Playing Dirty, and Admined Comedy.

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Tundra: All of you guys.. No excuses.. ≧ω≦

Nightmare: *Blushing* Grinder...
Dream: *whispers* George..
Sapnap: A6d....
Badboyhalo: *embarrassed* Zak..
Skeppy: Bad..
A6d: Sapnap!..
George: Clay..
Grinder: Nightmare..
Snapped: Why you bully us... Z3d!
Skipped: GBH..
Good: Skipped..
Z3d: Snapped?

Tundra: Oh how convenient... XDDDD,  next!

Mystic: Alright,  nope.. That's enough..           

Tundra: Warning!  Their might be some GrindMare/NightnotFound Fluff!

Mystic: Grinder X Nightmare~


Third person Pov

The group had eventually made their way into the seemingly endless fortress, for the fortress having a limit to its structure.. This monster of a build,  was a maze,  left and right,  no ending..

And as always, They ran into a few wither skeletons and,  barely any Blazes, for that matter as the fortress was huge, one way or another ..

Nightmare and Snapped looked at each other,  before coming to a conclusion..

"Alright,  this is hopeless, we need to split" Snapped Commented tired at the Dark red halls of the building..

George looked at them, With sorry in his eyes.. They've been running or so, from Multiple Mobs, and yet they can't find a single spawner, nor a blaze..

They've ran into a Blaze,  only once,  yet their luck was upside down,  and no Blaze rod was dropped from the flaming monster.

"Snapped is right,  we have a better chance at finding the Spawner if we split,  but.. " Bad hesitated with his words..

Grinder then tapped Skeppy's shoulder to get his attention.. Skeppy turned, to see a a confused and Worried Opposite of George.

"Grind? What's wrong? " Skep asked.. Grinder looked scared and for some reason angry..

"guys.. Hate to break it to you,  but,Skipped, may have ,//pasted the fortress to make it bigger,  and more endless.. And destroyed all the spawners" He hesitated when he spoke, he gulped knowing how they would react..

"That little.." Sapnap groaned..

"No wonder this place is an Infinite Maze! ",A6d growled..

"alright,  I guess, we have to split? " Dream Sighed , placing his sword on the back of his neck.. His other hand holding the tip..

"alright,  lets group.. Nightmare and I, will go left" Grinder said holding Nightmare's arm..

"A6d, Skeppy and I will go right"  Bad Stated.. As he walked towards the right hall.

"Sapnap and I will go South,  Dream,  George,  North" Snapped Finished walking towards the back hall..

Dream nodded,  and George blushed with thought of being alone with Dream..
"Cmon,  George it won't be too bad,  unless you want to get tackled by wither Skeletons" Dream Teased, Swinging his sword, while walking away..

George scoffed,  and punched dream playfully, Dream found it cute,  and waved at the others as a goodbye..

George smiled,  as he placed his arms around dreams waist..

The others,  grinned and giggled, at the scene.."alright, you muffins let's go" Bad said dragging Skeppy and A6d to the right hall..

Nightmare then booped Grinders Nose and started walking away,  with an annoyed Opposite of George.

Sapnap and Snapped looked at eachother,  and knew what they were going to do..

"You're it! " Sapnap tapped His opposites cheek and started running from the direction they came..

Snapped immediately started Chasing Sapnap,  as now they playing tag,  and now split up with the others..

--+With Nightmare and Grinder+--

The Two opposites of Dream and George, we're now wandering the halls in a silence,  neither of them decided to break,  it was an awkward silence,  yet somewhat comfortable..

Yes they were in Hell, but double the Hell,  as Grinder wanted to be alone with Nightmare for a reason,  in wich the masked opposite wanted to know so desperately,

But this is Grinder were talking about,  George's Opposite, like George,  he's stubborn and dosent give in too easily,  yet he's less Confident, and more reckless then dream,  and thinks twice before doing it..

For an Example,  In the 2nd ,3v1 manhunt,  George piles up, to attack Dream, yet he dies cause of his action.. But Grinder thinks twice, he's more agitated and less reckless and dosent die cause he's simply making decision before Action..

Grinder,  wanted to break the silence yet,  couldn't find the right words to say,  besides he would stutter cause Nightmare is literally his Crush,  from the moment they created,  opposites attract they say..

A few noises from the nether was sounding through their ears,  but paid no mind,  as they did want to find the spawner,  but wasn't in a hurry,  cause they were split up..
Nightmare wanted to tell Dream something so badly,  yet he couldn't say, he had to tell Dream at some point or it will just be revealed when they go to the end.. As the Ender Dragon isn't their only final boss..

Grinder, took notice of Nightmares behavior and walking,  Nightmare was walking gently like he's trying to be quiet while sneaking in.. This wasn't normal..

Grinder knew something was on his lovers mind,  yet he wanted to ask,  but again,  would always hesistate due to many out comes that would maybe happen..

