Chapter 5. Disneyland!!!

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Abigail's pov   I woke up at 7:34am and see that Denis is not in bed I get out of bed and got my glasses and walked out of the room.  Morning Denis said oh morning I said setting down at the counter I made you're favorite pancakes he said aww thanks I said and started eating" so where's Alex and corl I said taking another bite of my pancakes oh there still sleeping but Alex should be up In a couple of minutes it's corl that likes to stay asleep he said and I just giggled ok well what time are we living I said umm I think corl said about 2:30pm he said oh ok hey I hope you don't mind but I got tickets for Sara and Dayana so they can come with us I said oh.. no that's ok don't worry about it he said good because my sister is going to be there as well I said oh really that's cool he said yeah anyways I'm going to go to my house because I have a Disney outfit that I want to wear for today I said and got my plate and put it in the sink, ok see you later then he said and walked to he's room probably going to do a video I got my keys and walked outside and walked to my car and drove to my house. A few minutes later I got to my house and got off my car and locked it and walked inside my house"  when I got in I decided that I probably should text Dayana and Sara that there invited to come to Disneyland with us I got my phone and go to my text messages and tap on Sara's name.

Abigail's and Sara's conversations

Abby: hey girl so I have big news!

Sara: oh! Really what is it wait!! Is it something Shawn related

Abby: No I wish anyways you're invited to come to Disneyland with me Denis and Alex and corl!!!

Sara: oh my god thanks ok I'll get ready but when is the flight? And how many days are we staying

Abby: 2:30pm but we're going to pick up us anyways so yeah and I think we're staying until not tomorrow but the next day

Sara: oh ok well thanks for inviting me I guess I'll see you later

Abby: no problem see you later :)

End of conversations

I then decided to text Dayana as well I tap on her name and started texting her.

Abigail's and Dayana's conversation

Abby: hey girl so guess what!

Dayana: what wait does this have to do something about 5sos

Abby: Nooo lol sorry but anyways you're invited to come to Disneyland with me and Denis and Alex and corl

Dayana: oh well that's cool as ok so what time do we have to leave and how long are we staying

Abby: 20:30pm and we're going to pick you up anyways and we're leaving not tomorrow but the next day

Dayana: ok well I'm going to get started on packing and I'll see you guys later love ya

Abby: ok see you later and love ya too

End of conversations

Abigail's pov   After I text them that are coming I ran upstairs and walked to my room and walked to my closet and pick out my Disneyland outfit for today, after I finish finding my outfit I walked out of my room and walked to the bathroom and turned on the hot shower and got undressed and got in. After my shower I put my clothes on and then pick up my dirty clothes and walked out of the bathroom and walked to the laundry room and put my dirty clothes in the basket" after that I walked back to my bathroom and decided to do my makeup again I really don't want to wear that much makeup because I'm just not the makeup person so yeah I just put some concealer/foundation and some pink eyeshadow and eyeliner and then I just put on my light pink lipgloss and then I was done. After I was with my makeup I walked out of the bathroom and walked back to my room and got my car keys and walked downstairs and walked outside I locked the house and walked to my car and started driving to Starbucks because I wanted to surprise the boys with Starbucks.

