On the Upswing

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Once more, I'm going back up... My OCD has been less, and I've made a lot of progress with food and just general stuff! I did have a little breakdown, but... It got sorted out in the end. The farmshow was great, I've tried pizza and spinach/regular pasta, ate pasta in 10 minutes (not realizing it was warm- It's so good that way ;-; ), let someone borrow clothes (yes, this bugged me...), the sexuality/gender thoughts are curbing (but depression/self-harm/suicide is back, as is insanity-- NOT AS BAD AS BEFORE, THOUGH! *happy noises*), and I've finally started using the word 'hell' when referring to that place (As opposed to 'heck' or 'H-E-Double hockey sticks').
However, I learned that I can't mull over decisions for 30+ minutes (had a tough one to make last night). My therapist wants them to be made in -5. That'll be hard... Also, I was down for a bit because of something too personal to mention, but I'm feeling loads better today (It wasn't the breakdown mentioned before- that was something else).
So, yeah... Lots of positivity here! The battle marches on..

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