Nightmare and Dream,  are Like Brothers,  they got along pretty well for the first meeting in the Mineshaft,its like they knew each other, before the headset was created. Dream didn't look scared of Nightmare,  just surprised...

When George first met Grinder, on the Hoglin ride.. Grinder could tell,  George was scared as so as the others, but calmed down, when Dream said their just being overprotective..

Snapped and him,  knew their first meeting with the Trio and the Dream team,  didn't go as smoothly.. But was worked out..

"Nightmare? You ok? " Grinder asked..
Nightmare looked at him,  through the Dark cracked mask..

"Yeah.. " Nightmare cracked..

Grinder knows better than that,  he isn't stupid like George.. He then Hugged Nightmare by the waist,  due to his Height..

Nightmare smiled, and held Grinder, by the shoulders,  since hes taller..

"Shortie" Nightmare Stated blankly earning a punch from Grinder as he walked faster..

Nightmare chuckled,  and wheezed like Dream..

Insert Dream Tea kettle  wheeze.

"Idiot! " Grinder scoffed.. While his face turned pink..

"looks like I'm top" Nightmare Muttered,  but Grinder heard it,  with now his face completely Red, from the thought of saying his crush is Top..

I mean,  I wouldn't mind being bottom-
Grinder immediately blushed of what he just thought,  Fuck this,  I'm so dirty.. He thought before covering his face in his hood.. To prevent Nightmare from seeing his Face.

Nightmare chuckled,  since he already knows if what Grinder is thinking,  "Are we playing dirty,  are we now Grindy? " He teased..

Grinder blushed harder,  at the words that came out of his mouth,  all he could think of is Dirty thoughts,  that wouldn't dare to leave him alone..

Nightmare could tell the thoughts that are running through his lovers head, him being an Asshole and playing dirty with Grinder that blush him to the max..

Grinder looked at Nightmare,  as his Face finally stopped blushing as they turned a corner..

Nightmare sighed,  as the Silence between them has broken.. Nightmare would be lying if he said he wasn't blushing.. Yet he also had dirty thoughts of what could happen..

Not to mention,  Dream and George would be in the same state probably if this would happen..

Nightmare was about to say something,  when he head the cackling of Fire.. And a a fireball was inches away from his and Grinders face..

Both,  then looked to the side,  to find the one Blaze spawner, that Skeppy's Opposite didn't delete..

"The spawner!!" Grinder Said Excited taking his Axe,  and Running towards the Blazes that had spawned around the cage..

Nightmare heard a cry of a ghast and saw they were exposed to two Ghasts, Grinder paid no mind to the floating the monsters in the air,  as his ears were filled with the sounds of the blazes, and fire..

Nightmare then saw the Ghasts, move for a gray one,  5x bigger then a normal one., Three heads with Glowing cracks of red at parts of its body..
He then realized what it was..

" A three-headed admined Ghast" He whispered in fear,  as this will the second time he's faced one..

(A/N: if you guys know, Minecraft Story Mode season 2, ep 4, Below the Bedrock.. Jesse has to face, the Three headed ghast with countless other Ghasts made by the admin,  Romeo.. Here's a pic of you have no idea)

Nightmare,  then saw he needed to back up, Grinder.. He climbed the walls of the fortress and saw a prefect circle,  on the ground and he knew what was bout to happen..

"Night?!  What are you doing!! " Grinder asked, using his Sheild to Block an attack..

"Backing you up!  We have company! " Nightmare protested, Taking out his Sword and shield.. He barely had any armour.. So he had to be way more careful..

The Giant Ghasts, then let out a huge and abnormal Cry,  other Ghasts came to its aid,  and Nightmare noticed something on top of the admined ghast..

" Dream? " He said noticing the Green figure on top.. But something was off..

He squinted his eyes,  and saw Dream with Red Eyes..what.. thats only supposed to happen, when I get in control of his body! Or if I'm only allowed too.. Unless.. Nightmare thought,  as he stared Dream,

"Nightmare! " A Voice pitched behind him and saw Bad, and Skeppy..

"What's going on here?! Grinder told us his coords-what the muffin is that?!" Bad was caught off when the ghast cried..

"Its an Admined 3 headed ghast,  And Dreams seems to be in Control"

"Dream? " Skeppy asked..

"Look at that top of its head" Nightmare pointed at the top,  and they see Dream with his Sword..

"He has Red eyes?! " Bad Stated in Fear as he saw the glowing eyes of their friend..

Skeppy gulped.. And noticed 2 other figures coming up behind him..

"Is that.. " Skeppy noticed, The Black and White,  with a Bandana..

"Sapnap?! " Bad yelled..

"George?! " Skeppy Called seeing George beside Dream..

