Chapter 17. Coming home part 1.

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Denis' pov I woke up at 9:23am and Heard my phone going off I slowly reached for my phone trying not to wake up Abigail. I got my phone and see that my stepmom is calling me I smiled I haven't really seen my mom and dad for a while now I miss them a lot I answered it and see what she had to say.

{on the phone with Denis' stepmom}

Denis: hello I said

Mom: oh hey sweetie how are you she said

Denis: umm I'm fine you? I said

Mom: I'm good but umm you remembered when I was pregnant with your baby sister right she said

Denis: umm yeah why I said a bit confused/nervous

Mom: well I just want in Labor yesterday and I wanted to yet you now that you have a new baby sister

Denis: what!!! Oh my god I want to see her i said getting excited

Mom: ok you can actually come and visit I also want to see your girlfriend she said and I can tell she's smiling

Denis: ok I'll get a plane ticket right now and she's not my girlfriend I said

Mom: whatever I'll see you later on love you sweetie

Denis: love you more I said and hanged up

{end of conversation}

I quickly got out of bed and walked to my laptop and started seeing if I can get a plane ticket" baby what are you doing Abigail said getting out of bed and walking to me and sitting down next to me oh well my mom just called me and said that I have a new baby sister I said what!! That's amazing babe congratulations she said thanks but I'm going to go home for a bit I said looking in her eyes oh can I come please I never got to see your stepmom she said smiling of hope fine but only because she really wants to see you as well I said yay!!! She said and hugged me I just laughed ok let me see if I can get us plane tickets I said ok I'll go get breakfast ready she said and walked out of the room.

Abigail's pov after Denis told me that I could go with him to see his parents I was really really excited I'm so happy for Denis for have a new baby sister I love baby's so I'm excited to see her {ok guys I have no idea what Denis' baby sisters name is so I'm just going to make on up I'm so sorry if this chapter sucks} i decided to go fix some breakfast I walked into the kitchen and walked to the fridge and got out the bacon and then I got on top of the countertop so I can get the pancake mix after I got all my food out I started cooking.

After I finish cooking I called Denis to eat" the others decided to go eat out which I thought that was pretty stupid mean who doesn't like my cooking I said out and Denis just started laughing really hard I just laughed as well and eat a piece of bacon.

So I got us tickets for today at 1:34pm he said eating a piece of bacon yay umm can you drop me off to my house so I can get my stuff I said oh yeah go get ready so we can go he said I smiled and walked to Denis' room and walked to my bag of clothes I had" I just pick outfit my lazy outfit because I don't feel like putting on something really that great on. After I finish getting my clothes together I walked to Denis' bathroom and turned on the hot shower and got undressed and got in.

After my shower I put my clothes on and did my makeup

And then just put my hair in a messy bun" after I was finish getting ready I walked out of the bathroom and see Denis packing his suitcase hey I said walking to the bed and sitting down hey he said I smiled so are you excited to see you're family I said yeah I'm very excited he said well I'm happy that you're excited i said and he just smiled.

A few minutes later Denis finished packing he's stuff and I just decided that I have enough clothes for two days so yeah" you ready to go he said I smiled and ran out to the car well I'm going to take that as a yes he yelled walked outside I just laughed and got in the car.

At the airport

Once we got got to the airport we just went through security and did all that other boring stuff, I just sat down and waited for are plane to be called and Denis decided to go get us some Starbucks. Here you go he said handing me my drink, I smiled and took the drink and we just remain silent for a while.

I wish Denis and I was dating still I miss him picking me up whenever he feels like it or us cuddling with each other and I miss him chasing me around the house whenever I would bother him but what I miss the most is just being with him. ABIGAIL I opened my eyes and see Denis umm sorry what's wrong I said are plane is going to leave if you don't get up he said oh I'm sorry I said I got up and got my suitcase and started walking to the plane.

A few minutes later we got on the plane and Denis said it's going to be a long ride so just get some sleep I was happy that Denis and I set together" i was next to the window so I was just looking outside the window while Denis just edits a video.

I looked at the clouds and I felt like was in heaven with my mom and dad I smiled I wish they were here I miss them so much but not as much as I miss being In the arms of Denis I started to cry not that much but still crying" I just laid my head down on Denis and just slowly go to sleep.

