Chapter Nineteen: Day Ninety- Six

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Ouma's POV:

There's a trick to surviving, one that most of the people who did become survivors didn't seem to heed at the end. Maybe there was an extra step no one told me about, but the basis is to be the character they want to see.

For the years before the killing game it was an innocent child, my height helped sell the image, and it worked for getting whatever I wanted whether it be a job or extra tips. 

When I got inside of the killing game, I learned what kind of character Monokuma would want to keep around, someone who would create drama and mayhem, the despair he wanted so badly so I played the part of a mastermind like character- it was helpful since it helped my plans as well.

What type of character then do I need to get out of a place like this?



I shut off the alarm and got up, using my one mobile arm to get up, brushing the hair out of my face, it was always getting in my face these days, I glanced over at the notebook and made a new entry for today just to make sure I didn't forget to fill it out or at least pretend to later.

Day 96

So far I want some pancakes. I don't think I'm going to get pancakes, or at least not ones with whip cream and sprinkles. Today is a sad day without pancakes.

That should be good enough- usually is. I grabbed the nearby wheelchair and struggled to move over to the bathroom before getting ready, I would not have anyone help me with this I swear to god.

I had bags under my eyes again, it took longer than usual for me to sleep even though I have gotten medication for that problem, according to some whispers the doctors make when they think I can't hear them I might be developing insomnia. How fun, but I couldn't do anything to cover up the bags, or what caused them other than joke around the issue. My hair wasn't as greasy anymore, still getting longer, I didn't mind it though except when it got in front of my eyes, but I've been tying it up for now.

I-I d-don't want a man b-bun!

Exactly why we are getting the man bun-wait no we're not getting a man bun. I'd get called a hippie.

T-Thank god.

I tied my hair back and after brushing my teeth headed back and changed my clothes. Today was a day for 'physical therapy', or as I'd call it, lift one weight because there is nothing else I can do. The therapist is still trying to find ways to make sure the blood is still flowing in my legs despite the fact I can't feel them, it's useful I guess for the day I can finally walk around again.

If I walk again.

How fun.


"Go next door nothing to steal here!" I called, rolling my eyes a little as Maiko walked in, she had her clipboard, "well you're in a good mood" she commented, I hid back a sarcastic remark, "really proud of you still by the way for pushing yourself out there and seeing Momota" Maiko congratulated.

"Uh-huh" I agreed, I was putting away the Rubix cube and other random stuff on the side desk, a bunch of little items as 'rewards' for doing my physical therapy. Still waiting on those funko pops, "I'm just wondering why, yens for your thoughts?" she asked, "when you tell me where the vending machines are where I can use those yens," I said.

I was dying slowly of Panta deprivation. I haven't had one since before the killing game. 

This world is cruel.

"Fair, we don't have any though sorry to break it to you" Maiko apologized, "can I get a panta?" I asked, "wait a second you better not tell me that drink is fictional and doesn't exist," I said, "oh it exists, we just don't have any based on the account this is a hospital" Maiko reminded.

"I've seen chocolate in your bag" I countered, "that...ok you be on your best behavior and I'll try and convince them to bring you a panta case next time" she offered, "deal," I said grinning, "wait who is 'them?' don't you go out to whatever there is out there?" I asked.

She shook her head, "I never leave the facility" she told me, "never?" I asked she nodded, "never, I've been here for maybe two or three years now, I don't remember the exact date when I came, and haven't left since," she said numbly.

"So...what do you live here?" I asked, "we have rooms in the basement for staff, so yes I do" she confirmed, "so 'them' is?" I brought back up, "delivery men, they're the ones who bring in your food, other necessities, I guess I am talking about the cafeteria staff, they're the ones who mark down the food and what comes in" she guessed.

I nodded.

"You ask a lot of questions, anyways Hanasuke is outside waiting for you, your doctors called me this morning on some update on your condition, want to hear?" she asked, "no I want to be completely blindsided on my paralysis" I replied sarcastically.

"Alright, I deserve that. It's the same as with what happened with your legs, the trauma, and your mental state is causing your body to retract back to the state it was when you died in the game" she told me.

"How fun" I grinned, "Oh yes it definently is, so what you need to do is I bet you already know" Maiko guessed, "oh yeah find my 'true self'" I answered cynically, "exactly, but I have faith in you, you're going to get better ok? So just have faith and don't sweat the small stuff" she told me.

"Is the small stuff certain emo?" I asked, "no, well, depends" she answered, "it's a yes or no question" I reminded, "you answer questions in a more vague way that leaves people with a migraine" she reminded, "wow I'm so flattered" I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, it seems you're fine, not dying on the floor, I'm going ok? Ring if you need something- that is NOT snack related" she quickly added, "I was going to ask for movies this time" I groaned, "you already know I know nothing about movies" she laughed as she headed out the door and the physical therapist buff guy walked in.

The rest of the day follows the pattern the past ninety-six days have, minus the ones where I was unconscious.

Stretch and work at physical therapy.

Hanasuke, the physical therapist guy, he's nice enough, deals with the limitations I have and keeps saying 'wow I'm getting better every day' I'm not, but he is like Momota enough to cheer me on even if there are no results to actually back up his claim. At least by the end of this, I can win arm wrestles. 

Tutors for the days I missed of school, not that it matters to me because according to them I was going to graduate in a week, I just need to take my finals and I'm a 'graduate'. Quotations for the account while past Ouma might have been a nerd


I, on the other hand, learned how to read from manga books. So clearly I cannot for the life of me understand any of the things they are trying to teach me.

It doesn't matter anyway. I look at the wall a window should have been and look back at the logbook, day ninety-six.

W-What are you p-planning?

Wouldn't you like to know?

Day 96

So far I want some pancakes. I don't think I'm going to get pancakes, or at least not ones with whip cream and sprinkles. Today is a sad day without pancakes.

It goes the same. 

I have some ideas for what to do soon.

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