Betrayed like the wind

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Skeppy: make it out alive? I..we'll try our best..we just hope..we understand..why though...

Bad: It's Ok Skeppy, and don't worry..we'll make sure of that...if we remember...


After countless twists and turns in this Stonehedge maze, both boys were almost giving up, the torches helped a lot, but with their lack of energy leaving them..and their surprising conversation with the blonde...

No doubt they will start questioning the future, but they gotta live painfully in the past present for now, and that's to get their friends and each other out of this hell hole...

But it wasn't a lie when jumpscares and unordinary mobs would day and scare the living hell out of the both of them...
Many torches were seen lighting up the place, and burn marks were seen scattered all around the path.

Showing that Sapnap had a few raged fires coming down and burning whatever they came across, and not to mention some Black dusty feathers torn apart, and hanging from the ceiling, as multiple vines grow throughout this structure...

"I hate this skeppy..." Bad whimpered a little, Sounding defeated in front of his best friend... Skeppy hates seeing bad look so defenseless, its never the usual that bad would sometimes get scared, other than the horror maps they played, but that was just Skeppy messing around along with the frighten his best friend...

"same here bad..same here.." He whispered, trying to sound calm to help Bad breath, Bad clung onto Skeppy's Hoodie a tiny scratch made on his armor but didn't care...

Skeppy sighed, before hugging Bad, close to his chest, as they both sat there Embracing each other warmth of comfort.

"Thanks..i-i needed that.." Bad stuttered a little...The other smiled and both stood up to continue their walk...

"I wonder what the others are doing right now.." Skeppy thought as they turned another corner to see the End portal...

"The portal!!" Bad excited to say, Ran up the stairs and there it was, a full 12 eyed end portal with the void with countless little sparkles and stars glowing...

A faint purple aura surrounding it, as Bad stared in awe at the stars emitting from its void...

Skeppy stepped up, besides bad, and glances at the beautiful gesture in front of him...

"Cmon, the others need ready?"  Skeppy asks shooting a warm felt smile at Bad, The other nodded as both counted down before dropping...

"1...2...3..." Bad counted...

"Go!" Skeppy yelled, taking a bad arm and jumping into the portal with no hesitation.


Both landed on an obsidian platform, looking around they hear clashes of swords, Evil laughter emitting, and strong forces of whatever is taking the best friend's allies...

A bridge of wooden planks and cobblestone is seen connecting their platform, all the way to the end island, Skeppy immediately running on the bridge, as Bad followed with hesitation.

They reach the Flat Plains like part of the isle, and see their friends fighting and battling the dragon, with what seemed like a struggle?

"GUYS WERE HERE!" bad yelled, gaining the attention of everyone.

"Bad!Skeppy!! you made it!!" A6d form of the towers, yelled Very relieved to see his closest friends unharmed...

"About time you guys got here!!" Eret Stated, Dodging an aimed AcidBall from the Dragon.

"Oh look who decides to join the party-" whoever just spoke got pinned down and marinated with soul fire...

"SHUT UP!" Dream yelled, as his hands clenched making the fire wider with ease,
A Fireball was seen flung to dream but he managed to fly up and the ball of flame hitting Techno's Obsidian Tower without a grudge in the world.

"Dream! You focus on whoever that is! We'll take the dragon!" Bad yelled, already trailing his ax from his inventory, Skeppy groaned a little, before forming a bow from his hand...

"Let's do this.." Skeppy stated, His eyes aiming at a certain crystal. he closed one eye and shot his arrow...The Crystal exploded with its shards dropping onto the ground of the tower, and the endstone as well...

Activated Ruined portals had glitched onto the island, and multiple mobs from its firey realm were seen stacked with gold armor and weapons, though not the best material in the game, but can pack quite the punch within its range...

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" George yelled, shielding himself from a few blazes whose fireballs were aimed right at his figure...

"Blood for the blood god!" They hear Techno yell, and water bucket from his tower, his Sword being named "Orphan Obliterater" Dealing with many Piglins and Zombified Piglins with ease...

Ghasts were seen from flying ruined portals, As Sapnap eyed them with a scrunched up look...

He scoffs as he eyes them with debate on whether he should kill them or not, But then he sees a certain someone on top of the Ghast, and he just raised with one objective..."Must...Kill.." He says sounding like he's obeying someone who controlling him...

