Chapter 6

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Riki's pov~

Lately I haven't seen or Been able to talk to Yuki I miss her so much I can barely take it I've been so busy practicing me and remi's dance routine but she's supporting me which I'm happy but I feel kinda conflicted. do I want her not to want me to hang with remi? Man I just wanna see her so bad. as I'm lost in thought takuto comes towards me stomping and when he gets right in front of me he pushes me into the empty classroom.
I stumble backward trying not to fall and start yelling.

Riki: what's your deal?!?

Takuto: I could ask you the same thing!!!

Riki: what are you talking about?!?

Takuto: I'm talking about you hanging out with remi and ditching Yuki your girlfriend while she feels alone did you even know she's been getting bullied even more?? No well she is!!! She's been crying none stop feeling so insecure!! Did you did you even hear about the rumors that you dumped her?!? No am I right? Of course I am you made that girl into damn nervous wreck and you promised to protect her!!!

I'm shocked, I didn't know she was going threw all of this and I let her down. As I'm feeling so much  self pity for myself when I'm snapped out of my thoughts with somethings hitting me in the face.

Takuto punched me right in the face sending me back a few steps.

Riki: What the freaking hell?!?

Takuto: you better make up with her or someone's gonna steal her away from you!!

Riki: ?!? He's right. Hiro, Takuto, and Kenshi, really like Yuki. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them took her from me. The thought of it pisses me off.

Takuto: you better get your act together and I don't mean for the talent show stupid. And he walks away

What's have I done?? I've neglected Yuki and made her feel so sad I haven't even notice her feeling so low I gotta find her. I'm looking for her threw the whole school. Damn where is she? while I'm searching for her I run into remi.

Remi: Heyy Riki are we-
I cut her off sorry I gotta find Yuki! I'll text you later!
I kept running not noticing her sad expression.

20 mins later I find her on the roof, of course she's here. I walk up slowly to her. God I missed her so much. I gently call out her name...

Riki: Yuki....

She spins around and when she see's me her eyes go wide.

Yuki:!!! ...Riki...

Riki: she looks so broken and sad. As I walk up to hear about to hug her She puts her hand up stopping me and starts to speack..

Yuki: I had enough...

My heart Just stop no Yuki don't say that please I beg you but I can't say it out loud and she continues.

Yuki: ever since I started liking you Riki I had nothing but thoughts of you and remi I've become so Narrowminded the rumors are getting worse I've been bullied by others demanding that I leave you because you and remi look better together and that I'm getting in the way of your happiness.

No Yuki!!! That's not true your the only one for me I promise!! Please please don't say such words..

Yuki: So I'm letting you go Riki...
Tears falling down her face I never wanted to make her feel alone or left out I never wanted her to feel this way and after she started to trust people again I just made her feel this way. When I'm about to speack she says something that came from the left field.

Yuki: oh I decided to do the talent show me and the gang are gonna be playing in a band for the talent show so so i hope you watch me.

I'm so proud of her getting out of her shell but i need to say something anything! But nothing is coming out then the next set of words that completely destroy me come out of her month.

Yuki: I hope we can still be friends. She try's to control her tears but some more slips out.
I'm a monster.

Yuki: be happy Riki. She smiles threw her tears and runs away before I can say a thing I'm still shocked from all of this i really messed up I gotta make things right.

Yuki's pov~
I run and run tears falling down my face. This is for the best he will be happy with her as I run I bump into hiro he holds me while I cry in his chest for god knows how long.

Hiro: it's ok Yuki everything will work out just fine I promise. Hiro smiles brightly while I still feel sad.

Then I feel another pair of arms wrap around me its Kenshi and gives me a big hug I see takuto blushing in the corner

Hiro: come on and hug Yuki takkun.
Takuto: N No gross!!
Hiro: come on just do it!
Takuto: tsk. he slowly walks towards me and gives me a awkward hug but I can feel the love in it
Kenshi: awe so sweet
Takuto:s shut up!!! he's says while turning another shade of pick
Hiro: why don't you go clean yourself in the bathroom
Yuki: ok I smile what would I do without them.

As I'm heading to the bathroom I feel a little better but still feel pain in my chest

In the girls bathroom~

As I'm washing my face with some cold water remi comes in

Remi: oh hello
So I heard you and Riki broke up i guess the rumors are true since your hear crying your eyes out haha

What's wrong with her she's just a bully in disguise she won so why is she bothering me.

Yuki: please leave me alone

As I try to walk away remi blocks my path.

Remi: make sure you stay away from Riki I always get what I want and it seems the whole school thinks so as well thanks for dumping him hehe.

Ok that's it!!

Yuki: you know what it's on I will prove to Riki and the school me and Riki belong together and I will win the talent show just you wait!!

Her eyes go wide as marbles and then sends me a death glare

Remi: you think you can beat me ha that's laughable. What are you gonna do cry As your talent

Yuki:just you wait I'll win back Riki and the talent show. I walk passed her out of the bathroom heading with a new light of hope i walk towards takuto hiro and kenish and say.

Yuki: guys we are gonna win the talent show and I'm also gonna win Riki back.

Takuto: it's about time.
Hiro&Kenshi: what are you gonna do.
Yuki: I got a plan but right now let's go practice.

With my friends and my head held high I'm gonna be brave and show the school that nothing  can come between us. Riki, wait for me I'll see you at the talent show. And Ill win for me and you.

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