Chapter 2: the spirits

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We were getting worried because we didn't know when the spirit would be back or how he would come back. We didn't leave each other. We slept together we went to the bathroom together we didn't do anything alone.

so a couple days later we heard a loud bang come from the attic. We thought that it was just a mouse or something, so we ignored it. We heard it again, only this time it sounded like footsteps. We got scared and ran out the door. Nothing happened so we kept walking. Everyone was staring at us like we just won the freak show, it was kinda weird. But anyways we kept walking, together and we got to a road we have never heard of it was called " Blood point road". It sounded creepy but we didn't care. It was the day after Halloween. Everyone still had the Halloween stuff up, which wasn't a big deal. Until we heard the voice.
"Come here my darlings, come play with me. I have no friends please play with me", said the mysterious voice. It sounded like a kid so we said, "ok come here and we will play with you." The mysterious voice replied "No your just going to make fun of me for how I look." "No we won't. I promise." She came out and we screamed. "I told you you would laugh at me for how I looked. Waaaaaahhhhhh." She had a huge hole in the top of her head and her eyes were pitch black. It was petrifying. We ran as fast as we could and the little girl was chasing behind us. We kept looking back to see if see was still chasing us. All of a sudden we hit something. "Hey, watch where your going," a man said. "Sorry." "Ahhhhh what is wrong with this street." The man had pitch black eyes like the little girl. And instead of having the hole in his head he had maggots coming out of holes in his head. It was decussating. We kept running from the girl, and now the man too. After a while they stopped chasing us and we went home. "Wait guys maybe this is the sign saying he wants to talk again." So we grabbed the Ouija board and started asking. "Are you here Luis Garavito? It moved to yes. "Okay he was trying to say he wanted to talk again."
"Did you want to talk to us again?" "It moved to yes again. "Are you watching us right now?" It moved to yes. "Ohh no we are in trouble."
Have you ever killed anyone?" I..f t..h..e..y h..u..r..t m..e. Ok it was getting a little creepy. "Can we leave?" It moved to no. "Well we are going to be stuck here for hours or days now. Who's great idea was it to even start playing with an Ouija board?" The group said, "Ahh your hahahaha."
"Ohh yea well I don't want to even play anymore but we have too." The planchette moved y..o..u  a..r..e  I..n  t..r..o..u..b..l..e. "Great even more of a reason for me to not want to play." The planchette moved again, t..h..e  w..o..r..s..t  h..a..s  y..e..t  t..o  h..a..p..p..e..n.

Ok I'm going to be making each chapter longer then the last. Bye hope you like it soo far.
Comment if any suggestions on what I should do to make it better or if you want something scary to happen soon.

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