Denis's pov I just finished packing my suitcase for Orlando I'm so excited to go to Disneyland tomorrow" hey Buddy I turned around and see corl still in he's pajamas corl it's almost 2:30 you should get ready I said and got my suitcase and walked to the Front door and put it down, yeah I'm going to go get ready now but I just wanted to know do you like Abigail or something he said and I started getting nervous umm... y- y- yeah I- I- I guess I said stuttering because I'm so nervous don't worry Buddy it's ok I just wanted to know because I see the Way you looked at her and you just look like you really really like her he said yeah I guess I've kinda always liked her I said looking down well why don't you tell her that you like her I see the way she looks at you and you guys would just look so cute together he said I smile yeah I've been wanting to tell her that I like her but I just haven't got a plan to tell her mean I really want to make it special I said" well why do you tell her when we go to Disneyland tomorrow he said I don't know I think I'm going to tell her in different way I'll tell you later I've been thinking of this for a while so yeah I'll tell you later I said ok well I'm going to go get ready he said and walked away. A few minutes later I was done getting ready so was corl and Alex" ok are you guys ready to go corl said yeah but we still need to wait for Abigail I said oh yeah where is she Alex said she said that she has to go to her house to get ready but she should be here by now I said getting a bit worried, as I said that the door opened surprise I got you guys so Starbucks Abby said walking inside aww thanks corl said and got he's drink thanks Abby but you didn't have to get us Starbucks Alex said no I wanted to Alex so here's you're frappe and Denis here's you're frappe as well she said handing me my drink as she handed Alex's drink as well. Ok so now that we have everyone can we go now corl said we all laugh yes corl we can go now Abby said ok let's go I said and got Abigail's and my suitcases and walked out the door.

Abigail's pov After Denis and corl and Alex put all the suitcases in the car we all got in the car and started driving to Dayana's house because I told corl that my friends are coming as well and he said ok and my sister will meet us there I said ok corl said. A few minutes later we got to Dayana's house yay I'm so excited for Disneyland Dayana said getting into the car Denis got off to go put Dayana's suitcase in the trunk ok now let's go to Sara's house and then we can go to the airport I said ok corl said and started driving to Sara's house. Hey girls Sara said getting into the car hey I said and Alex got off the car and put Sara's suitcase in the trunk" ok now can we go corl said yes we can go now I said yay!! Disneyland here we come Denis said and I giggled.

At the airport once we all got through security and all that other stuff we all sat down and just waited for are plane" I looked at all of us and see corl and Sara talking which I thought was cute I'm happy that we're all making new friends and I looked and see that Alex and Dayana was on there phones, I looked at Denis and see him playing some game on he's phone I just decided to watch some YouTube videos as we wait. Flight to Orlando Florida the announcer said yay I can't believe we're all actually going to Disneyland I said getting a bit excited. Once we got on the plane we all looked for are seats me and Denis sat next to each other corl and Sara was A cross from us and Alex and Dayana was behind me and Denis, I started getting a bit sleepy so I told Denis that I'm going to sleep for a bit and he said ok and told me that I can lean my head on he's shoulder, I put my head down on Denis's shoulder and slowly go to sleep.  I woke up and Hear someone talking about me it must be Denis, you must really like her corl said yeah she's my friend and I don't know what I would do without her I Heard Denis said which made me smile.  Abigail Abby get up where here i get up and see that we landed I smiled and got out of my seat and walked to where everyone else was" after we got all of are suitcases we got us a uber and went to the Hotel.  Once we got to the hotel we check in and go to are room corl thought it would be easier if we all stay in one room, ok so how is this going to work Dayana said umm well me and Denis can have this bed and Alex and Dayana you can have this bed and corl and Sara you guys can have the couch bed I said ok they said I walked to my suitcase and got my pajamas out and walked to the bathroom and got changed, after that I decided to get into bed because I'm very tired I walked I got into bed and a few minutes later Denis got into bed with me and we all go sleep.

The next day still Abigail's pov I woke up at 8:23am and see everyone asleep I got out of bed and walked to my suitcase and got my outfit for today a walk to the bathroom I locked it and turned on the hot shower and got undressed and got in. After my shower I brush my teeth and wash my face and got dressed {outfit is up there} after I got dressed I got my dirty clothes and walked out of the bathroom I walked to my suitcase and got the laundry bag that I packed I up my dirty clothes in it and closed my suitcase" after that I walked to where my phone was charging we all charged are phone last night so we all have a 100% for today I look at my phone and see that I have a text message from my sister I tapped on it all read the text.

