my wrist and pulled me along to the washroom, with me still giggling hard.

Manik entered the bathroom and directly sat on the rim of the bathtub.

Manik: Clean this...

He ordered leaving my wrist as I moved back to the cabinet taking the wet wipes and face wash as I giggled moving back to him.

I stood in front of him bending down as I took a wet wipe moving it along his forehead. Manik looked at me, his gaze intense when he caught hold of my hand and pulled me forward making me fall onto him taking a place on his lap.

He wrapped his arm around my waist as I continued doing my work. Hardly being able to concentrate, given his close proximity and intense gaze over me. As I finished wiping off the make up, and poured a bit of a face wash on my palm. I sprinkled a bit of water over it, as I rubbed it before masking it over his face.

Nandini: Close ur eyes...

I whispered to him only to have him shake his head in denial with his eyes still fixed over me. I sighed at him and carefully applied it over his face, being sure not to get any into his eyes. Wiping it off later with the wet wipes again, I smiled.

Nandini: Its done!!

If nothing else Manik pulled me more closer to himself as a reply.

Manik: Thanks....

He whispered to me in a husky voice, his hot breath fanning over my neck making me shiver.

Manik: Nandini??

I heard him call me out when i looked down t his face, my eyes automatically meeting his.

Nandini: Hmn!

Manik: Can I kiss u plz??

He whispered to me, his eyes unsure as he looks at me. We had kissed like a thousand time, and I had always known Manik had some kind of a fetish for random kisses, he just always stopped me in between my words and kissed me anytime he felt like. But this was the first time I saw him hesitate, as if I would push him off even if he dared. I was soo lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise that he was waiting for an answer.

I saw a glint of hurt or sadness take over his eyes as he slowly shook his head and smiled.

Manik: Its ohk! I understand...

I immediately moved my head from side to side and was about to say no when the door barged open as Nayan ran inside. I immediately got off Manik's lap as Nayan looked over at Manik.

Nayan: U got cleany cleany....

Her smiled dropped off her face when I noticed Anjali in my room.

Nandini: Anjali?? Come na...

I called her.

She walked towards us and stood at the bathroom door itself.

Anjali: I m so sorry... I was stopping her but she didn't listen to me and ran straight inside. She was so excited to show me what u two had done that-

She stopped in her words when she noticed both Manik and me very silent. Though the reason for our silence was not at all related to Nayan, but Anjali thought otherwise.

Anjali: Ohh I m sorry again. I'll just take her away, don't be embarrassed plz!

Before I could object she picked nayan up in her arms and walked out not forgetting to send a wink at the two of us.

The moment the door closed, I turned towards Manik to explain but as I opened my mouth, Manik spoke up,

Manik: U don't need to say anything Nandini..... I know after everything that has happened, its not necessary that we both start off again from just where we left. I understand if u need time, u don't need to explain.

Nandini: Manik I-

I tried saying again only for him to stop me again by placing a finger on my lips. He gave me a small smile as his lips brushed the side of my head as he whispered.

Manik: I'll be in my room..

And before I knew I heard the door open and close. He had left, and this time I had hurt him. I knew it wasn't a big deal that I didn't kiss him, but what mattered was that I didn't even get to say anything to him. All I wanted today, was us to be the way we were before but then by overanalyzing self erupted out of no where and spoilt it all for me.

"Great Nandini Moorthy.... Just great!! Well done to ruin everything nanz...."

I shouted to myself as I fell over the bed.

Abhi: Ruin what!

I heard Abhi's voice.

Nandini: For the hundredth time Abhi.... Learn to Knock before u enter anyone's room!!

Abhi: Anyone's? Sure.... Urs? Nah, I don't think so!

Abhi said as he sat by my side on the bed making me groan as I picked up a pillow and shouted into it.

Abhi: What did u do now kiddo?

Nandini: Manik asked me if he can-

I started saying to him, the pillow still over my face when I realised what I say saying and immediately sprung up.

Abhi: Asked what?

Nandini: Umn... Nothing!

I said to him and got up as I moved to the balcony sure that he was following me.

Abhi: Well I know its something!

Abhi said like he always did again making me groan as I sat on the couch resting my head on his lap as I lied down.

Nandini: Why did we grow up Abhi?? I miss it?

Abhi: Miss what??

He asked softly as he caressed my hair slowly.

Nandini: Miss those days when each and every problem of mine finished by just pouring it out in front of u.... I was so so sure that whatever it is, u will solve it for me, leaving me with no efforts to take. And u always did, I was never disappointed.

Abhi chuckled at me as he said,

Abhi: Nothing has changed! I m still the same Abhimanyu, u r the same kiddo of mine....

Nandini: But our problems hv changed...

I whined to him when I felt him hold my shoulder as he made me sit up. He held both my hands in his and said,

Abhi: Ohk tell me what happened?

Nandini: I can't...

Abhi: Trust me u can!!

Abhi said again encouraging her. I finally sighed and decided to speak up.

Nandini: I think something that I did unintentionally hurt Manik, though he didn't say anything, but now he will think that I hv still not forgiven him, which is exactly not true.... And when I tried to explain nayan came in and then Manik left.

Abhi looked at me with a blank expression not clearly getting the entire thing making me sigh again.

Nandini: Gosh Abhi... He asked me if he could kiss me and I got confused, coz he never actually asked ever before and by the time I could say or do something, it was too late.

Abhi left my hand listening to my rant as I saw him cringe.

Abhi: Kiddo, I really don't need to know about ur love life in detail. Plz spare me the details....

Nandini: See.. That's why I wasn't telling u!!!

I whined to him as I rested my head on his lap again.

A few minutes of silence stretched between the two of us.

Pov ends!

