Chapter 32. Valentine's Day love ❤😘🔥 part 2

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lol before we get in to chapter 2 of Valentine's Day dates we just have to Take a moment to realize how cute are husbands are lol again jurassicjj we can't see subs face so you just get his dog LOLXD at least when you merry sub you get a dog I'm probably just going to have a cat 😭 I like cats but I'm a dog person lol 😂 ok let's get into the chapter.

Lily's pov    I woke up at 7:56am and turned around and reach for my phone and unlocked it and see the time and date on there it was Tuesday February 14 which means it's Valentine's Day yay...... it's not that I don't like Valentine's Day I just miss my boyfriend jent he's all the way in Australia and I'm here" so it's hard because every one has a date while I have no one.

I just got out of bed and walked to my closet and pick out something to wear" I just picked out a dress that jent bought me on our 3 year anniversary" I then walked out of my room and walked to my bathroom" I closed and locked the door I then just got undressed and got in.

After my shower I just dried off and put my dress on" it looked like this"

I this just put my makeup on and did my hair like this.

I then just walked out of my bathroom and walked down the hall to the stairs" when I reach the stairs I see all the lights off and candles all over and red roses scattered everywhere I immediately thought this was a Valentine's Day surprise for someone but then i looked closer and see.....jent omg baby what are you doing her I yelled and ran downstairs and jumped into his arms" well it's Valentine's Day and its also our 4 year anniversary so I decided to surprise you he said and put me down" well it's the best surprise ever I yelled and we both started laughing" look I have something to tell you he said I immediately got nervous ok I said.

He then got down on one knee and opened a black box that had a ring in it" OH MY GOD I cried and put my hands over my mouth" lily Since the day I first met you I knew you was the one I would grow old with and one day have a family lily you make me feel like I'm on cloud 9 ever day you're my beautiful lovey and overall amazing girlfriend but I think I'm getting tired of calling you my girlfriend I think wife is a great name to call you now lily {middle name} {last name} will you make me the happiest person alive and merry me please! He said I started crying yessss I'll Merry you I yelled crying he smiled and got up and slide the ring on my finger." I just hugged him this was the best Valentine's Day and anniversary ever

I'll never forget it.

Ok so I hoped you guys liked Lily's date and I hope you liked it too Lily ok let's get on with violets Valentine's Day date.💚😊😉

Violets pov   I woke up at 9:59am I got out of bed and walked to my closet and pick out my outfit for the day" after I found my outfit I just got undressed and put my clothes on.

I then just walked downstairs and got my keys and walked outside and walked to my car.

A few minutes later I just arrived at Starbucks I got out off my car and walked inside." When I walked in I see really no one inside but one guy that looked the same age as me" I then realized I was staring at him for way to long" I quickly looked away and started blushing I just sat down at a table" I really didn't come here for coffee or anything I just wanted to get away for a bit.

Umm is it ok if I sit here someone said I looked up from my phone and see the guy from earlier" oh sure I said putting my phone down." So....why aren't you with you're boyfriend he said I just giggled well I don't have a boyfriend I said resting my head on the Palm of my hand" oh wow you're so beautiful you should have a boyfriend with those beautiful eyes he said i blushed well it was nice meeting you but I have to go he said" oh...ok can I get your number and you're name I said he smiled my name is Kevin and he's my number he said showing me his phone" i smiled and showed him mine and may I have your name he said I smiled it's Violet I said that's a very beautiful name he said and kissed my hand I blushed and he just walked out of the restaurant.

I just started jumping up and down best valentine's Day ever I yelled.

Lol ok so I'm going to probably make a chapter about this so don't worry lol anyways I hoped you liked violets Valentine's Day thing lol ok let's get on with Isabellas Valentine's Day thing and there going to be the same thing petty much so yeah. 💚😉💗

Isabella's pov I woke up at 12:45pm and got out of bed ugh!!! Today is going to be a long boring day" i walked to my closet and pick out something to wear for this boring day." I just got undressed and put on this"

I then just left my hair down" I got my Wallet and phone and walked out of my bedroom and walked downstairs" I then just walked outside to my car" I got in and just dove to God knows.

