Chapter 52. Happily ever after 👰🏻🤵

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( this chapter is going to be kinda short and it's probably only going to have Denis's pov and Abigail's pov)

< 1 year later, May, 22nd, 2021, >

Abigail's pov   I woke up at 7:12pm, and jumped out of bed with a smile on my face today is the day I officially became Mrs kopotun!!!!. I quickly put on some casual clothes and walked downstairs to see all the girls cooking breakfast.

I smiled morning everyone I say taking a peace of Bacon from the plates, oh good morning soon to be Mrs kopotun, they all screamed and we all giggled. So what are we doing after we eat well we're going to go get your dress and our dresses and then pick up the tables and chairs and then all the rest we'll pick up as well I guess Jenny said I smiled. Ok well let's eat so we can go Lexi said.

After we ate we all got in Jenny's and sub's van and drove to the store we're our dresses are at, when we got there we all got off the car and ran into the shop, I told them I need to try my dress on one more time the lady said ok and brought out my dress I smiled and want to try it on.  When a came out of the dressing room I see everyone in their dresses I smiled at Lexi because I knew she wouldn't wear a dress but she did for me and I'm happy it fits her and Jenny because their both "5 months pregnant", 

You guys look amazing I say no you look even more amazing geez denis is going to die when he sees you, Audrey said and I smiled a tear escapes my eyes aww don't cry Adriana said I'm just so happy that we're all best friends and I'm so happy I'm going to walk down that Isle today I said crying more.

Aww come on guys group hug Jenny yelled and we all giggled and hugged each other, after that sweet moment we all got change into our clothes again and we got our dresses and walked out of the shop. 

We all got back in the van and we decided to go get the tables, and chairs, for the wedding and see how the wedding is going to be set up, my sister Ashley is taking care of how I want my wedding to look like and I just hope she does a good job I thought as we started driving to the park where me and denis are getting married at.

A few minutes later we got to the park and you can see where the wedding is going to be at because they put the wedding arch down in front of the park, I smiled and we all walked towards the middle of the park.

Ashley!!!! I love it, it looks so beautiful I said seeing all the fairy lights around the threes and the White carpet on the Grass, it was just amazing I ran into my sisters arms and hugged her.

I'm just glad I get to see you walk down that isle mom and dad would've loved to see you today and I know they would be so proud of their little girl she said pulling away from hug, I smiled and wiped away my tears. Ok well enough crying let's start setting up the rest she said walking away I giggled and all us girls started helping her set up the rest.

When it was finally done it looked amazing, the girls said they have a surprise for denis and I but we can't see it until after the wedding witch sucks because I hate waiting.

Ok girls it's already 5 o'clock we should start getting ready now I yelled the girls started walking towards my way and we all started walking towards the van again and going back to my house so we could get ready.

Denis's pov Right now me and the guys are at Corl's and Lexi's house getting ready, we would've got ready at my place but I'm still waiting for the furniture to arrive so until then I'm staying with Abigail and the kids.

But I think we're going to move into my house when we get the furniture back hopefully..., hey you ok Alex said his hand on my shoulder I turned my head and looked at him and nod not really wanting too talk.

Look man I understand your nervous it's ok to be a little nervous but don't start getting cold feet and run away from your problems again he said sitting down next to me on the couch. I'm fine... I'm not going to let down Abigail again I'm just scared what if she likes says no again or changes her mind what- I was cut off by Alex saying " she's not going to say no or change your mind" denis When I was with Abigail I noticed every time someone mention you or when she saw you walk past her, her eyes would light up and that's when I realized this girl will always love you no matter what the situation was. "You guys are soulmates" he said and that's when I knew that Abigail will never leave again and neither will I.

Ok guys it's 5 o'clock the girls are probably getting ready but we should get to the park now Corl said from the kitchen I smiled and Alex and I got off the couch and we all pulled our Jackets over our suits and walked outside and walked towards the car.

When we got to the park I could see how beautiful it was from just looking out the window of the car. We all got off the car and walked around the park Abigail's sister did a great job I said looking at what she did to the beautiful park that Abigail and I practically grow up in. 

A few minutes later all the Guest started walking to their sets I could feel a few tears escape my eyes when I seen my little girl in her dress she reminded me so much of her mother she was just as gorgeous as her mom is.  I walked towards my mom that was holding Oliver on her left hip as I got closer Oliver jumped into my arms and Olivia hugged my lag I smiled and kissed her on her head and pulled her into my arms. We hugged for a little while until Alex yelled that the girls are her I smiled and put the kids down and let them go with my mother.

I walked towards the wedding arch and sat under it as I wait for the most beautiful girl that I soon will be able to call my wife.

Abigail's pov The girls had to help me with my makeup and hair and in the end I actually could call myself beautiful, I love it guys you did amazing I smiled into the mirror I was looking at myself in. Well I'm glad you like it now come on let's go before denis changes his mind Audrey said and I could tell she felt guilty about what she just said.

Abigail you know he wouldn't do that to you again right Jenny said sitting down on my bed I forced a smile yeah I know that it's just.... I just don't want to go through that pain again and the kids I really don't want them to grow up without a dad I say. And they won't because I could tell that denis is in love with you more then ever before and I know he's not going to just run away again Lexi said her hands on my shoulders, I looked up at her and I could tell she was telling the truth I smiled and hugged her.

Come on let's get you to that wedding Claira said walking into the room CLAIRA!!!!!!! We all screamed and hugged her. She laughed as we pulled away you made it I thought you and Ethan couldn't come I said looking at her well let's just say it was not easy coming back here but I just couldn't miss the biggest wedding of a life time she said giggling at the end. I smiled and the next thing I knew she started pulling me down the stairs and into the car as everyone else got in as well.

