The mines Awaits us.

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It was morning and I was going down the stairs.. As  Dream felt a little sick when he woke up.. And I let him sleep more..

I smiled before noticing the others having breakfast and discussing something..

"Guys? " I called.. They turned towards the stairs.. To See Me holding dream..

"Morning George! Wait where's Dream.. " Bad asked..

"He Felt a little sick when he woke up, so I let him rest.. I think the shock yesterday affected him really bad.. " I answered with a sad Frown.

"dude I almost forgot about that.. " A6d said earning a nod from Sapnap..

"Same.. Well whatever were gonna do today,its obvious Dream can't come since he feels sick.. " Skeppy Stated..

"How bout we go mining for some Diamonds and Iron,for armour? " I suggested..

They nodded at my opinion..

"But, keep in mind.. One of us has to stay,to look after Dream just in case something happens.. We really can't leave him alone now.. We don't have a choice! " A6d mentioned..

"I'll stay and look after him.. " Bad Said..

"You wanna stay Bad? " Skeppy asked and he nodded..

"alright then... Let's get Ready.. Bad of anything happens to you or Dream call us immediately through the call.. " I stated looking at him.. Before he nodded..

"Let's get ready then.. We better be ready when it comes to mobs.. " Sapnap mentioned.

We all nodded,and started to get Supplies for our mining trip.. Bad went upstairs to get us Shields as we left them upstairs somewhere..

Bad gave us one by one a shield each.."There,  now be careful al-" Bad was paused when we heard a loud Thud followed by a scream..

"Dream.. " We all said in sync and immediately bolted up stairs..

We looked into my room to find Dream on the floor holding his head..

"Dream!! " I called already beside him, placing his head on my Shoulder, he was breathing heavily...

"G.. George... " He weakly called out..

"Dream you poor muffin ,are you ok!?" Bad asked..

"I'm...ok.. I think... Just.. A little...tired.. And startled, that's.. All.. " he Muttered..

"Startled? " A6d asked..

"I got..shocked again... " Dream answered..

"Oh boy... Not again!! " Skeppy yelled..

I was worried enough of yesterday's incident... Now this.. Please don't die on me...

"Dream it's ok I'm here.. We're all here" Bad comforted..

Dream gulped before Flinching..
"Dream?" I called holding him tightly..
"He's here... " He said..

That got us all mad..we stood our Guard and looking around for anything...

I held him tightly in my arms.. Not letting him Go..

"it's alright, it'll be ok.. " I whispered into his ear..

"I have never seen the group be so overprotective of you Clay... " He appeared..

"You... You leave our Friend alone!! " Skeppy yelled in Rage..

"I don't think so~, and don't think I didn't hear you're little conversation about going to the mines.. I'll make it easy for you when it comes to resources .. But the more time you spend here.. The more danger awaits Clay.." he explained.

That worried us.. And that boosted up our energy on wanting to get out of here Quicker..

"Leave... " Dream said weakly looking at him with tired eyes..

"The Dragon and Other Mobs awaits you, and the Nether WILL be a challenge, good luck.. " He said before his voice fading..signalling he left..

"Guys... You're going to the mines..? " Dream asked..

We sighed before I nodded..
"Just be careful.. Alright, I don't wanna lose you guys... But.. " Dream paused..

"But what? " Sapnap coiled..

" But please, whatever you do.. Don't.. Take any risks like I did in manhunt or in any of our Challenges alright.. Don't be too risky" he reminded us..

As that we remember all the times when Dream was being a Reckless Muffin.. Jumping off high cliffs, Jumping into Lava and nearly Killing himself..At One heart and trying to kill each of them.. And many more moments..

" Right... " A6d stated silently..

" FishBoyHalo/BaldBoyHalo over here is taking care of you, while we're gone.. " Skeppy retorted looking at BBH..

"Skeppy!! " Bad Yelled looking at Blue hooded man..

Skeppy stook his Tongue out, before running downstairs..

"Yet I'm 20, but I can't put my finger on it,  but Skeppy has a point of calling you, FishBoyHalo" Dream said looking at Bad..i sat beside him..

"Dream no!! " Bad Retorted..

" sorry Bad,  but I agree with Dream and Skep" A6d stated..

