Chapter 22. Surprise!!!😂😇💕

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Abigail's pov I walked downstairs and walked to the door and opened it and see I soaking wet corl omg!! Corl I said and pulled him in what happened I said walking to my bathroom and getting him a towel. Umm well Denis sort of kicked me out of the house he said as I walked back to him and gave him the towel wait what!! I yelled yeah so is it ok if I stay here he said omg of course you can stay here I said thanks he said I smiled.

I decided to make us some hot tea I walked to the kitchen and got the tea pot and Filled it up with water and put it on the stove" I then got us to cups and walked to the tea cabinet and got green tea" I then pour the tea in the cups and put the green tea in there.

Here ya go I said and gave him his cup thanks he said I smiled so... you and Lexi I said he just laughed yeah I really really like her he said blushing I smiled well you guys would be very cute together I said he just smiled and sipped on his tea" so... what are you going to do about Denis he said I just looked down I don't know I really love him corl but he's so complicated now mean ever since i got out of the hospital he's been acting very weird I said I agree with you I don't know what's going on with him he said.

Abigail corl what are you guys doing we heard Lexi's voice walking downstairs" oh hey Lexi I said oh hey Lexi corl said smiling hey corky boy she said I just giggled well I'm going to sleep know I'll see you guys in the morning I said and walked upstairs.

When I got upstairs I see Denis outside omg!! I yelled and walked to the window and opened it DENIS what the hell is wrong with you I yelled he just walked into my room and cupped my cheeks and kissed me" it felt like Magic I never wanted it to end, I pulled away from the kiss Denis what's going on you're acting very weird and stupid I said he just started crying look I know I'm a stupid idiot and I don't deserve you but listen to me I've been acting this way because I'm scared he said.

Scared of what I said I'm scared of losing you again what if we get back together and then we argue and then you end up hurting yourself again Abby I'm scared of not being there for you I miss you but ugh I don't know anymore he said crying" awww baby listen I understand why you're scared of not being the perfect person for me but Denis I love you I want to spend the rest my life with you" look I know you're scared of us becoming boyfriend and girlfriend again and us arguing but that's what people do sometimes look you we don't have to be together right now because I can wait I said.

He smiled and kissed me again.

Lexi's pov   Umm so what's up I said he just laughed nothing much he said so... umm do you want to watch SpongeBob I said he smiled and walked to the living room and sat down on the couch I smiled and walked to living room and sat next to corl but he just picked me up and sat me down on his lap

{like this}

I blushed/smiled. We just watched SpongeBob" it was the episode when SpongeBob and squid ward delivered a pizza and SpongeBob says KRUSTY KRAB PIZZA IS THE PIZZA FOR YOU.AND MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! {lol idk} I was laughing so hard because corl kept trying to laugh like spongeBob and it sounds like a cat dying.

You're so weird I said out of breath he just laughed and pulled me closer to him {so baby pulled me closer in the Seat of your boulder lol I think I'm the only one that knows that joke} I blushed and he just pulled me into a kiss" it was amazing I never wanted it to end. Awwww you guys are so cute I heard someone say I pulled away from the kiss and see Abigail and.. Denis umm why is Denis here I said in the nicest way possible oh.. well I really don't know why but I think he came here to apologize she said.

I'm so so so sorry I kicked you out of my house Buddy please forgive me he said to corl" corl smiled and got up and walked to Denis and hugged him awww me and Abigail said they just laughed and pulled away from the hug. So do you guys want to watch SpongeBob with us I said Abigail immediately ran back to her room and then came back with her blanket and walked downstairs and sat down on the couch I just giggled as corl walked back and sat me on his lap again and Denis put Abigail in his lap as well.

We have the best boyfriends in the world I said ha I don't remember asking you out corl said well you should probably get on that I said laughing he just laughed well... will you go on a date with me he said I  blushed yes I would love to I said he just smiled and kissed me on the cheek. Aww Abigail said I giggled so what about you kopotun I said he just laughed will you go out with me Abigail he said sweetly aww yes!! I would love to Abigail said yay!!! We can go on a double date I said omg yes!! Abigail said I giggled.

About an hour later we all decided to go to sleep" I walked upstairs and walked to my bathroom and got into bed" a few minutes later I felt arms around my waist I knew it was corl, I just smiled and slowly go to sleep.

The next morning

{Abigail's pov}

I woke up at 10:46am I quickly reached for my glasses and put them on" I then reached for my phone and decided to text everyone in the group chat.

{in group chat with everyone}

Abigail: heyyy good morning everyone!!! 😇😂❤

Alex:{YouTuber} lol hi good morning" and now I'm going back to sleep so goodnight 🌙😴.

Sub: lol 😂 good night 😴 and good morning everyone

Kathleen: heyyyyy good morning sub!!! And everyone

Adriana: ohhhh someone likes sub;) 😂❤😉

Kathleen: NOOOO I DON'T you are so died

Adriana: lol sorry not sorry 😁😂

Kathleen: well you like sketch;)

Sketch: 😊 awww that's cute someone has a crush on me

Adriana: 😊😊😊😊

Denis: hi guys

Sub: omg where have you been Denis I thought you were died or something lol 😂😐

Denis: well...

Abigail: hey came here and corl here as well

Sub: oh ok but why the Denis think not corl I know why his there

Denis: I came here to ask Abigail out I miss her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Abigail: awwwww:) I love you 💕 😘

Denis: I love so much more 😘😍❤💕

Sub: ok well I'm going to go upload byeeeeeee

Kathleen: byeeeeeee sub😁❤☺️

Lily: umm hi guys

Denis: umm Who are you????

