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Jeno woke up. Body feeling stiff as he lied in bed, thinking, and looking into darkness as it was still night. Jeno thought about last night.

How was he so easily fooled? Why did he cry? What was his heart thinking or feeling at that time?

Jeno gave a soft sigh, and then felt the bed shift beside him. He then felt a arm wrap around his waist, and breath against his ear all the sudden as he felt himself lean against someone's chest.

"Did I wake you?" Jeno whispered.

"No, I've been awake." Jaemin whispered back as he caressed Jeno's hair.

Jeno felt bad, how could he believe Jaemin did all that stuff? Jaemin wasn't like that, right?

"Jaemin..." Jeno started.

"What is it? What's on your mind?" He whispered back and Jeno stayed quiet for awhile before he answered.

"Did you...do you..are you using me?" Jeno asked softly and he felt an instant shift and Jeno looked up at the sudden action as he made eye contact with warm brown orbs.

Jeno couldn't make out much of Jaemins face, but saw that his eyebrows were furrowed and he was frowning.

"What the hell would make you think that Jeno?" Jaemin sounded a little bit taken back, and angry.

"I- E-Erin told m-me that..." Jeno's voice trailed off, as he felt he wasn't safe saying anything.

"What about Erin? What did she tell you?" Jaemin sounded strict all the sudden and Jeno couldn't help but get his voice stuck in his throat.

"S-She told me-" Jeno just couldn't get it out. It felt so wrong saying it, and he felt so guilty for thinking about it.

"Jeno, tell me." Jaemin pleaded.

"She said you had sex with her." Jeno blurted out, and then instantly closed his mouth at the sudden outburst.

Jaemin stayed quiet for awhile, and Jeno's heart hurt at the silence and he had a great anxiety feeling bubbling up inside him.

"Y-you didn't...d-did you?" Jeno asked as his voice got smaller with every word. Jeno knew Jaemin could barely see him, and couldn't help the salty tears prick his eyes.

"Jeno..." Jaemin started, and his voice was shedded in guiltiness and Jeno instantly felt his heart tear in half.

It was true.

It was all true.

"You bastard!" Jeno yelled and pushed Jaemin off of him.

"Jeno no-" Jaemin started as he reached out to grasp for Jeno, but Jeno jumped off the bed as he threw a pillow at Jaemin.

"You did! And you didn't tell me!" Jeno yelled and Jaemin was now off the bed trying to get hold of Jeno, who was hitting him back.

"Jeno stop!" Jaemin yelled back, and grasped hold of Jeno's arms, but then a harsh noise was silenced across the room.

A forceful slap had been landed on Jaemins face.

Jeno looked up at him with angered tearful eyes. Jaemin was looked away from the force of the slap.

"You never loved me. I hate you Na Jaemin I hate you!" He yelled.

Jeno then pushed Jaemin away and ran out of the room. Tears streaming down his cheeks as he threw his jacket on and ran out the door of the mansion.

He ran down the street, not even knowing where he was going. He didn't care though.

Jaemin didn't love him.

He didn't.

It was all a lie.

Jeno cried as he slipped and fell into his knees, and kept crying. He then looked up and noticed he was in a park.

In the middle of the night.




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