On his Own

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Dream had escaped the group without them noticing,  if course their gonna notice really quickly, I mean there are so many of them!

He quickly ran through the FarLands, and Ender pearling here and there to save some for the portal..

He threw another eye,  and it was going further into his current tunnel,  Honestly,  he was scared as heck,  knowing he was on his own,  and alone in the outer edges of their server is just haunting him..

He should make a mental note, that being alone in the FarLands are one of the stupidest decisions he has ever made in his life..

But he can't go back now.. He's already hundredths of blocks away from the group and he's so close to getting the stronghold the least he could do now, is well,  Weaken the crystals and dragon or even find the stronghold to save time..

He felt a breeze fly past him,  and he sees a family blue flame.. "Snapped? " He said quietly,  Knowing his voice would Echo and attract mobs..

"Hey, where do you think you're going?! " He quietly muttered,  Dream huffed but kept going..

"To the stronghold.. Where else?! " Dream replied.. Snapped had formed into his normal self but was able to keep up with his cousin with ease..

"On you're own?!, You're kidding me! " Snapped groaned.. Dream chuckled..

"Appearantly not.." He said quietly..

" Bruh! " Snapped protested,  as he ligit grew tired.. He ain't no Runner he gets worn out from running,  Unlike Dream who jogs alot..

"Why did.. OMG,  you idiot.. " Snapped complained.. Dream scoffed..

"Hey it's called time saving, alright? Now go, I gotta head over to the stronghold.. " He said as he left Snapped tired on the floor.. Not bothering To Help cause he knows he can take care if himself...

"Dream you son of a god damn bitch.. " He cursed.. As he eyed his cousin who was far from his sight..

There's nothing he could do now.. He's gotta get the others and help Dream..

He looked towards where the others are,  but then again glanced to where the blonde had left him..

He sighed,  as he hesitated.. He faced the tunnel that stretched towards his friends and family,  but ran towards the way Dream went.. But leaving a torch on the wall signalling he had been here.. And leaving Nightmare a messege..


Nightmare leaned down on the tree as he relaxed, he faces the others who were chatting about random stuff,  and noticed his brother no where to be seen..
As soon be was about to protest,  he gets a messege from his cousin..

He quickly checks it and his eyes go wide.. He stood up,  and quickly darted a spell..

"See his eyes,  see his surrounding,  show me where he is, with a spectral lighting.. " he whispered and within a second, his eyes go Herobrine.. And see his brothers point of view..


Nightmare looked around and noticed his breathing,  he quickly realised that Dream was in one of the FarLands tunnel...

"God.. SNAPPED LEAVE ME ALONE!" He heard him yell,  he looked behind him to see Snapped caging him with soul Fire,fire balls..

"Dream!  Get back here!! " Snapped whined..

Dream huffed,  as he faced his cousin.. Nightmare did not like this tension..
He swore taht whatever is gonna happen isn't gonna be pretty..

Before another blow was created,  he was brought back to reality with a shake from Skeppy..

"you good? " he asked.. Nightmare then hears a yell from the back of his head,  :"Snapped.." He muttered..

"Guys we need to go..!" Nightmare got the rest attention,  and eyed him with confusion..

"Dreams going to the stronghold.. On his own.. " He quickly blurted out,  George stood up, and immediately towered to gain altitude..
"What do you think you're doing George?!" Bad yelled..

"Going to Dream! " he said,  with enough confidence he flew towards the withered base passing it..

"Simp" Techno pointed out,  Grinder raising his wings alongside Eric and both flew to the clouds following Georges path..

"did they seriously forget we can't fly? " A6d whined..

"Ight hard way then.. " Skeppy groaned..

°♡♡☆Command Activated☆♡♡°
//Ťp @A {Dreamwastaken}


Nightmare felt a serge of power flow through his body,  but when his senses has returned he didn't have enough time to react as he was kicked and sent to the other side of the FarLands..

"NIGHTMARE! " He heard,  "Dream? " He whispered in pain.. He looked up to see Dream running towards him but was stopped with a figure he couldnt see..

"Leave.. " they said,  He sees his brother hesitating before looking at him with a pain filled expression.. He swore he mouthed a
' I'm sorry ' before leaving..

"What..? " Nightmare looked up to see his familiar blindfold..

"Snapped?" He said,  before he felt getting embraced in a safe hug..

"What happened... Where'd Dream.. " Nightmare stated before falling asleep..


