Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Bonnie's POV

Mega Time Skip... Two Years Later...

 I'm in the fourth grade now and I'm starting to get a little big for some of my toys. I was thinking about having my mom and dad donate them for me. I really love my new iPad and I use that more than I play with most of my toys anyways. I want to keep my plushies but that's about it. When I'm done with my homework, I look up at my parents expectantly. "Mom, Dad, can I donate some of my toys?" My parents smile at me. "That's an excellent idea honey", says my mom. I smile at her. "I'll bag them up right now and bring them back downstairs. My dad hands me a couple of trash bags and I take them upstairs with me. 

    I think long and hard about which toys I still may want to keep and which ones I'm really to say goodbye too. All of the ones that Andy gave me are outdated for me. Even the ones I had before then are kind of babyish. I put all of them into the bags except for Forky and his girlfriend. They're my own creations and I'm proud of them. I also stuff in the old toys in my closet that I don't use anymore either. I then bring them all back downstairs and my mom puts them in the trunk of her car. We'll donate them in the morning. 

     My mom hands me a big sugar cookie. "For all of your hard work, you've earned a sugar cookie. Enjoy!" I giggle and eat it happily. I haven't had a sugar cookie in weeks. It's delicious, yum! I hope other kids enjoy my toys as much as I did. I'm just ready for new ones, ones that kids my age play with rather than little kids. 

Jessie's POV

 I'm wedged into a trash bag in the trunk of Bonnie's mother's car and I'm trying not to have an anxiety attack. The lack of space is getting to me big time. We have to stay like until tomorrow morning. I can't believe Bonnie doesn't want any of us anymore. We all know this day would come one day but we didn't expect it to be this soon. The girl is only in the fourth grade, nowhere near close to graduating high school and going off to college. I think all of us are shocked by the sudden decision of her wanting to donate us. Dolly and her gang are feeling this abandonment even worse than Buzz and I's crew.

    Speaking of Buzz, he's oddly quiet. He has barely said a word since Bonnie bagged us up. Buzz puts on a brave face for everyone else often, especially me. I wish we would realize that it's okay for him to let his guard down too. He tells me that all of the time but never seems to follow his own advice. I squeeze Buzz's hand and kiss it when no one is looking. He looks at me sadly but with love in his eyes. "Buzz, we're all going to be okay. After all, now we have a chance to go off and find Bo and Woody again. We can all go together and be reunited like one big happy family. This is our big opportunity, let's not waste it." He nods and makes the announcement that once we get dropped off at our destination, we're going to make a break for once no one is around. 

      Everyone cheers instantly at his announcement, many of them excited to see Bo and Woody again in addition to being able to make some new friends and travel a bit more. Last time we spoke to Bo and Woody was a month ago. They relocated to California now. I've never been there and look forward to finally seeing it with my own eyes. Despite the sorrow we may feel temporarily, I think all of us are going to be much happier in the long run than we ever were before. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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