Me and Sapnap just watched this go on.. Dream rolled his eyes in amusement, A6d kept on calling Bad, names.. And Skeppy came back up.. And joined A6d in the troll..

"Typical Skeppy and A6d.." Dream stated.. Looking at A6d who's now calling BBH, SimpBoyHalo.

"SimpBoyHalo simpin on Skeppy" a6d stated.

Skeppy laughed, as well as me and Sapnap.. Dream turned his Head towards the Window.. He sat down on the wooden planks, looking outside in all directions.. He noticed a few sheep in a hill and a few Villagers roaming around..

"And we're not done mocking TearBoyHalo" Skeppy said stroking his Finger down from the eye to the neck..

"OMG stop it you muffin!! " Bad Yelled..

Dream turned his Head back to the Glass.. He sighed.. He saw a nearby cave, that had a few spiders from the glowing eyes..

"Clay. ~~,the more you stay.. The more chances of death will get you.. "

"listen.. I've been called the best Minecraft Player,and sometimes that may be true.. Let's see How you fight...6 v 1" Dream Thought..

" oh oh oh ok.. No.. It'll be 2 v 5 , you'll see"

"2 v 5?" Dream thought..

"Dream?" Someone called..

"Hello??  Dream!! " Bad yelled tryna get his attention..

"2 v 5 huh... " he stated..

" what? " Sapnap asked..

"in the End..  I told him it'll be a 6 v 1..but instead, he said it'll be a 2 v 5.."

"2 v 5?" I questioned and he nodded..

"strange, let's not think about it too much.. Though,we need to get the nether soon.. Remember..The longer we do stay here, we're definitely Dead" sapnap mentioned..

We all nodded and I turned to Dream who sighed..

" Well we better get started.. Who knows how long a Real life Minecraft World takes to speedrun... " Dream said seriously..

"You guys better go, we'll keep an eye on the house.. " Bad reminded..

We looked at eachother and nodded..
We picked up our stuff and started to head downstairs,while I noticed Dream who groaned,and muttered..

"Why does this always happens to me,why me.. It's always me.. " Dream muttered..

I felt Bad for him.. I hugged him one last time, before going downstairs..

"it's ok George, just get the resources you need.. And come back alive.. " Dream Stated..

"Now I really dont wanna leave.. " I joked..

"It's fine.. Just call me or Bad for Back up just in case, alright? " He said to me.. I hesitated..

I looked him in the eyes, And Boy do I love that Emerald green color..

"Alright... " I stated before going downstairs..

"Good luck George.. "


They were infront of the Cave, preparing mentally.. I can still hear them through the call, yet they can't hear me..

"So are you guys ready..? " Bad asked them

"Yep! " They all said in sync.. Except for George..

"George? " A6d called..

George was looking unsure of this.. Before turning to look at me through my bedroom window.. I nodded at him before he sighed sadly..

"I... Alright.. Let's go.. " George said entering the Dark and Gloomy Cave being followed by the Others..

I sighed..before banging my head on the wood..

"The mines await you guys.. Be careful please.. "

-------To be Continued ---------

Tundra: Hey guys!  So I hope you enjoyed this Chapter of the Dream team book.. Like I said ask Question if needed.. And I forgot what to say..

Dream: *Facepalms* Again..

Nova: oh boy..

Pearl : let me do it.. Next Chapter will have the four in the mines mining their hearts out, maybe..

Phoenix: and like S.E.R. this is all roleplayed in the same studio..the one we use for S.E.R. too..

Tundra: Well guys I hope you enjoyed this Chapter leave some suggestions below,and comment if I should make more DreamNotFound and SkepHalo fanfics..

Solar: T!!!!!!

Tundra: What???!!!


Tundra:...No way..

Solar: Yes way!!!

Dream: UwU..

Bad: Congrats on 5.16M too..

Dream: Yeah!!


Solar: Let's go!!

Tundra: Well guys I hope you enjoyed this Chapter, it's like 2:00 am, but I don't care I'm watching the manhunt..Solar Cmon!

Cyclone: Already have the popcorn..

Dream and George: They left.. Well we hope to see you all on the other side... Bye~~!!

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