Chapter 4

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A few minutes later, Amy found herself sitting on a nearby bench in the college campus, opposite Hobi.

Two cans of coke placed in between them, the condensation on its surface now had made a dark circular mark on the concrete bench. Hobi picked up one can, opened it and took a swig. She simply watched him in awe. Though it had been just two years, she felt that he looked younger, healthier.

"Have it!" He said suddenly. Gesturing towards the other can he said, "I got it for you." She smiled and nodded. Drinking from her own can, she felt giddy.

This was just like that time.

Any minute now, he was going to ask her out. And she remembered how.

"I didn't see you later that day," she said, turning to him.
"I am so sorry about that. I got caught up with something else and had to leave. But I'm glad I saw you today!" He replied in excitement.

"If you really think a coke is going to make us even, you are wrong," she said. He smiled.

"Well, what do you suggest?" He asked.
"I am a big fan of food, you know," she replied.

"Food? Really?" He laughed. Any minute now, she thought. He is going to ask me out now.

"I guess we can do that. Let's go to the cafeteria and I'll get you lunch. You can order whatever you want, it's on me," he said.

She was confused.
"Cafeteria?" She asked.
"Okay. So what do you prefer? Mac? Pizza? Your call," he said.
"Pizza?" She repeated.
"Everyone likes pizza! I'm not making much so I can't get you anything fancy hehe," he said.

Slightly disappointed, she shook her head and said, "Pizza sounds great."

This wasn't how it was supposed to go. This wasn't how it had happened back then.

"Well I have to go to class now. See you around," he said as he stood up. Watching him walk away, she said, "No wait!"

He turned around at her call. His bag slung over one shoulder, phone in his other hand he looked at her bewildered.

Determined, she took a deep breath and asked, "Are you free today evening? I was wondering if we could get that pizza together. You know, like a date."

She felt silly and courageous at the same time. Her shoulders trembled with tension and she nervously smiled. She watched as his smile turned into a frown.

Then, with a kind smile he said, "I'm flattered but I'm already seeing someone."

Amy's heart sank.

This definitely wasn't how it was supposed to go.

"Who?" She blurted out before she could even think straight.
"I guess it would have been better if she told you," he said and Amy felt her temper rise, "but it's Lia. We met the day you had fainted in the library."

Amy's mouth fell. Her heart sank. She felt her throat tighten up.

"Lia?" She murmured.
"Lia and Hobi?" She murmured again, "This doesn't make any sense."

She looked up at him and saw him watch her with concern.
"You and Lia? How is this possible? Lia was my friend," she asked him, her voice rising.
"When you fainted, she came in to check on you. That's how we met."

Amy looked away going over his words.
"What's wrong?" He asked when he saw tears brimming out of her eyes.

"Everything. This is just wrong," she mumbled, shaking her head.
"Wrong?" He repeated her words.
She looked up at him and asked, "How could you do this to me?"
"Do what?" He asked her, baffled at her reaction.
"How could you date Lia over me? How could you pick her over me?" She asked him again.

"I.." he felt at loss for words as she sniffled loudly.

"You asshole!" She lurched forward and punched his chest in anger. He staggered backwards upon impact.

And then it dawned on her. As he watched, she ran from that spot leaving all of her things behind.

"Hey!" He called after her, still unable to comprehend what had just happened.
He said to himself, "I didn't even catch her name..."

Back in her room, Amy threw her stuff onto the floor. "F*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck," she cursed countless times as the realisation got to her.

She had messed up the past. This was her fault. Had she not fainted, Hobi wouldn't have met Lia. Had she not fainted, it would have been she Hobi went on a date with.

She knew Hobi. He wouldn't date anyone if he doesn't genuinely like her. He was very picky like that. And if he is dating Lia now, then he wouldn't break up with her.

She screamed in agony as the realization dawned on her. She had screwed it up. She, herself, was solely responsible for ruining the impossible chance she had received.

At once she stopped crying and took out her phone. It was a text. And it was from Lia.
Lia: How dare you talk to my Hobi like that?

My Hobi?
Consumed with fury and aggression, she threw her phone against the wall, watched it smash into pieces and scatter across the room.

Two seconds of complete silence. And then she crouched on the floor, tightly holding her knees together and mumbled. Tears and snot wet her jeans as she hid her face behind her knees. She could feel her head throb in pain, but she couldn't stop.

And then she said something she never thought she'd ever say.
"Please God. Please give me one more chance. I'll not screw it up this time. Please help me. Please."

She repeated this as long as she was awake. She didn't know what else to do.

It seemed like the end. As if all hope was lost. But if she could get just one more chance, maybe she could fix it.

When she opened her eyes. It was dark. She was sitting in the same position as she had been before she had fallen asleep. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, she saw where she was.

Scattered all over the floor were her things. She was sitting on the floor of her ransacked bedroom. Outside the door, she could hear a bustle. Time going on in their lives as if nothing had changed. As if nothing was different. But everything was different now, and only she knew that.

Her eyes fell on a shard of glass that had broken apart from something she threw across the room, the cracked screen of her phone lying a few centimeters from it.

There is no point.

She reached out her fingers and wrapped them around the little piece of glass.

There is no point.

She drew another crimson line onto her wrist. Pain wrapped around her head. Though she could feel it, she felt numb.

It was over.

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