It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault,  it's all my fault,  it's all my fault.. It's all my fault..

Nightmare, my own brother is hurt cause of me,  I sentenced my friends into this DANG thing cause of me,  All this is my fucking fault..

I started this.. Now I'm ending this,  Stronghold,  End,  Ender Dragon,  Notch,  Herobrine, I'm coming for you guys,  I'm not taking the risk letting my friends help me any further than they should have..

I pained them,  I played with them,  from the very beggining.. This is all my fault, 
I eyed the Ender eye on palm,  before noticing a grand entrance like..

"Hello,  Sire Dream.. " A bat appeared,  I titled my head as it transformed into a human like being..

I look at its design and features and immediately recognize it as one of the sleepy bois..

"Philza? " I asked...he giggled a little..
"Correction..Redza, now run along,  I'll handle you're friends.. Sire.. " He said with a grin.. Sire huh...?

"You promise you won't hurt them? " I asked,  probably having less time, than I originally thought..

"Of course!  Although im sure they won't keep their hands to themselves sire.. " He whined..

I sighed,  " Just,  don't let them get inside the end,  and don't let them find the portal.. " I stated,  He Nodded in pursuit,  and opened the gate,  wich seems leading into the stronghold..

"Good luck ..sire.. " He muttered,  I smiled and nodded before heading inside what seems like a small cave at first..

"oh boy... "

{Dreamwastaken has made the advancement  "Eye Spy"}


We see Dream entering the stronghold and had a little talk,  with.. Redza?

"What are you doing here?! " I heard Snapped Echo..

"Just following orders~" He tuned as he giggled and eyed the others..

"By Who?! " A6d asked following Snapped..

"Sire !  Who else~" he tuned,  "Who's Sire? " Snapped growled..

Redza just blandly giggled and eyed with a grin, "Looks like snappy hasn't caught up~ although,  i'm afraid I can't let you in.." Redza looked at the door,  then back..

"Why not?! " Nightmare's blood was boiling,  "Cause Sire said so!  He dosent want you guys, near the portal, not even inside the end~ not because he hates you all~ but because he's protecting you all,  and it's cringe" He whined..

"Hates us..? Dream.. " George called..
Everone then eyed the gate,  Then eyed each other,  and then Redza..

"Please don't tell me.. " Bad started..

"Sorry friend, But he said I can't let you guys near,  He said I can't hurt you, Wich I will doubt in since it I need to keep you guys away,  then..ill have to hurt you all,  so lose-lose.. " He rolled his eyes..

"Do you really wanna kill us? " Skeppy said..
"With every drop of my blood,  But Sire Dream said, I can't,  but if you guys attack me then I'll have no other choice.. Nor do they~" He eyed the ceiling..

Just then, two figures came...

"Why hello~ So this is where you teleported to? " A purple boy said..

"I meant the Omegafish,  Not you Lucid.. " He complained..

Lucid dumbfounded,  just flew into the stronghold.. "That idiot,  starting to wonder why's he even here.. " Red muttered..

"I guess we should wait here then,  I'm not in the mood to fight.. " George sat down,  but keeping his look on Redza and the gate.

The rest of the group nodded,  Redza chuckled,  idiots,  nothing but a bunch of idiots..

They suddenly heard an Echo from the halls,  sounding like a scream all too familiar..


"Walls are soundproof on the outside.. No matter how hard you scream,  Sire won't be able to hear you're pity little cries.. " He laughed a little..

"Reeeed! "

"What do you want blueberry" He whined,  already sounding annoyed too whoever just spoke..

"First I ain't,  no blueberry,  Second,  Lucid's gone.. And took the Omegafish with him? "
He said a little nervous..

"Terror?! " Snapped stood up..

Red stood there blinking in disbelief..
"Well that answers, why Sire screamed.. " He said faceplaming himself..

"Sire Clay? Oh yeah! Wait isn't.. Oh no.. "

"Lucid may,  or may not have  ordered the Omegafish to attack sire,  because he got scared... " He hesistated..

"THAT ENDERMITE CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT!  IM GONNA GO HELP SIRE! TERROR DO NOT LET THEM IN! " Red had yelled before entering the stronghold..

" Oof.. " Terror muttered..
"What the hell is an omegafish,  and who the Hell is Lucid?? " Skeppy asked with a slight bit of rage..

