I said No

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I thought I was finally getting better, but I guess not. One single sight of you crashes down all of my progress to happiness. "Why?" I think to myself. My heart rate quickening with every breath, my breathing loosing all control, my eyes are like a dam that about to break into a million pieces.
Run. Run is all that comes to mind, but I have to try and contain my cool. I have to try and keep up my fake smile, laugh, happiness.
I've come so far just to have you crash it all down.
I was finally starting to get to sleep with the disruption of you in my sleep. I was finally starting to stay asleep at night. I was finally getting to sleep without crying.
You came and just took a hammer to my progress and broke it into millions and millions pieces.
What more can you take from me.
You stole my innocence. You stole my confidence. You stole good self image. You stole my progress. You are stealing my mind. Soon it won't even be mine.
I fell asleep around ten pm. I woke up at 3 am because you were in my dream. What were you doing? It was the day you took everything from me. I went back to sleep. It's now 6 I woke up because you were invading my mind. Destroying me. I woke up crying.
Why can't you just be happy with what you took? Why take more? I have nothing left to give you!
Everyday I fear of going places because I'm terrified of seeing you. I fear leaving my room, let along my house.
Now it seems I can't go anywhere because now I know you will be there.
I know you will be at school, roaming the halls. I know you'll try to make your way into my life again. I know what you do now. You'll try to be my friend. Then try getting me to go out with you, try to kiss me. Then get me down and steal everything from me again. Here's all I have to say.
I do not want you anywhere near me, my friends, or my family. You've ruined me. I will not let you ruin them like you have to me.
Everything wrong in my life is because of you.... And I hate you. I do not dislike you. I do not despise you. I fucking hate you. I want nothing to do with you. I want you to leave. Why? Because I said enough. I said No.

AN- hi. Sorry about this. I don't know how or who to vent to without feeling like they're judging me. Anyways they 'You' is the person I'm supposedly talking to. The one who stole everything from me. Bye now

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