Manik was sitting in his room when he thought,

"I said that I understand her, and now I really hv to do so... We hv spent such an amazing day together. She talked to me about Amma-Appa n that is something which she had never done before! I hv to give her sometime!! I can't spoil this day by sitting here.... "

With that Manik moved out of his room and entered her room to find the brother sister duo in the balcony. He saw Abhi caress Nandini's hair as she lied on his lap. When suddenly Abhi chuckled.

Abhi: Remember, there was a time when the biggest trouble in ur life was that some geeky guy that school broke ur pencil. I used to get u a new one and in return u used to make me ur hero!

Manik stopped there listening to his words when he saw Nandini smile at the memory as she replied.

Nandini: That was because u couldn't bare even a single drop of tear in my eyes. Though I always started crying even at pity things.

Abhi: That still hasn't changed kiddo... I still can't bare the sight of u crying!

Nandini: I know! I love u...

Abhi sighed at her as he looked up at the stars.

Abhi: And now there is one other person who can't!!

Nandini nodded at his words as she whispered,

Nandini: Manik...

Though it was almost as if she was saying it to herself but still they heard her.

Nandini: I know that.... And at this point if at all I want anything for the two of us, then it is for us to get back to where we were..... I mean things hv become so awkward. It was never this way, Manik and I.... The best thing about us was that we didn't fall in love just at once. We hv changed from being professionals to friends to best friends and then finally we fell in love. If u ask me to describe our relationship, then I don't think I will actually be able to define it. Day by day, with the passing time, Manik had taken up the place of each and every relation in my life. I hv seen a friend, a father, a mother, a companion, an adviser, even a teacher in him. I just don't know where we r now!!

Manik heard her words as a sad smile crept over his face. It was as if Nandini was pouring out his heart in her words. But the problem was neither of the two knew the answer to that question.

Abhi: Kiddo I hv seen that guy suffer.... I hv seen him breaking down when u were not with him, I hv seen him guilty of his deeds, I hv seen him trying to get back with u, by all his heart, I hv seen him punish himself my being away from u, just to get ur reaction. But never did I ever see him backing off..... Not even once, a thought flash in his mind of leaving u. Even when u were being difficult, even when u were being illogical... He loves u so so much that he was ready to go to any extent to get u back!

His words made Nandini get up from his lap as she moved to the corner of the couch, her eyes fixed at her lap while she played with her figures. Manik looked at her confused when suddenly Abhi cupped her face,

Abhi: Hey... Why r u crying???

Nandini immediately threw herself in his arms as she cried.

Nandini: I did Abhi... I did!!

Abhi: What r u saying kiddo.... Shh first calm down! Stop crying...

Abhi wiped off her tears taking her into a side hug as he calmed her down.

Nandini: Everything that happened!! It scared me... Even though I knew everything that Manik had said was not what he meant but then that day when he said that they would go back.... I thought what if... What if he actually meant all of it.... I just didn't know what to do, what to think. And then I decided to walk away....

Manik shivered at her words standing right at his place listening to the two of them. Nandini told Abhi what she had thought about going away making both the guys shocked. After listening to everything abhi asked her slowly,

Abhi: Why??

Nandini: Coz I wanted him to be happy.... And that would hv been possible only if he moved on. With no trace of me in his life.

Abhi: Well then I guess u still don't know where his happiness lies Nandini!

Nandini didn't reply to his words and looked ahead when Abhi slowly got up and walked out of the room leaving her alone with her thoughts. Manik who was standing beside the back wall too moved out behind Abhi.


Later that night, everyone finished with their dinner and decided to call in a day quite early as they were tried of the outing.

The dinner had been quite uneventful, with Manik and Nandini talking very less. After dinner, Nandini knew Manik would come to her room as she waited for him. About an hour passed away but there was no sign of him when she moved to his room. But much to her dismay the room was empty. Nandini moved downstairs and looked around the house only to find him in the kitchen as he stood by the stove making some hot chocolate. Nandini smiled at him as she walked closer and hugged him from his back.

Manik: Still awake??

Manik asked with a small smile without even looking at her.

Nandini: U weren't there...

Nandini whispered as she got away from him and stood by his side.

Nandini: Hot Chocolate for whom?

Manik: For my princess and me...

Manik smiled turning towards her. He held her by her waist before pulling her up, and making her sit on the counter.

Manik: Why did u come here?

Nandini: To find u.... U didn't come so I thought why not I'll only get u...

Nandini smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Manik: Ohh... So does that mean u were missing me?

Manik asked as a smirk took over his lips.

Nandini: Sure.... If that helps u sleep at night.

Nandini shrugged at him.

Manik: Hmn... My nandini is being sarcastic, now this is new..

Manik smiled as his gaze moved over to the gas, he moved a bit away from her as he turned off the shove. He was looking around trying to find the cups when sudden a hand was wrapped around his wrist as Nandini pulled him towards herself. And before he knew she smashed her lips with his.

Nandini wrapped her legs around his hips pulling him to her, as she watched his eyes widen in surprise before closing her eyes. Manik wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tight as he kissed her back. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, Nandini moved her hands over his back, feeling his hard lines of muscles even through the T-shirt. They kissed for a long time until Nandini left out of breath.

Nandini felt Manik smile by her lips as he pulled back from the kiss. She couldn't help but smile in response at the look on his face, it made her heart melt.

Nandini: This is how u kiss!!! U never hv to ask me Manik.... I m urs.....

Nandini said in between her sighs as she tried to catch her breath. Manik didn't reply at her words as he cupped her face resting his forehead along with hers. As the two of them calmed down Nandini whispered,

Nandini: I trust u Manik!

A smile stretched over Manik's face as he engulfed her into a tight hug.


I know I m late again..... 😅😅😅

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