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I opened my eyes. I saw, that I was lying on my bed. I tried to get up, but couldn't. My head was throbbing in pain, I laid down again. I started to think, what happened last night.

All the incidents came back in my head. My heart ached in pain. Was it a nightmare? Did it really happen?

"Ah! My head" I held my forehead in pain.

Jimin entered the room.

I looked at him.

"Are you feeling alright, baby?" he asked. His eyes were filled with love, he looked like a charming prince.

'It must be a bad dream, it has to be a bad dream' I thought. 'Jimin would never hurt me, I am sure'

"Yes Jimin I am fine, just a little bit tired I think"

"You should take a leave and rest today" he came towards me and pecked my lips.

I smiled.

"I am bringing the breakfast for you" he smiled and went down.

"It was a nightmare I am sure... seriously- what type of dreams I am seeing these days" I told to myself. I took out my phone and by mistake turned on the camera.

I got ........shocked.

There were marks of fingers on my cheeks. I touched my cheeks and gasped.

Jimin entered the room with the breakfast.

"Here is your favorite pancakes and mango juice baby"

"Why did you d-do it?" I asked him. My voice was low and sad. My throat pained.

He looked at me.

"So, that you understand your mistake. Now shut your mouth and eat your breakfast. I'll be going to my office now, I'll come late today, so don't wait for me .. have your dinner." And he went away leaving me behind.

I was completely shocked. I pinched myself. I wasn't dreaming, it was true. JIMIN HURTED ME...

Tears left my eyes. I looked at the pancakes.

"Jimin w-why" I cried.

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