Lily: oh sorry I'm sisters with Kathleen

Abigail: well welcome to the gang lily 🤓😊😂❤

Lily: thanks 😇

Ethan: heyyyy guys and girls 😉😊😂

Claira: XD lol 😂 Ethan ^^

Ethan: hey Claira I know it's stupid to do this on text but I can't wait anymore... will you go on a date with me???🤐😬😶

Claira: omg!!!! 😲 yesssss I would love to ☺️❤

Ethan yay lol 😁

Lexi: lol I miss a lot oh umm guys I forgot to tell you my cousin is coming in town tomorrow and I told her she can stay with us I hope thanks ok Abigail

Abigail: lol no it's fine what's her name

Lexi: Jenny she's super nice I think her and Alex would be cute together but her sister Audrey likes Alex so I don't know lol

Abigail: lol ok well I can't wait to see them 😊❤😁❤️

Corl: lol guys do you want to go on are Double date know 😘🤐😂😂

Denis: I'm down if the girls are

Corl: I'm pretty sure they want to go Lexi just ran out of bed lol 😂

Denis: lol so did Abigail when you said that 😂😂

Adriana: lol well you guys have fun ❤😂

Abigail: aww I'm sorry guys I feel so bad

Adriana: lol don't worry us girls are going to call a uber so we can go spend time with the guys 😂😁

Abigail: oh ok well I'm going to go get ready sooo byeeeeeee lol

Everyone: byeeeeeee

{end of group chat}

Lexi's pov I quickly got my clothes and walked to the bathroom but it was locked ugh!!! We really need two bathrooms in this house" Abigail!!! Hurry up!!! I yelled.

A few minutes later Abigail got out of the bathroom wearing this"

Aww that's a cute outfit I said aww thanks girl she said and walked downstairs" I just walked into the bathroom and locked the door and got undressed and turned on the hot shower and got in.

After my shower I dried off and put this on

I then curled my hair like this

I then walked out of the bathroom and walked downstairs and see Abigail on the couch, where's the boys I said sitting down" oh they said they have to go somewhere and They'll be back soon she said" ok Said.

About 2 hours later the door opened we turned around and see the boys come on let's go Denis said we smiled and got up and walked outside to the car and got in.

About 15 minutes later we stopped at the park Abigail Knew exactly where we were going" we got off the car and corl took my hand and we started walking somewhere. Ok close you're eyes Denis and corl said I closed my eyes and corl lead me to somewhere" ok open they said I opened my eyes and see

Oh my god guys you did that I said well yeah but sketch and Alex helped and Adriana and Kathleen they said." I smiled and kissed corl on the cheek and walked to the picnic and sat down. Everyone just started eating and taking and laughing.

Abigail's pov   I knew Denis would pick are spot to go on a date" hey guys I want to talk you guys something ok what's up corl said" well... this place is mine and Denis' spot we would come here whenever we felt sad or just to get away from problems and well Denis and I wrote our initials and some sweet stuff over there on the tree I said." They looked at the tree and got up and walked to it I can tell they we're reading the stuff on the tree.  Aww that's so sweet but why are you telling us she said in a nice way." Well... I want this place to be not just mine and Denis' spot I want it to be are spot I said." Omg are you serious I just nod my head they immediately got up and walked a tree." To go write something on there.

Lexi's pov   We walked to the tree and corl started writing this."

Corl & Lexi: Lexi I will always be there for you even if were not together" I love you and I want you to be with you as long as God let's me be." You're an amazing and beautiful girl I will love you to infinity and beyond. I promise to be there to watch and episode of SpongeBob with you." I promise to buy you whatever you want when you on you're period." I promise to be there for you when you're having a bad day." I promise to be there when you have a nightmare." I promise to call you my wife one day:) .

I started to cry when I saw that I got on my Tippytoe's and kissed him." I love you more I said pulling away from the kiss he just smiled and kissed my cheek and we walked back to Abigail and Denis.

So do you guys want to go home now and watch SpongeBob or something Denis said I smiled and got up and ran down the hill and walked to the car." A few minutes later they all got in the car and Denis dove us back home.

A few minutes later we got back to the house." Abigail got off the car and walked to the door and opened it and walked inside as I did as well." Ok you guys start the movie and corl and I will be right back Denis said." wait where are you going me and Abigail said at the same time oh we're just going to be gas station really quick to get us some snacks corl said oh ok well hurry back we said love you I said and kissed him on the cheek so did Abigail." Ok Will be back." They said and left

We just walked to the living room and picked out a movie to watch." Umm let's just watched high school musical Abigail said ok I said and got the SD and put it in the DVD player."

We where about go upstairs and get are pillows and blankets when all of a sudden we got a phone call.

OK guys I'm just gonna leave it there because it's getting a little bit too long anyways I want to thank you guys so so much, for almost 3k I'm soooo happy like you have no idea. Anyways so i'm going to put everybody in the next chapter hopefully I'm still trying to remember how many people there are in the story lol anyways I also want to say happy birthday to Gamer_Girl_467539 and I just want to tell jurassicjj that you're amazing and beautiful and the best and we all love you no matter what ❤❤❤❤❤❤ ok well that's about it I hope you guys have an amazing day or night byeeeeeee ❤❤️💕😂🤓🤓😁😉😲🎁🎁😢😪😘😇😃😲😬😘🎈😭😪😉😇❤😂😊😉🎊🎁😂😂☺️😂🤣😇❤😂❤😁😪😘☺️😉😢😊😂😭😇💕❤

Tabitha 💕

{Word count}


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