Chapter 30

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"But does Hobi think so?" asked Amy's mother.

Feeling confused, Amy turned to Hobi. Put on the spotlight, Hobi looked between either woman. 

As panic crept up within him, he finally turned to Amy and said, "I want to continue pursuing music Amy. I don't want to stop." 

Amy was at a loss for words.

"Well… why didn't you tell me?" She asked him, holding his hands.

"Because you always go on and on about being practical and getting a stable job-"

"Only because you said you and your parents feel that way!" Amy interjected him. "If you want to do music, do it! I'll support you!" Said Amy.

"I don't think that's a good idea," said her mother, "If you pursue music, and she does her art, there is no way you can afford even this apartment." 

Amy stared at her mother. 

"We'll figure out the details later, among ourselves. We don't really need your opinion."

Her mother responded, "I was just trying to help. As a mother-"

"Oh now you want to be a 'mother'?" Amy air quoted. She stood up and continued, "You should have thought of that before you divorced dad and decided not to speak to me for months."

"Amy!" Hobi tried to intervene. Her mother, however, remained silent looking away from her. 

There was pin drop silence. So silent, that it was almost eerie. At a distance, a muffled cry of a baby could be heard. 

After a few seconds her mother spoke, "I was going through some tough times. The constant fights. Your father had left me; both of us! You are an adult now, I thought you'd understand. And why are you angry just at me? Your father was equally responsible! He has found himself a girlfriend too!"

"I haven't spoken to him either. Apart from sending me birthday wishes every year, he doesn't keep in touch…" Amy trailed off as she spoke, her eyes still on her mother. 

A smile. A suppressed smile. Amy had seen it on that face and she was sure that she wasn't mistaken.

With a straight face, her mother spoke again.

"Amy I-" 

"And I hope to keep it that way. I don't need either of you," Amy turned to Hobi and said, "I know you meant well but, please never do this again. I have you, that's all I need."

Amy stood up, walked to the door, opened it and said, "It was nice having you for dinner. You can leave now."

Amy closed the door immediately after her mother left. Then, she walked to Hobi, held both of his hands in hers and said, "I love you. And I know you meant well. But please, do not interfere between me and my family."

Hobi interjected, "But Amy-"

"No Hobi. Please. You don't know them like I do. So don't. Ever." 

Hobi watched as Amy walked into the bedroom, as she took off her earrings. 

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