A few minutes later I just end up coming to the park" I got off the car and walked down to the ice cream truck." When I got there I was really the only one here except for this guy who liked the same age as me." I just got in line" I was behind him and was just waiting.

It was finally my turn" I walked up to the truck I'm sorry ma'am but we're all out of ice cream the ice cream man said I just rolled my eyes" Great I said oh I'm so sorry here take mine the guy from earlier said." Umm....don't worry I didn't eat it yet here he said and gave me the ice cream" I smiled so what's your name he said I'm Isabella and you? I said umm I'm Noah he said I smiled.

That entire day we just got to know each other a lot! And we both got each other's numbers" this was actually one amazing day that I won't forget 💕😉😁

Ok so that's Isabella's Valentine's Day thing lol I hoped you liked it and know let's get into Sara's Valentine's Day date 😉💚💕

Sara's pov   I was currently getting ready for my date tonight with Shawn" we've been dating for a month now and it's just been amazing I love him with all my heart.

After I was done getting ready I just looked like this

{the hair as well}

I then just walked out of my bathroom and walked downstairs and see Shawn waiting for me at the bottom." Wow you look...amazing and beautiful he said I smiled and we just walked out of the house and walked to Shawn's car.

So where are we going for tonight I said well it's a surprise he said ugh!! Shawn you know I hate waiting I said he just rolled his eyes playfully.

Ok where here he said I looked up from my phone and see denny's...ummm Shawn I love you and all but why I said a bit confused" because this is the place we first met and I want to remember that day he said I smiled I love you so much I said and got off the car.

Hi just take a Seat anywhere the lady at the counter said" Shawn then saw a couple in our table oh no this isn't going to end well I said to myself." Umm sir I'm sorry but this is mine and my girlfriends table and can I ask you to" to leave please" umm no! The guy said I could tell that Shawn was angry and Shawn never gets angry." Ok that's it he said and took the guy and pick him up by his hands and put him somewhere else and the girl just got up from the table.

Ummm I'm sorry but my Manager just said to band you guys so get out the Lady yelled I smiled ok thanks ma'am I said and pulled Shawn out of the restaurant" I'm sorry baby I really am I just laughed it's ok baby I know you were just trying to make me happy but I don't need anything on Valentine's Day I just need you and I'll be happy I said he smiled and we kissed." I love you baby happy Valentine's Day he said pulling away from the kiss I smiled happy Valentine's Day baby I love you to.

And that was my favorite day ever.

Lol 😂 ok so I hope you guys liked Sara's date sorry if it sounds weird or stupid I'm trying to Rush this chapter because I'm still in bed and I really just want it over already I'm sorry 😐 anyways let's get on with Dayana's Valentine's Day date 😉😘❤

Dayana's pov Today was Valentine's Day I really do miss my friends and family back in Canada I miss Alex to I only broke up with him because I knew he deserved better than me and I know he would not wait for me" so I just let him go.

I got out of bed and walked to my closet and pick out something to wear" I just got undressed and put my clothes on.

I then just put my hair in a high ponytail and got my school stuff and walked out of my dorm.

Ummm hey d-Dayana Steve said his the nerd of the school but I think his cute" oh morning Steve I said umm so I-i was wondering if you would like to t-to go to the d-d- I just cut him off yes Steve I would love to go to the dance with you I said giggling" wait really he said yeah it would be fun going to the dance with someone I know I said he smiled/ blushed I giggled ok let's get to class before we get detention I said and we just walked into class.

6 hours later sorry but I really just want to get to Abigail's and Denis' date already lol 😂

I was getting ready for the dace I didn't want to Go all out but just a little I just end up looking like this.

{the hair as well}

And my makeup looks like this.

After I was done getting ready I walked out of my bathroom and walked to my door because someone was knocking on it" I opened the door and see Steve wearing a blue tux I just giggled you looked cute I said and you looked Drop dead gorgeous he said I just smiled and we started walking to the place that there having the dace at.

When we got there it was pretty amazing I loved all the lights and balloons there was Steve then pulled my hand and the next thing I know we was dace under the stars {yes there is no roof on the place ok 😂} this night just got a lot better than I thought it would I said he just smiled and we then started to lean in the next this I know I was kissing Steve.

