Chapter 7. The date!

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Abigail's pov I woke up at 12:33pm and feel arms around me I turned around and see a sleeping Denis I then remembered what happened last night I smiled because I know that Denis is there for me when I need him. I slowly got out of bed trying not to wake Denis up, once I got out of bed I walked to my closet and pick out something to wear" after I finish finding something to wear I walked out of my room and walked to the bathroom and turned on the hot shower and got undressed and got in.   After my shower I put my clothes on and pick up my dirty clothes and walked out of the bathroom and walked to the laundry room and put my dirty clothes in the basket i decided to put my clothes in the washer so I put my clothes in the washer and turned it on so it can wash my clothes. After that I walked back to my room and see that Denis is still asleep I walked to his side of the bed and shake him, Denis wake up I said still shaking him no I don't want to he said in a sleepy voice if you get up I'll give you a kiss I said he smiled and got out of the bed I Believe you have something for me he said looking at me I smiled and got on my Tippy toes and kissed him on the lips we started kissing and Denis grabbed my waste and picked me up I wrap my legs around his waist and Wrap my arms around his neck and we started making out petty much.  A few minutes later I finally pulled away because I'm out of breath wow ok so that just happened I said to myself I smiled and Denis put me down ok well.. I'm going to go get ready he said I nod my head and walk downstairs.  I Heard the shower go on"  I decided to make some breakfast for me and Denis I walked to the kitchen and walked to the fridge and got out the eggs and bacon and started cooking breakfast.  I couldn't stop thinking about earlier then Denis and I made out I never thought I would say that to myself or even kissing him i just continued cooking. After I finish cooking I put the food on the table and got out some Orange juice for us and put it on the table as well" hey Denis said walking downstairs hey I said and sat down at the table thanks for the breakfast he said walking to the table and sitting down well you're very welcome I said he laughed and we just started eating. So what do you want to do today I said well.. we still have that date you said yes to he said smiling I smiled back ok when do you want to go I said umm how about now he said ok I said just let me clean up the kitchen and then we can go I said ok he said. After I finish cleaning up the kitchen I walked to the living room and see Denis on his phone hey you ready I said yeah let's go he said and got up we walked outside and I locked the door and walked to Denis's car Denis Open the door for aww thanks I said and got in he closed the door and walked around the car and got in" so we're going I said it's a surprise he said I rolled my eyes and wanted on my phone. A few minutes later we got to the place and Denis told me to Cover my eyes so did, I then hear Denis walked around the car to open my door" he opened the cat door and I walked out of the car ok now keep you're eyes closed he said and I can tell that he was smiling.  Denis where on earth are you taking me I said giggling we're almost there he said.  Ok you can Open you're eyes now he said I opened my eyes and see a ice cream truck, umm this is are date I said being a    bit confused no that's is just a part of our date he said and I smiled ok let's get some ice cream then I said and he laughed ok he said and started to order.  Hi what can I get for you today the Lady said umm I'll have a vanilla ice cream with Rainbow sprinkles gummy worms and gummy bears Denis said and I smiled aww you still remember my favorite ice cream I said well of course I do he said and handed me my ice cream" ok and for you she said umm I'll just have chocolate with chocolate sprinkles and gummy bears he said ok and will that be all for you she said yes he said ok you're total is 5:31$ Denis hands the money to the lady you have good day she said you too Denis and I said at the same time" we just started walking around eating our ice cream and holding hands. We were walking around and then I see a Play ground awww Denis can we please go play on the swings I said hoping that he'll say yes ok anything for you he said yay! I pulled Denis's arm started running to the Playground whoa whoa don't get all that excited Denis said and I laughed sorry I said and walked to the swings and sat down Denis started pushing me and I just smiled this is the best date ever I said as I'm swinging up and down, well I'm happy that it is he said and stopped swinging me and sat down on the other swing. We Just continue eating are ice cream and holding hands as we slowly swing up and down. Hey do you want to go to are spot He said yeah let's go I said we started walking to our spot we walked up the little hill and Denis sat in between the tree I smiled and sat down on his lap as we watched the sunset go down" I smiled thanks for the amazing date I said you're welcome I love you he said I love you more I said and he kissed my cheek you missed I said and he chuckled and kissed my lips we started kissing again like earlier but this time it was different but in a good way I truly do love him and I don't know what I would do without him. A few minutes later we pulled apart from each other and smiled I love you I said and lay my head down on his shoulder I love you so much more he said and kissed the top of my head and lay his head down on my head as we just Watch the sunset.   A couple minutes later we decided to go home because it's going to get dark soon" we started walking down the hill and I thought it would be fun to play a little game.  Bet you can't catch me I yelled and started running to the car ohhh you get back here Denis yelled and started chasing me" you'll never get me I said ohh really because I think I just did he said as he grabbed my waist man I said Denis just laughed and gives me a kiss on the cheek come on let's go home he said I nod my head as we walked to the car and got in. 

Denis's pov   A few minutes later we got back to the house I looked and see that Abigail fell asleep I smiled she's so cute when she's asleep" I got out of the car and walked to her side and opened the door and carried her to the Front door it's a good thing that Abby give me a key to her house I said to myself I quickly put in the key and unlocked the door and walked in.  I walked upstairs to Abigail's room and put her in bed I smiled and kissed her for head and walked to the door, wait Denis she said I turned around yeah I said can you please stay here with me she said of course I can I closed the door and walked to the other side of the bed and got under the covers and put my arms around Abigail and slowly go to sleep 😴

Hey guys so I hoped you liked this chapter and btw Sunday's chapter is going to be changed to Saturdays chapter because of Christmas is Sunday so yeah I'll be doing that and it's going to be pretty sad but you'll see lol anyways I also wanted to thank you sooo much for 146 reads and 174 followers and 252 reads on my other book btw I forgot how much reads I have so yeah lol anyways I love you all so so so much and I'll see you guys this Saturday love you 😘❤😊😐😝😌❣️😍😴💕😂😇🤓🙏🏻💙😜😉✨🥓👩🏻‍💻😻💏💪🏻💡🙃😘❤️😁🤓🙏🏻😀😃😂🤣😊😛🤠😬

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