Denis pov I just decided to get some editing done on the plane I looked at Abigail and see her just staring out the window I looked at her and can see she's crying but I have no idea what about I was going to tell her what's wrong but then she just laid her head down on my shoulder and she fall asleep I wish I could be there for her but I don't know how I'm not good enough for her she doesn't deserve me at all I see a tear fall down her face I just Wipe the tears off her and just watched her slowly sleep

I just wish she knew oh much I love her.

Abigail's pov I woke up by someone shaking me I opened my eyes and see Denis with a smile I smiled back umm what's go on I said come on we're here he said oh I said do you want me to give you a piggyback he said I smiled get on he said I jump on he's back and we started walking through the airport" I got off Denis' back so we can get are stuff and I just decided that we should call a uber to pick us up.

A few minutes later we got to Mrs daily's house and I was still to tired to walk so Denis Just let me get on his back again.

Heyyyy where here Denis yelled shhh the baby is sleeping a Woman with a White dress and brown hair said oh you Must be Denis' girlfriend she said walking towards me umm yeah but I'm not he's girlfriend I said oh sorry she said it's ok anyways it's very very nice to meet you Mrs daily I said well it very nice to see you too she smiled so where's my new baby sister Denis said smiling oh she's right upstairs she said Denis just smiled and walked upstairs to a room.

So umm so I'm very sorry to say this but umm Denis' room doesn't have a big enough bed for you guys and I was going to go to the store and buy an air mattress but then I just had a baby and I can't drive anymore for a while she started crying oh please don't cry it's ok don't worry I'll just sleep on the couch I said no I can't let you just sleep on my couch Denis can no no it's ok really I'll be fine are you sure yes I'm very sure I said she smiled ok then she said I just smiled.

Um well it's getting pretty late so I'm going to go to sleep now but if the baby wakes up just sing for her or rocker she said oh ok but before you go where are you're blankets and pillows I said oh yeah umm they're over there in the closet she said pointing to the closet thanks I said and she walked in to a room.

I walked to the closet and got out a blanket and A pillow and walked back to the couch and fixed me a bed on the couch. After I was done fixing my couch bed I just walked upstairs to a room and see that it's a bathroom i decided to put my pajamas on

After I was finished getting ready for bed i walked to a room and see Denis holding he's baby sister aww I said walking up to him he just smiled she's so cute he said and you're cute as well he said and kissed my cheek which made me blush he just laughed and put the baby back in her crib and walked out of the room and walked smiled goodnight he smiled and kissed my cheek I smiled and hugged him goodnight baby I said and walked downstairs and walked to my couch bed and laid down on my pillow and just slowly go to sleep.

Ahwhwhwhw {lol I don't know anymore} I woke up at the sound of the baby crying I got out of bed and walked upstairs to the baby's room and see she in her crib I picked her up and rocked her around shhh it's ok I'm her don't worry shhh I said I decided I should sing for her I sat down on her rocking chair and rocked her as I started to sing her.

{I don't know what song would be good for Abigail to sing for a baby so yeah sorry I know this chapter sucks}

Denis' pov   I woke up by hearing someone singing I got out of bed and walked to where the singing is I then see that it's Abigail and she's singing to my sister I just smiled and looked at her singing and smiled to my sister.

At that moment I knew that Abigail is the one she's the one I want to be with she's the one that I want to merry she's the one I want to have kids with she's the one I want to Grow old with she's the one I love i just walked into the room and see that she and the baby is asleep I just smiled I put the baby back in her crib and then I picked up Abigail bride style and walked downstairs and put her on the couch I kissed her cheek and then walked back upstairs to my room and got back in bed and slowly go back to sleep. 😴

Omg ok guys so I just finished this chapter I hoped you liked it I know it suck really bad so I'm sorry if you thought it would going to be good but I still hope you liked it but anyways thanks for 1.60k I'm so happy that I have you guys in my life I love you guys so so much and also thank you for 508 reads on my I'm wired and I don't care book as well" well I'm going to go now so yeah I love you guys so so much and I'll see you guys next time byeeeeeee 😂😂😊💕❤️😎😎😴😁😇😐🙏🏻😍😘😩🤐😞😃😑👍🏻💕😂😇😧😴👰🏻

Tabitha 💕

{Word Count 2094}


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