Abigail's and Ashley's conversations

Ashley: hey sis I just got off the plane me and Cameron are going to go eat and then we'll be to the Hotel or we might just met you at the Park

Abby: ok and just met us to the park because we're going to go eat then go to the park so yeah see you later love ya :)

Ashley: kk love ya too:) :) :)

End of conversations

I decided to go wake everyone up so we can go eat and then go to the park" Denis wake up I said shaking him what he said still asleep get up I said ok ok I'm up he said and got out of bed I wake up Dayana and Sara and Sara woke up corl and Dayana woke up Alex. After we're all up we all got ready well except for me because I was already ready. After everyone got ready I told them that Ashley and Cameron will meet us at the park ok they said and we all walked out of the room and walked down the hall and got in the elevator" we got us a uber and we decided to go to Waffle House for breakfast. When we got to Waffle House we all ordered what we wanted, ok so now we can go to Disneyland corl said yay!!! I'm sooo excited I said walking out of the restaurant and got back into the uber. A few minutes later we got to Disneyland well just the parking lot we all got off the car and walked to the train we all have to get on the train so we can go to Disneyland" a few minutes later we got to the park and I can see cinderella's castle I started jumping up-and-down because I'm sooo excited that we're all here ok so what do we do first Dayana said umm well first we need to go find my sister I said ok but she can be anywhere Denis said no she text me when we're on the train she said that she's at cinderella's castle I said ok well let's go Denis and corl said at the same time I giggled and started walking to The castle. Hey sis I Heard someone say I turn around and see Ashley and Cameron I run up to her and hugged her I missed you I said same she said and pulled away hey everyone she said hey they said back ok now that we're all here what should we do first Denis said umm let's go on the show White roller coaster Sara said ok we all said, so are you and Cameron dating yet I said yeah we just started dating about a month ago she said wow and you didn't tell me I said she laugh well I wanted to keep it a secret for a little bit she said it's okay I'm happy that you are dating someone I said thanks so how about you are you and Denis dating yet she said and I blush no I said looking down she giggled well don't worry sis you'll find someone who loves you one day she said and I smiled.  A few minutes later we got in line it's a good thing that Disneyland isn't to packed with people but still there a lot of people here" It was finally our true and we got a cart for ourselves so we didn't have to share it with one but us which I thought was cool, Denis and I was in the Front Alex and Dayana was behind us and corl and Sara was behind Alex and Dayana and then my sister and Cameron was behind them, the ride started and it was so much fun I really don't like roller coasters but this one wasn't so bad we all scream and smile.  After that we decided to go on my favorite Disney princess ride The little mermaid hey Guys let's go on the little mermaid ride I said ok they said I pulled Denis's arm and started running to the line" it was are turn to go we all got on the giant seashells and the ride started. {5 hours sorry} we decided to go to the Castle for the fireworks a few minutes later we found a spot to see them look there starting Ashley said we all looked up and see the fireworks go off omg there sooo pretty I said yeah but there not as pretty as you Denis said I smile/blushed aww thanks I said. 
After the fireworks we all start going back to the train so we can go back to the uber.  A few minutes later we got back to the uber and we all passed out because we're all so tired and are Feet are killing us. Abigail wake up Denis said can you Carrie me I said sure he said he pick me up bride style and I looked around and see that Alex is Carrying Dayana and corl is carrying Sara I smile because we have the best boys in the world. A few minutes later we all got to the Hotel and we all got ready after I was done getting ready I just climbed into bed and slowly go to sleep 😴

Wow ok guys this Took me all day but I got it up for you guys I hope you liked it I want to thank you for 74 reads 154 followers and 213 on I'm wired and I don't care book thank you all so much I love you guys so so much and I'll see you guys Sunday bye 👋🏻❤️😁😂💕✌🏻️😴😉👩🏻😽🙀🤔😋😺😻😸😹✨💙😍😊😀😬😁😇☺️🙂😊😌😍😘😗😙😝😜😎😐🙄🤔

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