Wow you're a great kisser I said as we pulled away from the kiss" he just laughed and we had an amazing night one that will stayed in my heart for a long time.

Awwww so sweet and cute lol ok so hoped you guys liked this Valentine's Day date" LOLXD anyways let's get into the date that we all been waiting for Abigail's and Denis' date yussss finally lol I know anyways let's get into it

Abigail's pov   I woke up at 2:45pm and turned around and put my glasses on" I hate myself now because I woke up so late {I know that feeling} I just got out of bed and walked downstairs and see no one I was about to call Denis on my phone but I then Heard screaming and laughing from the guys Recording room I smiled" I then just decided to go downstairs and eat something.

1 to 2 hours later {lol is it just me but every time when I do that reminds me of SpongeBob lol I'm wired}

Oh hey baby good afternoon he said I smiled" so what are we doing for today I said umm well I'm just going to be in the Recording room all day I really need to get some videos out I haven't an upload it in like a month and everyone is freaking out so yeah sorry but it's nothing special going on today it's just Tuesday he said and walked upstairs.

Wow so he forgot that today is Valentine's Day a tear escaped from my eyes I wiped the tears and just walked back upstairs to my room" I know I'm making a big deal about nothing but this Valentine's Day was going to be my favorite because this year I have the guy I always wanted to spend it with" and that guy just forgot that it's Valentine's Day.

I just decided to edit the video for Denis I was going to show it to him today but know I just don't know anymore." I was looking at pictures for the video and started crying why I don't even want to cry about this it's so stupid ugh!!! I hate being sensitive.

Denis' pov I was editing a video when I heard crying and sobbing I immediately got up worried what happened." I walked to where the crying was coming from" I then realized no ones home but me and Abigail" I walked to her room and see her holding a picture of us and crying ugh!! Why did he have to forget about Valentine's Day and make me cry ugh!!! I hate being sensitive she yelled crying.

I immediately ran downstairs and looked at the calendar it said Tuesday Valentine's Day 2017 I can't believe I forgot about Valentine's Day I thought it was next week ugh I'm sooo stupid she's never going to forgive me I have to try and fix this." I got my keys and Wallet and walked out of the door not caring that I'm wearing pajamas and my cat slippers that Abigail got me for Christmas." I got in the car and started driving to Walmart.

When I got to Walmart I immediately ran inside and started picking out a lot of roses and chocolate I then got her a big teddy bear it looked like this.

{lol can I just have this for Valentine's Day}

I then just paid for everything and ran back to the car and dove back home. When I got home I just got everything off the car and ran inside. Abigail!!!! No response I then started freaking out ABIGAIL I yelled no response I got really worried ugh!!! I ran upstairs and walked into her room and see her crying her eyes out with a knife in her hand I then turned pale, no don't you dare I yelled crying and taking the knife out of her hands she just curled up in a ball and started rocking back and forth crying and sobbing.

I felt so bad this is all my fault." I just walked up to her a cup her cheeks and kissed her so Passionately. I pulled away from the kiss Abigail are you ok I said scared of my life she nod her head up and down saying she's Ok I sigh in relief" don't you ever do that again I said she nod I love you to much for you to die I said we just hugged and Stead like that forever it felt.

A few hours later I told her I'm sorry and she Forgive me." I'm so stupid I said yeah I know but it's ok I still love you thanks for my presents I love them she said no problem I said we then just started kissing again.

This was a very interesting day One day I will definitely never forget

Yay OK guys this is it I hope you guys like this I worked my ass off for it so this book that I get 4K soon LOL I'm just kidding anyways I love you all so much happy Valentine's Day even if you do you have a boyfriend or you don't just have a great time and make the best of it i'm going to go watch my future husband now so goodbye lol 😂💗💗💗💗💗❤❤❤😂😊😁😉😘😁💚❤️❤️❤️💚❤😂😂😂💗💗💗❤😘💍💍😋😘❤️❤️❤️😁😘😊💚❤😂💗💗😂

Tabitha 💕💚💗

{ Word Count}



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