Chapter 4: Friend from beyond the fence

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Promise opened her emerald eyes as the rain pummeled down on the window. After stretching out her paws, one by one, she leapt onto the window sill watching as it rained heavily outside. She watched as the droplets streaked down the glass until something on the fence caught her eye. The young kit looked down back to her her mother, who was still in a deep sleep. Practically leaping with excitement, Promise snuck from the window sill towards the small flap in the door that allowed her outside.

The rain began to pick up and now Promise could hear a distant rumble of thunder. Unfazed by the sound and wet drops of rain, the kitten slowly made her way towards the fence. She giggled softly, feeling the water that sept between her toes, each step she took.

"Hello? Are you still there? I saw you on the fence and wanted to know if you wanted to come inside. It's nice, dry, and warm." The brown kitten mewled to an unseen figure. A rustle from the bush told her she wasn't the only one out in the rain.

Promise's fur stood on end upon seeing a large tom cat with multiple scars emerge from the bush. A flash of lightning and loud crash of thunder didn't make the kit feel any better about the monstrous cat in front of her.

"I don't think that'll be necessary little one. I've been able to learn how to live in conditions like this." The male spoke, his voice booming like the storm.

"Wow! Are you one of those forest cats!?" The energetic kitten spoke excitedly. The large tom gave a gentle smile. This only confirmed Promise's theory, causing her to squeak with glee. "What is it like living out there? What kind of adventures do you have? How many of you are there? How do you-" Promise rapidly questioned the male.

"Woah there, kitten." The tom interrupted with a low chuckle. "One question at a time."

"Oh. Sorry."

"Now. I only have time to answer one question right now. What is it that you want to know the most?"

Promise thought for a while as if her life depended on this single question.

"What's your name?" She finally asked, surprising the forest cat. He laughed once again at the kitten who was excitedly waiting for the answer.

"Out of all the questions you could have asked and you picked that one? You are a strange one kid. Well, to answer your question, I'm Fogpelt. I am a warrior of Forestclan." He spoke with kindness in his voice.

Fogpelt turned back to the fence, and in a single leap, landed on the top. Promise stared in awe causing the warrior to smile back at her.

"Hey, Fogpelt?"

"Yes little one?"

"Can you come back sometime so I can ask you more questions? I really want to know more about the forest and the cats that live there. Mom doesn't want me to go into the forest in fear that whatever happened to her brother will happen to me." Promise pleaded.

Fogpelt thought for a few moments before replying.

"How about this. I come every other day and answer three questions, and if time permits it, I teach you the ways of a forest cat?" The large tom stated tilting his head.

The brown kit's tail began to swiftly sway back and forth. "You mean it?!"

Fogpelt smiled down at the kit and nodded before leaping to the other side of the fence and dashed into the deep forest.

Ecstatic, Promise ran back into the two leg den. She couldn't wait to tell her parents about her new friend.


Look who's back with an actual story! It me! Kind of short again :/ I promise (heh) I'm trying to make these longer! I don't know how many people actually read this anyways so... Hope you guys like this new page though!

Warriorloves14/ Erin Johnson

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