Chapter 14. Please be OK 😰😶 part 2.

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It's the next day btw

Denis' pov   I woke up at 7:24am and see that I'm not in my room I then remembered that Abigail almost killed herself yesterday I got up and kissed her on the cheek and walked in the bathroom and got ready.

After I finish getting ready I got my phone and unlocked it and see that corl and Alex texted me oh yeah I forgot that corl and Alex are supposed be here today I quickly tapped on the Group chat and see what they texted.

{in group chat with corl and Alex}

Alex: hey umm so is Abigail ok?

Corl: I don't know Denis haven't texted back yet

Denis: oh sorry guys just got up anyways did your guys plane land yet and yeah Abby's find but she's out cold she might wake up later on to day or tomorrow 🙃

Alex: oh well I'll be there later and yeah my plane landed I'm going to text Dayana to pick me up and don't worry I'm sure Abigail will wake up later on today 🙂

Corl: yeah Buddy she'll be ok she's a strong girl don't worry and I'll be there Soon my plane just landed so I'm going to Text Sara to pick me up so I'll be there later on 😊

Denis: thanks guys you're amazing anyways I'll see you guys soon I guess bye 👋🏻

Alex: & corl: no problem see you soon bye 👋🏻🙂

{end of conversations}

I just decided to go on Twitter and see what's going on since I haven't really been on Twitter for a while" everyone is wondering why I haven't posted a new video in a bit I decided that they should know that Abigail is in the hospital.

I tweeted

Hey guys I know you guys are wondering why I'm not posting anything on YouTube but that's because Abigail in the hospital right now and she might wake up tomorrow or later on today but I just wanted to tell you that because I'm not going to be able to upload in a few days but
Don't worry I'll get back to upload daily again soon. 😇❤😶

{I know Twitter won't yet you type that much which to be honest with you I hate that but anyways just go with it lol }

A few minutes later everyone started saying it ok can't wait for new videos or they hope Abigail wakes up and they're #hopeAbigailwakesup which I thought was sweet I'm happy that my fans love and care for Abigail as much as I do.

After about an hour of being on twitter I decided to go eat something I kissed Abby on the cheek and walked out of the room and walked to the elevator and pressed the Second floor and walked to the cafeteria.

Dayana's pov   Me and Sara we're on our way to pick up corl and Alex and I'm so excited to see Alex again.

When we got there we started looking around for Alex and corl" so are you going to ask corl out I said as I was looking around, I don't maybe you she said maybe I said as we looked around again.

Oh there they are I said and Sara smiled really big and started running to corl I just giggled and ran to Alex" Alex!! I said and jumped into his arms as he spend me around I missed you I said I've missed you so much more he said look there's something I need to tell you something he said oh and what's that he said umm well I was wondering if you would like to go on a date he said nervously and looked down I just kissed him" I pulled away from the kiss wow ok well I'm going to take that an a yes he said I just smiled yes!!! I said he just smiled and then we walked out to the car and put in Alex's and corl's bags in the trunk.

So he asked you out I said no not yet she said you she said umm well yeah he just asked me a few minutes ago I said oh I'm so happy for you she said and Close the trunk and walked in the car and felt bad for Sara she deserves a date with corl I just walked in the car and I just started driving to the hospital.

Denis pov After I finished eating I walked back to Abigail's room and just sat down next to her and stared at her beautiful face even though she's looks like she died already I still see the the Beauty in her I wish I never broke up with her I made a big mistake.

Hey we're here corl and Alex said coming in with flowers I smiled thanks guys for coming I said and walked to corl and Alex and hugged them you guys are amazing I said pulling away from the hug, no problem buddy but we're not just here for you we're here for Abigail she really needs all of us right now corl said yeah you're right I said.

So when is she going to wake up Alex said putting the flowers down umm I really don't know she might wake up today or tomorrow I said sitting down on the chair next to her, well I don't know about you guys but I'm exhausted from that plane corl said setting down on the couch Sara giggled and walked up to him and sat down next to him yeah I'm with ya on that Alex said and sat down next to Sara Dayana sat down on Alex's lap since there's no room on the couch anymore" do you guys just want to sleep for a bit I said yesss corl said and we all giggled everyone just lay there heads down and fall asleep. I kissed Abigail on the lips and hold her hand and lay down and slowly go to sleep.

Abigail's pov: lol I told you guys she's not died
I woke up and see that I'm not in my room or Denis room I looked around and see lots of flowers and then she Dayana and Alex cuddling with each other and then I see corl and Sara cuddling as well I looked down and see Denis holding my hand I smiled I then realized I'm in the hospital I really don't remember what happened I then looked at my arms and see that I have stitches i just kissed Denis on the head and lay down my head down.

Abigail you're wake guys she's wake Denis said and hugged me omg you're ok everyone said and hugged me. Umm what exactly happened I said oh you don't remember Denis said no not really I said oh well you're mom and dad died and then you started cutting yourself and then you almost died but Denis saved you and you guys broke up Sara said oh is all I said" but don't worry Abby we're here for you no matter what we're you family now don't worry because we're always here for you corl said I started crying I'm sorry I said no Abby please don't cry it's not your fault Denis said but shhh it's ok don't worry he said I just cried in his arms.

I miss them I said I know we all do Denis said please don't leave me I said I won't I promise he said.  After about an hour of me crying and Denis trying to make me feel better we all just decided to go back to sleep since everyone is very tired.

Good night everyone said and lay down and slowly fall asleep, night beautiful Denis said and kissed my cheek and lay down and slowly fell sleep I just looked out the window and stared at the night sky 🌌 night mommy and daddy I said and slowly go to sleep 😴

Ok guys so I hoped you liked this chapter as much as I did thanks for 1.13k you guys are amazing I love you all!!!!!! So so so so much and I'll see you guys next time byeeeeeee ❤👋🏻😊😶😂😴😇😱💕🙃😞🌌🤐😆😰😍😯☺️😁😁😱💕💕😂😊❤🤐🌌🙂😓👍🏻😯😃🤓😖🙂😂😊❤👋🏻😶🤐😞😴🙂🌌👋🏻❤🙂😱

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