Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Woody's POV

 The next morning...


   I wake up with Bo in my arms and an incredibly stiff neck. No matter how much I twist it around, I just can't seem to get rid of the kink in it. Hopefully it'll go away as the day goes on. I gently shake Bo awake. She stirs and opens her eyes, looking up at me with a tired smile. "Good morning Woody. How'd you sleep?" I chuckle. "Just fine but I have a stiff neck at the moment. How about you doll?" She blushes. "I slept fine. We should probably wake the others. The carnival is due to be packed up soon." I nod and the two of us take a couple minutes to wake up before waking up everyone else. 

       Duke, Ducky, Bunny, and Giggle McDimples are the ones we have to wake up. They all give us a bit of a hard time but do get up. I let Bo do the leading for now since this is her group of friends mainly. We trust her instincts and know that she won't lead us astray, at least not on purpose. We spend most of the day walking but even up crossing state lines from North Dakota to Montana. Montana is a huge state from what I've heard, a lot of vast open land to roam in. I think this is a good place for us to settle down in for now. I do eventually want to visit California. Duke also wants to visit Canada one day, which is understandable given that it's his origin country. 

       Duke helps me set up a campfire for us to roast some marshmellows that we happened to get from a dollar store... they were sitting idle near a trash can unopened. Duke smirks at me. "You've really done a number on Bo. I kept trying to encourage her to date other guys while the two of you were a part but she refused every single time. Giggle McDimples even tried setting her up with a couple of her friends and Bo declined. You must be pretty special cowboy." I tip my hat to hide my blush. "Bo has always been my girl, even long before we made it official. She's the only woman I've ever loved in a romantic way. There has never been anyone else for me but Bo. It's really nice to know that she felt the same way for all of that time. Of course the guilt eats me alive from us having been a part for so long, but it's better to reunite late than never. You know?"

     He nods. "I understand that quite well. That's how I feel about Canada. I remember when I visited several years after having left. The feelings came rushing back unlike any other experience in my life." I lean my hand on his shoulder. "Loving a country and a person is somewhat similar but it's also different pal." "I suppose so Woody but not all of us are so lucky in love. I did try to go after a few ladies but I got rejected every time. I stopped going out on a limb to find love. If love is meant to be in my life, I'm letting it come to me. It's better that way." I frown a bit. "I'm sorry if it sounded like I was rubbing my relationship with Bo in your face Duke." He swats my concern away. "It's fine. I wallow in my own self pity far too often. I'm the one that made the conversation take a depressing turn. I really am happy for you both." 

      I watch him hang his head a bit as he cleans off his motorcycle. I motion for everyone to give him some breathing room for a few minutes before we check in on him before bed. The time alone seems to have helped him calm down enough... for him to have fallen asleep leaning against his motorcycle. The poor guy, I hope he gets his happy ending one day. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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