"An Omegafish is a Titan of the Silverfish,  Somehow.. The Titan Mod has been secretly added by someone..and Lucid is Dream,  But is actually the Ender Dragon.. Not the one you're about to fight, but created by Dreams Sisters.. " He Explained..

{Dreamwastaken has made the advancement  "Created Titanic"}

Terror's eyes wide in amazement,  followed by a smile.. "Don't know how he did that,  but I don't care! Now I have to get another one.. " He said in either annoyance or giddiness..

"Created Titanic?  "

{Dreamwastaken}>  Fuck you Lucid 

The room bursted with a chain of small laughter,  except for Bad who just madly went Language..

{Lucid_Wastaken}> Dream,  you are not going into the end alone!

The laughter died immediately, Terror sighed in worry,  "Hes not actually going right?! " George stood up,  already forming his tears..

"He's wanting to fight alone,  But if it makes you feel any better.. I'll let you guys inside the stronghold when he enters the end.. " He smiled warmly,  Techno scoffed..


"TechnoPig,  Patients.. " Snapped rolled his eyes at the blood god..

"YOU DEFY ME NERD?! " He yelled,  glancing at Sapnaps Opposite..

"I didn't defy you..I Fucked you" Once he said that,  Grinder and Nightmare had already started laughing.. "language you bad Muffin! " Bad yelled..

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! " he looked over at the two..

"It's his way.. Of saying.. Hehe...shut the Fuck up.. "Grinder muttered,  But Techno heard it clear as day,  as soon as he was about to protect and achievement had appeared on their screen..

{Dreamwastaken has made the advancement! "The end of our story"}

Terror on the other hand sighed,  as he hovered his hand over the handle,  and pulled it back,  revealing the entrance of the structure..

"The end of our story?  Enter the end.. And do what you must.. Clay W. taken? " A6d readed out loud..

"YOU GUYS NEED TO GO!  GET IN THE STRONGHOLD! AND WHATVER YOU DO!  DONT, BE, FOOLED,  THE STRONGHOLD IN THE FARLANDS, ARE NOTHING BUT LIES AND ILLUSIONS.. whatever you do,  dont seperate,  even if it's faster trying to find the portal,  Do not seperate.. " Terror worriedly mentioned,  he opened the gate,  and as soon as he opens it,  black mists of fog comes crawling out..

"what? " Fundy hid behind Eret..

"Run, run,  as fast as you can.. I don't have much time,  but remember.. Do not seperate,  and do not believe anything you see in the stronghold, it's all lies and illusions,  pass through it,  and you might be able to get to Dream in time.. "

"In time? " George's eyes widened..

Terror sighed as he looked away with sorrow..

"He'll die.. But Nightmare,snapped and grinder.. ,  I'll send you three to the End,  but the others.. Have to fight their way to get to Dream.. You three,  Don't, let,  Dream, Die.. Please.. " He begged..

"And we'll make sure of that.. " A6d grinned,  "Let's get this party started! " Grinder yelled,  his voice echoing very loudly..

The opposites of the Dream Team,  we're then transformed into their Animal forms,  Grinder being a complete Griffin,  Snapped a cyan flamed dark Panda,  and with their cousin,  Nightmare as the darkest of coloured wolves,  his mask to his side,  but his paws. Glowing maroon..

"Are we ready? " Techno asked..

Nightmare howled,  and sprinted towards the stronghold, Not caring,  but taking notes of the dangers he may face..

"Hold on Big bro!"

Grinder noticed and flew after him.. With Snapped taking one last glance before they seperate,  he then follows the rest of Nightmare Team, his face saying 'Good luck'

George sighed,"Good luck everyone... You need it.. " Terror bowed,  Before his cape had covered his figure,  and now disappearing..

"Let's go,  He can't be on his own for long.. " Sapnap pointed out,  as he held a torch.

The rest nodded,  and they all hesistantly entered the structure...


TO FIGURE OUT!  hope you guys enjoyed it though,  and I hope it was worth the wait..

Not gonna lie,  had lots of troubles in this,  and I'm actually wondering once this book is finished... I have lots,  and I mean lots of other ideas for MCYT Books,  and I'm actually wondering if you either want the Sequal next,  or different AU Book..

But nevertheless,  we're getting close to the end!  Remember to submit you're questions,  and remember to vote! It helps out a ton!

Merry Christmas to all of you!  I hope you had a great year (Except for QuArIntIne) And yeah!  I hope to you all on the other side!  This is Tundra saying..

"Goodbye! "


Word Count: 2338

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