Come on guys we got a wedding to be at Lexi said starting the car and diving to the park which wasn't that far which made me super nervous.

When we got to the park my nerves was all over the place I could feel my heart beating so fast that I thought I was going to pass out I felt like I could throw up any minute as well. When I finally had the guts to get out of the car we started walking towards the wedding Area.

The music started playing and my nerves started getting worse but I started breathing in and out and before I knew it i started walking down the isle slowly trying my best not to trip and fall over my highs, I saw denis in his tux and he looked so handsome I just wanted to kiss him already and go home and cuddle with him and the kids. That's when I looked to my right and saw my two beautiful babies sitting down next to Denis's mother I smiled and walked the rest of the way towards Denis.

( ok so again I suck at weddings because our weddings in my family are different so let's just skip to the vowels or whatever their called lol )

Abigail: denis there's no way to say how much I truly love you, I loved you for so long and I never thought I would be here in a White dress saying these words to you, but I guess life had a few surprises for the both of us. Denis your not just my friend you're my  "Hero" when I almost killed myself because I couldn't Handle the thought of my parents being dead," but no matter how much I pushed you away you came right back to me and saved my life and I thank you for that every day I wake up because if you didn't save me then I wouldn't be here with our two beautiful children and saying i do. Denis I'm so happy that I get to wake up with you everyday and get to call you my husband thank you denis for coming back home and finding me and thank you for falling in love with me. I love you so much denis and I will always be here for you no matter what I said. And I could see denis crying I smiled and pulled him into a hug and a kiss.

Ok denis you're turn the guy that's marring us said.

He smiled a pulled out a piece of paper and started reading me what he wrote.

Denis: Abigail I want to start off with saying how sorry I am for what I did to you all those years ago, and I want to make it up to you by being there for you for the rest of our lives I love you Abigail I will always love you" there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you I just hope you can find it in your heart to truly forgive me and trust me. Abigail you've been the best this that's ever happened to me and I don't want to ever let you go again you are my friend my everything my life but most of all your my soulmate. And I can't wait to start our lives together again and raise our beautiful children together and maybe hopefully more, I will never stop loving you Abigail you are my other half and I promise you that I will love you till the end of time he said and I couldn't help but cry and tell him that I forgive him and I love you more.

Ok well I'm the Power invested in me I know pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride the guy said denis smiled and pulled me into a kiss which was no ordinary kiss it was true loves kiss and I never wanted it to end I could hear people clapping but all I could Focus on was I'm officially Mrs kopotun.

( after the wedding)

Right now all of us are still at the park helping to clean up and having a few drinks, hey guys we have one more surprise for you Adriana said getting up and taking mine and Denis's hands dragging us up a hill. When we reached the top of the hill I couldn't help but smiled real big omg you guys I how did you do this I said running towards the let up tree that had pictures of all the great memories of us being together. Well it was Lexi's and Corl's idea but we hope you like it Jenny said from behind us I smiled and all of a sudden I felt a pair of soft lips on mine I smiled through a kiss knowing it was denis awww I heard everyone say I pulled away and giggled.

Come on let's finish cleaning so we can all get back home I said and everyone gave me a smirk and I just rolled my eyes as I started picking up empty beer cans and throwing them in the garbage can.

When it was time to go home me and denis walked home we wanted to enjoy the moonlight and stars, we walked hand and hand down the street people was giving us some weird looks but I could care less I was finally with the love of my life. When we reached the house I couldn't walk away more in my high heels denis just gave me a smirk and pick me up bride style and I giggled not expecting it he laughed and walked me into the house and all the way up the stairs to our now shared room and throw me on the bed.

I laughed and denis just smiled and kissed me I smiled through and well you probably already know what happens next.

As I was in Denis's arms I couldn't help but smiled knowing that i had a pretty good life and I wouldn't trade it for the world, I turned around and kissed denis on the cheek before getting out of his gip and walking towards my closet to put some clothes on.

After I was done I walked downstairs and walked outside I started walking towards the cemetery. When I got there I sat down next to where my mom and dad was and told them about my day and how I wish they was there I started crying. " mommy daddy I love you so much and I promise you that I'm going to make you guys proud" I said they already are I Heard a voice behind me I turned my head and see denis standing there oh umm sorry did I wake you up when I left I said getting up wiping my tears.

No I was already up before you left I just wanted to give you so time because I knew you was going to be going here but I just couldn't help myself so I followed you he said and I smiled well I guess we should just Head back now I said trying not to cry. Hold up I know your hunting and I want you to know that you're parents loved you and they are so proud of you and you don't have to be I shamed of crying in front of me he said wiping my tears with his thumb I smiled and started crying into his shoulder.

It's ok hey look at me he said and I looked into his big brown eyes you are going to see them again I just know it I promise you that one day you will see them again he said and I smiled thanks for being by my side I say anything for my beautiful wife he said and we both said our goodbyes to my parents and walked back home.

I got in bed with denis and he pulled me into his arms and I kissed him before turning off the light and slowly going to sleep with a smile on my face knowing that denis has promised me nothing but love and care.

And they live happily ever after the end:

Wow OK guys it's over with i'm finally done with this book this has been the biggest book I have ever done and i just can't believe that it has 7.41k like WHAT thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart I cannot thank you enough for reading this book and being there for this book and asking for more I love this book and I'm so happy you guys loved it as well I will not be making a sequel to this book because I don't think it needs one so yeah I am going to be updating my other books now and I'm excited for it so look forward to that I don't really know what else to say but a big thank you just for everybody that's read this book and  I promise will always be my favorite book I ever did I love you guys so so much and I'll see you guys in my next books byeeeeeee ❤️💙💛💚💜

( Word count)



~ Tabitha kopotun

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