Chapter 1

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So hey my name is Yuki smith and this is my story. I'm 16 years old and in high school. When you think of high school people say the best years of your life but sadly for me that's wrong. I don't have any friends or have a relationship I've never been kissed to be honest I really don't trust anyone I've had some bad experiences in the past which lend me not to trust anyone. Everyone will end up backstabbing and using you they will say they are your friends when its convenient to them then leave you hanging when you need their help no one lends a hand, so now here I am just getting by in high school. All I need is my headset, my part time job, my mother and that's all I'll ever need, or so I thought.......


So it's another day well time to get up. I get up out of bed getting ready for another day of high school. Honestly I wish I could just be homeschooled instead it's a pain to go into a place where you feel like your not wanted . Heading down stairs eating a slice of bread while heading to the station with my headset in each ear when the song ends I hear whispering.

StudentA: look it's Yuki
StudentB: oh really where?
StudentA: over there, she's such a loser no boyfriend, or friends pathetic
StudentB: I know right I'm surprised she hasn't killed herself yet .
StudentA&B: hahaha

Everyone is the same this happens everyday and they don't even really know me everyone is a bully I can't wait till high school ends so I don't have to deal with theses people anymore.

Time skip~

In the front of the school gates, heading into the school grounds more and more mean words are being said behind my back. Really don't they have better things to do with there lives then to hurt others o well better hurry to class. I'm hurrying for my math class when some tall guy bumps into me.

???: Hey! Watch it
But I  ignored him and rushed to classes
???: Heyy!!! Aren't you gonna say sorry?!?
But I keep ignoring him running to class.

In the background~

??:hey riki dude chill why all the yelling this morning

Riki: some chick bumped into me and ignored me no girl ignores me .

??:oooooohh someone finally blew you off the great Riki I'm shocked (saying sarcastically)

Riki: shut up hiro!... Where's the rest of the gang?

Hiro: let's seeeee takkun is sleeping on the roof
Kenshi is practicing in the karate club. So who's this amazing girl who finally put you in your place?

Riki: Screw you! And it's some girl that had headphones in her ears she just bumped into me and didn't even say sorry what's her problem?!?

Hiro:oh that's Yuki smith she's pretty cuuuutee right? But no one has ever heard her speak no one talks to her I don't know her deal she doesn't seem to talk to anyone and she always has her headphones in.

Riki: Yuki.....

Hiro: riki?

Riki: she seems interesting....

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