Chapter 10

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A draft of cool air and she opened her eyes. Immediately her heart sank.

Hobi had broken up with her. Never in her existence could she even imagine she would have to go through it so early in her relationship.

She sat upright and looked at the line. Hobi had taken his spot already.

A tap on her shoulder.

"Amy, come on. We must go. Issue your books."

Amy watched Lia walk to the library door. 

No time to waste

Amy grabbed her things and walked to stand on line behind Hobi. This was tiring, physically and mentally. She felt dehydrated, weak and wanted to sleep. But seeing Lia outside that door and Hobi infront of her, she felt determined. 

"Sometimes I just want to crawl into a hole and die," she said as she sighed.


Amy turned around and saw the boy behind her in line stare at her in surprise. 

"Not important," she said and turned to Hobi again. She couldn't care less.

Taking a deep breath, she tapped on his shoulder. When Hobi turned around she asked, "Will you go out with me? I have been noticing you for a while now and I think you are cute."

Hobi stared at her and blinked. 

"Very romantic," Amy heard the boy behind her comment sarcastically. She rolled her eyes. 

"Actually," said Hobi, "I'm transferring schools next week. So…" 

Eyes popped in surprise, his answer left her mouth half open. He issued his book and said, "Thanks for asking me though."

She watched him walk out of the library, her mouth still hanging open. Without issuing her books, she walked to the door not letting him out of her sight. And that's when she saw something new. Lia had approached him.

She watched as they made conversation. It was long and there were occasional laughs shared. 

What are they laughing about? What could Lia possibly say that could make him laugh? 

"Looks like they are hitting it off."

Amy turned her head and saw the boy from earlier stand beside her, watching the two people outside. Amy ignored him. She didn't have time to spend on someone so temporary in her plan.

"Do you think numbers will be exchanged?" He asked.

Though her heart sank at the thought, Amy shook her head. She replied, "No way. Hobi is mine."

"I don't think he knows that," said the boy. 

And then, she saw it. Lia gave him her phone. 

"Oops," said the boy. 

Lia again? Thought Amy. 

But why? 

And, does he give his number to anyone who asks him out?

As soon as Hobi left, Amy walked out of the library to her 'gal pal'.

"Lia," Amy called her.

"Hey girl! Come let's go," Lia said.

"Did he just give you his number?" asked Amy.

"Who Hobi? Yeah he did."


"Hobi? Did he ask you to call him like that? Asked Amy. 

"Yeah," answered Lia.

"But his name is Jung Hoseok…" Amy was confused, "And he also told me that he is transferring schools next week."

"Oh yeah," Lia nodded knowingly, "He told me that last week."

An astounded Amy watched Lia walk ahead onto the bridge to the main building. She tried to catch up.

"Last week? You met him last week?" asked Amy. Lia rolled her eyes.

"Yes. We met at the library last week. And then he told me that he might transfer schools. Why are you so curious about him?"

Lia stopped walking. She turned to Amy and asked, "Do you like him or something? Because you can't. I already asked him out."

"Well I asked him out first," said Amy.

"Wait, so he took both our numbers?" Asked Lia. 

"He didn't give me his number," Amy answered, "This doesn't make any sense. Why did he take your number but not mine?"

Amy felt frustrated.
Why did Hobi do that? She thought. Her frustration turned to anger when she saw sympathy on Lia's face. But Amy knew that it wasn't sympathy, it was her victory. 

"It's okay. Maybe now he is reconsidering leaving the college," said Lia with a sympathetic smile before she turned away. 

Watching Lia walk ahead to the bridge, Amy felt anger boil within her. 

The bridge was high enough. Though students walked on the concrete beneath it to their classes, they would be too busy to notice anything. Amy wanted to push Lia off the bridge. This was the second time that Hobi chose Lia over her. 

But she had to be sane and think with a calm mind. 

What should I do now? 

Where did I go wrong? 

Is it because I acted too fast? Did he think I wasn't romantic enough?

Maybe I should slow down.

What if I follow the exact path I followed in the normal world? Would things be different then?

She felt herself relax and she knew that she had taken her decision. As she watched Lia walk away across the bridge, swaying her long hair behind her, Amy dropped her things on the ground. She walked up the bridge just to get enough distance from the ground and jumped off. 

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