The Raveonettes smiled widely, as swiftly dodged fireballs fired from the flying monsters in the skies, He gladly climbed the obsidian tower...

"Hello..there my friend, I see we have..unfinished business~" The boy whispered, without a warning jumped on the ghast, as he faces his enemy.

"'re the kid, I needed to kill!   But that bastard down there, stopped me before I can bring a knife to your heart!!!" He yells.

Say that again, I dare you..." Sapna hates when someone calls Dream that, for them being very close friends, Dream had protected his friends long enough."Well.. it's time for me to return the favor..." he then punches him in the stomach, Time seems to slow down, and then his enemy goes Flying to the edges of the End island.

Almost One block from falling into the complete Abyss..a cry like of a cat is echoing through the battle, as the Three-headed admin ghast seems to have returned.

"NOT AGAIN!" Snapped yells, as Techno is seen lifting his shoulders at his complaining.

Sapnap glimpsed at white flying monsters in the void sky with envy, whether or not sure he should fight them, or take on this bastard.

"What are you gonna do kid!" The Gangster from behind mocked with pride. The Raven boy stared at him again, and boy is he about to get triggered.. sure sapnap is an outgoing type of person but bitch, he doesn't care about going to hell.

" I may not be the strongest... But at least. I'm not a big little...wimp." He then pulled the hair of his enemy, and with treason, he screams in pain as sapnap is ready to make him become a living campfire out on the outskirts of the end, his friends will start to question the moving orange flames in the distance of the End...

Sapnap then shakes his hand, and the flames that comprise in his palm, Connects to the hair of the gangster, as Sapnap backs up and watches his enemy suffer in vain.

With a laugh of success, he leaves the fire as he goes and helps his friends who were dealing with the piling of the three-headed ghasts.

" destiny Revolves again and again Herobrine! Don't make me beg for you to say sorry!" Dream yells with sorry, as he drags in more swings of his axe, and yet Herobrine dodges with a growl of doubt.

"Ah, please. The only one being sorry in this whole story will be you Taken!! " He roared, as Lightning strikes down on Dream, but backflipped his ease.

"If that's the case, then once I do make you say sorry! My last name will be the one thing that you'll remember for the next centuries pussy!" It was never normal for the dream to swear, but in this situation, he's doing all the thing he can, for His enemy to surrender and let them live with peace.

Fortunately, that's not the case, as they have a whole war up ahead of them. And even so, none of them are expecting any good if they lose or win, thanks to Tommy, is gonna be the nightmares Dream will soon say after the war.

Dream and herobrine go at eeach other ffor seemed like ages now! Almost all the crustals have been depleted, and yet the mobs that are swarming the End is like sprinkles on cake..

The friends were doing everyting they can to take out all the mobs, Techno being Techno, does not care that he's killing his own kind, for being a pig for blood... He sees anything as an orphan yo kill, and thirst for their pitiful cries of terror..

Meanwhile, all the opposites (except the Nightmare team) are doing their best to help their originals, By taking fown the towers and their source of healing for the games dragon..

But, it isnt easy as they were getting mobbed by thousands of skeletons, shooting at them, and even with Terror's Spikes and Skipped commands.. Is not ordinary for the mobs to be piling out the portals..

"thats it! Im done!!!!" Skipped said with rage, with mo hesistance, the Commands shows up like all the others..

•°¥~\?:Command Activated:¿/~¥°•
---/kill @ë {PlÂyeřS rèMäin}---

All the mobs that were currently on the island, except the dragon... Vanished in a giant fog of smoke... Lightning came striking down as Herobrine is seen with Notch behind his back...

"Hello Dream... Miss me?" He laughs with intrigue and composure of his last talk with the speedunner..

"Why would I? Its just gonna be fun and games when i beat youre ass up..." Dream smiles with confidence..

"Hmm..very well... Oh and.. Hello to you too...Nightmare..Snapped..Grinder.." He gestured towards the team who were giving Dream the Power and Strength he persuaded to fight with..

The dragon roared, as she felt her healtg drip down, as Eric and Frost made another move towards a caged crystal..

"The feelings not mutual you know.." The eyes of Snapped were sen behind the emerald shining eyes of Dream..

And it was clear that either of the 3 are not happy either way with the pain they caused their family to go through...

"Oh i know... Herobrine, leave this to me.." Notch muttered to his brother, The other quickly rejected, and just like that... They were like The Taken Brother's Mother and Father Years ago before any of this..