The Dream team were now in Control of the Ghast, Sapnap and George, left Dream,  and now both in each side of the Head of the Ghast,  with Dream,  controlling the Big part,..

"uh oh.." Skeppy muttered..

They noticed another figure entering the circle,  it seems as A6d and Snapped were now in the fight as well..

"Bad,  you help Grinder with the Blaze rods, Skeppy,  you and I Find a way,  to snap Dream out of their Trance.. " Nightmare Included...

Bad nodded and went to Grinder To Help him with Blaze rods,  as his luck was terrible, and only has a single blaze rod..

"You guys ready? " Nightmare turned to Snapped and A6d,  as they nodded..

With the DTEAM...

George and Sapnap, We're now in Control of the two heads of either sides of the Ghast..

Dream looked at them,  in worry..
"Do we really have to do this?  Out of all of us,  it had to be us.. " Dream Stated looking at his Opposite and Friends..

"I mean,  we really don't have a choice,  We don't want to blow it all up now do we? " Sapnap felt angry and Frustrated..

As they were now forced to hurt their friends.. With a monster created by their opposites Creator..

"I can't believe we have to do this,  just so the Stronghold and the portal dosent Delete.. And get blown up.. That's such bullshit! "  George cursed..

Dream sighed, as he felt a tear run down his face.. He placed his mask on the side of his head, Feeling uneasy about the fact that his eyes are now glowing Red,  and now filled with Death and Blood.

"let's get this over with, it's gonna be a long fight.. " Dream Stated taking out his sword..

"Umm guys.. When did our Swords and tools turned.. Netherite?! " Sapnap Said confused.. Feeling the Heat of the Netherite..

"Oh boy,  we have Sharpness V,  and Fire aspect II,  this guy really is gonna do some damage.. " George Pointed out the Enchantments..

"Not to mention, Our armour as well! " Dream stated feeling his Chestplate that was since iron,  now Gray and Black..

"This is bad,  We're gonna have to prevent them,  from getting to the center point " Sapnap groaned looking at the red circle on top of the ghast..

George sighed.. "Well let's get this going,  the earlier the better" he stated as his friends nodded..

"Why hello there, My friends" Dream started..

They look at them and noticed,  that they were angry as heck..

"What did you do with my Friends?!"
Nightmare yelled.. Dream hesitated before he continued..

Sapnap and George felt bad,  but can't help but laugh a little.. They somehow find this quite funny,  they don't know if it's either by force, but something about this to them. Seems delirious enough to make them laugh..dream can't take his laugh any longer, so he also laughed but dosent show it..

"Oh,  nothing,  lets just say, we want to have some fun,  with their little bodies" Dream lied..

Sapnap and George bursted out laughing,  yet the friends on the fortress can't hear them,  for being so down below..

Dream laughed at his friends Behaviour.. And started to wheeze at the lie he just made,  he knows it's not funny to them,  but what can ya say,  it's nice to have some pranks along the way..

"keep going" Sapnap felt himself getting close to crying of Laughter.. At the amount of seriousness in this scene..

" Were doing this more often.. " George Stated, Forgetting about what was going to happen.. They seemed to be enjoying themselves..

"You're welcome.." Dream said looking their friends..

"Let them go!! " Snapped raised his voice..
And again,  George and Sapnap Laughed their lungs out.. Dream placed his hand on his chest as he was wheezing way to hard..

Dream sniffed, and strafed his finger to get rid of the tears that had formed..

The friends down below,  could hear they were laughing, Something about them wasn't right,  and that was a fact..

Nightmare could barely hear what they were saying,  but clear enough to hear them laugh,  like monkeys..

The others like,  nightmare,  could hear them laughing.. But talking wasnt an Option..

"OMG,  now this is Comedy.. " Sapnap stated as he almost fell off the Ghast...

"this turned way to funny,  way too quickly.."  Dream Stated and George nodded,  trying to catch his breath..

"alright,  that's enough,  let's go.. " dream then snapped his fingers and now the smaller Ghasts were sending Fireballs fight at them..

And that signals that the fight has now began, as this will probably top 1, the biggest fights they ever had in their life..

"Now Admined Comedy"

To be continued.

So guys I hope you enjoyed this Chapter.. Sorry if it was late.. I was lazy,  Writers block was an issue, and other things was annoying..

Right now,  I just wanted to get this chapter out,  also this chapter was longer than it was supposed to be..

I'm sorry!  Ok.. Sorry for the wait!  And yeah,  also sorry if this chapter turned.. From Fluff,  to Dark,  to Comedy for the Dream team..

And also I have Discord! I just Got it today!  And here is a picture!

And thats it! Come and join my server,  Mystic has already joined,  and we're quite lonely,  also in the discord,  you guys there can ask questions about this book or Spoilers if you guys are very much desperate.

And the Q n A,  and Truth or dare,  is still on going! But with that I hope to see all on the other side.. Bye~~

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