Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 

Buzz's POV

 Time Skip... Four Days Later...

  It's been four days and I'm about to cross into Montana. Only a few more miles until I reach that threshold. I miss Woody and Bo so much but I miss Jessie even more. As I've been heading towards my destination, I've come to a realization. I've realized that Jessie left because I was holding her back from something she's been wanting for a long time. Jessie leaving in the middle of the night without me taught me a lesson. I'm not going to deny her of anything that she wants to do ever again. Well as long she doesn't want to do anything illegal. 

A Few Miles Later...

  When I see the "Welcome to Montana" sign, I'm almost tempted to take a selfie with the few tourists doing so right now. I could easily photo bomb them and they wouldn't bat an eye.  That's one of the few advantages of being a toy. I'm guessing I have a few more hours before I get to where they are. I got a tip from a toy that happened to know Duke at a rest area. Knowing that I'm getting closer to them gives me hope. 

A Few Hours Later...

    I reach a campground like area and scan the perimeter for the gang. I run into Woody first, my head bumping into his by accident. The two of us jump back and hold our heads due to the collision. I rub it gently. "Are you okay Buzz?" I nod. "I am. Are you?" He nods before scooping me up into an emotional hug. "It's really good to see you man. I'm guessing you're here to bring Jessie and Bullseye home." I blush sheepishly. "Is it that obvious? I don't know if I should bring her home to be honest. I think the reason that she left in the first place is that she wanted to feel a sense of adventure, which is a feeling that she hasn't had in a very long time. Being stuck in storage for several years didn't help that cause."

     Woody takes off his hat and runs a hand through his hair. "It's a tough spot to be in Buzz. I know Bonnie needs you both back home but I can tell how much Jessie is enjoying herself here. Maybe you two can stay for a few days and then head back home. That's a fair compromise right?" Jessie happens to overhear us from behind a tree and pops out. "I think that's fair. Buzz, will you stay?" I smile lovingly at her, caressing her cheek gently. "I would love to stay here with you for a few days. It'll be nice to spend time with Woody and Bo again too. By the way, the gang says hello and wishes they could be here too." 

      Woody smiles. "I miss them all too, even Dolly who can sometimes be bossy. Don't let her outrun the gang over you Buzz." I laugh. "Dolly and I are equals. Sometimes one of us forgets that and starts bickering with the other, but it all works out in the end." Soon enough, Bo joins us. The four of us head down to the lake to go for a swim together, being cautious of fish because they could easily try to drown us, eat us, etc. It's quality time with my favorite people. Bullseye even comes trotting into the water. I didn't know he could swim but apparently he can. You learn something new everyday. I could stay in this moment forever to be honest. I realistically know that I can't though so I'll simply relish it for as long as I can. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! I managed to get an update in today after all but tomorrow is iffy. I'm out of town until Thursday so be patient with me folks.  :) -Mary

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