"I just dont wanna lose you!"

Dream's body stop with fear, as memories flood in as his past is playing like a movie with no pause button...

"I Dont love you! I hate you!"

A memory of how his sister and himself said that they hate their parents, and when he was reminded he laughed with a satisfied smile..

He looks up, and a painful cry of help was shot through The youngers mouth..

Herobrine falls to his knees, as blood trails down his body, and behind him is skeppy and bad with an arrow in hand, and proud angry faces plastered behind their frowns of victory..

"Tsk...weakling!" Notch mocks, as he gives no cry for his younger brother.. Everyone who witnissed that was shocked to the brim..

A careless ungrateful older brother who dosent give a pity cry for the other who had fallen infront of him..

"Now that this weakling is gone...lets continue?" He sounded formal, amd Dream wanted to slice that formularity away like a fly...

"You're gonna regret that.." Grinder's wings became intensely big, that they almost were the same size as the dragon...

"I sure will.." He rolls his eyes, as Eret from behind could only imagine how his frineds would look in that position... Fortunatly for him... He's gonna witness that very soon..

Bad and Skeppy didnt want to kill Him at first, but if it meant to have a bigger advantage, they'll take it! But, the fact that notch would be careless about his brothers heartbreaking.. Especially if.. Herobrine would be spectating now..

"I don't know how to feel...just like that?" Frost mutters from the bedrock podium..

"I feel sorry now...." Good who was watching from a far distance felt his Heart break... He sighs,  but then again,  he can just heal him.. But.. Would they want him alive again is the question...

This battle might end that Notch is on his own.. But in the eyes of minecrafts Creator, does it look like he cares at the moment? Specifically not I guess...

This is gonna be a Hella long battle..


"It's never the same of how I want to rhyme.
I just want to prove you that I know what I can do with my time! " Midnight smiles with delight art Her rhyme..

Tommy laughs as Tubbo giggled at her silly little poet.. "Really? " The Teen asks..

" If you're testing my patience then it can wait,  unless you wanna be proven by my debate.. " She threatens with a hiss..  Tommys backs away with slight fear,  as he laughs behind it..

"I heard some laughing? But what's going on? " Niki asks joining their little fun and games..

"Hello there Niki, Midnight is Rhyming,  anf it's really funny! " Tubbo laughs..

"It's quite the truth of how I started rhyming so suddenly,  but please stop laughing, unless you want to meet my little Buddy~" She hands in her Diamond sword,  and The Two best friends stop laughing but still giggle at her Threat...

Niki's eyes fluttered with stars as she finds how interesting Midnight can rhyme so well..

"I can teach you someday Niki on how to rhyme,  but you gotta make sure we have the right time... Tommy and Tubbo might find this Funny,  but boy will they get invited soon, Honey.. " Midnight proudly Rhymes again...

Niki laughs, Tommy and Tubbo laugh with her as one ting crosses the purple girl's mind..

"enjoy you're laughs while you can TommyInnit...  Soon,  I'll be the making you regret that you let me in the crevice"


OK,  I'm sorry that this took long,  I had like.No motivation at all..  Not to mention school work...  ;-;

But,  then again... I hope you guys enjoy! Sorry and this might take... Maybe a few more chapters, as I'll release,  the Epilogue, behind the scenes,  Deleted scenes... Spoilers for Book 2 and yeah...

Also,  I'm starting my own Gacha Channel! And; -;
So,  I've been uploading videos behind the making of these chapters,  and in the channel you'll see,  some Speedpaints of the drawing that were see here in this book,
Gacha Videos,  about MCYT Ang yeah..

Although I won't upload daily,  as im lazy,  as, hell... I will be looking in you're comments,  and hearting them.. Again you don't have to subscribe..  But I'm just letting  you guys know! We're OK!

And The shoutout from last chapter,  goes TOOOOOO!

It was so close! But I'll give you the shoutout anyway! So but,  here's what it really said..

"Be honest with me,  who am I? A friend? a foe? A nobody? You're one source?! Tell me! Why cant we just get along?! help me..."

So that's what it really says,  yet POGGERS for you  for almost getting it right! No but POG anyway!

I'll see you guys on the next chapter, wich I hope won't take long,  and yeah... Bye! Stays safe and stay strong!



Also,  19 Subs Pogggg

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