Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Woody's POV

 I miss Bullseye, Jessie, and Buzz already. Things are still lively around here but not as lively as when they were here visiting. I forgot in such a short span of time how much I missed riding horseback with Bullseye, having galactic pretend fights with Buzz, and reminiscing about Midwest adventures with Jessie. I handed Jessie the title of Sheriff recently. If anyone has earned it, it's her. I hope she's doing okay. I know how anxious she was when she first arrived here in Montana. Toys struggle with anxiety just like many humans do. It's a real condition and those who don't have it often mock it sadly. I struggle with it at times myself. I also have a bit of a temper too... Bo is working with me on my anger management. 

   Bo and I are actually having an anger management session right now. "Woody, you need to focus. I can clearly see that your mind is wandering. Close your eyes, take some deep breathes, and shut your mind off temporarily." I do what she asks of me and within a few minutes, I have some mental clarity. "Good Woody, now tell me what you see." "I see nothing, my mind is clear." She cheers. "Hooray! Keep your mind that way for as long as possible. While you do, I'm going to enact a few scenarios to purposely try to get a rise out of you. The key here is to not react negatively to me. Got it?" I nod and let her do her thing. 

     Bo enacts a few scenarios. They range from basic ones as attempting to strip me of my valuables (pretending to rob me) to cussing me out and trying to pick a fight. I have to say that she's a mighty good actress. I know it's all pretend but she's conveying her lines very realistically. When it's all done, I open my eyes and take one more deep breath while a smile on my face. "You should be in the movies Bo. Your acting chops are amazing. That was also very helpful so thank you. I consider that another successful anger management session." She puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'm proud of you cowboy. You haven't blown your top in weeks. That's a record for you. Keep up the great work! We'll have another session in two days. I like to space out a day in between our session as you know so you can take the time to practice the skills you learned in the previous session the following day."

      I laugh. "Now you sound like one of Andy's old teachers. He had this one in second grade that reminds me a lot of you personality wise. The only reason I know this is because he snuck me into his backpack for show and tell one time. I obviously wasn't supposed to be there but I was the hit of the show and tell session. So I guess it all panned out in my favor." She smirks at me. "I love you but sometimes you make it a little obvious that you have an ego." I swat her playfully. "Oh hush, I'm a guy. I need to over exaggerate my ego a bit. It's human nature for us men." She nudges me with her staff. "At least I'm dating a man rather than a boy. Too many boys out there in the world, which is causing a lack of supply of men for good women who deserve to not have their emotions toyed with." I nod in agreement and give her a peck on the lips before letting her rant willingly about how men act in today's society because that's what a good boyfriend does. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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