Chapter 11

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I stood in front on Murcury and Emerald, smirking confidently at them. Both were taller than me, which was somethig that I was used to. Cinder's words seemed to echo around us, even blocking out the shouting and Grimm snarles from below, 'Play nice you three.' This was going to be a fight. If I could last until Roman and Cinder were done with there little chat, I wouldn't have to finish the fight, so I kept my ears open.

Murcury was the first to attack. In a flash of grey he kicked out at me with his boots. Without hesitation I blocked the shot with my closed umbrella and retaliated by jabbing him in the stomach with my umbrella. I added enough force to knock send him sliding back a bit, but he kept his balance easily. Emerald didn't wait a single moment to attack. She flipped open her two green sickles and swung them at me. I ducked under the first, using one hand to shove it farther away, and hit the second away with my umbrella before aiming a solid kick to her now exposed stomach. My kicks were powerful and Emerald was sent flying and landed on her back.

She propped herself up on her elbows, gritted her teeth, and growled in annoyance. I smirked back at her silently, nut surged my eye colors. She hadn't seen me do thay before and gasped in shock. Murcury nodded his head in approval of my skills and my eye trick.

"That's pretty good, little ice cream treat," he told me. I glared at him, hating the name that he just called me. He sighed dramatically and continued running his mouth. "Its too bad that Cinder ordered Em
and me to take care of you, but here's the deal. If you manage to survive until she's done scolding Roman, we'll let you live."

I swore mentally, remembering that I was supposed to be listening in on whatever Cinder was saying. I glanced back at her and my boss. Whatever she decided to do to Roman would affect whatever would happen to me.

"You've failed me Roman. You should know better than anyone else that I do not tolerate failure. You well be punished," Cinder told him, making Roman cower in fear.

Murcury took advantage of my distraction. I just badly saw him move out of the cover of my eye. It was too late to move. All I could do was brace myself. He kicked me in the side towards the bottom part of my ribs. He hit me with enough force to throw me back. I landed on my back but used the momentum to roll to my feet. As I finished my updated motion I flicked open my umbrella and placed a hand on my hip.

I grinned at him, acting as if his attack had no effect on me. I cussed mentally though. Damn it hurt. a few more kicks like that and I'd be done for.

Emerald was already on her feet. She quickly changed her sickles into two hand pistols. She fired shots at me from both of them. I blocked all of the shots with my umbrella, making sure that I didn't lose sight of Mercury.

Murcury kicked out at me, and I dodged. Kicking away his kicks wouldnt work because, at least when it came to this, he was stronger. I blocked his boots by knocking them aside with my free hand or just plain avoiding them while I continued to block Emerald's shots with my umbrella.
"Come on sweetheart dont be like that," Murcury mocked me. He stepped back and launched at me, aiming to kick me with both of his feet. Emerald also switched her guns back to sickles and charged at me. I flicked my umbrella closed, and sidestepped Murcury's attack. As he passed, I grabbed his leg and, using his momentum against him, I threw him into the approaching Emerald. They collided and fell to the ground. I smirked arrogantly at them.

"This is far from over," Emerald warned me.

"You're sending me to prison?!" Roman exclaimed in disbelief from across the roof.

"You and your henchman," Cinder said calmly.

I continued to swear mentally. Me? In jail? This was going to put a giant black mark on my record. Yet not as big of a mark as the one walking out now would make. I was distracted and didn't see Murcury jump back up and run at me. I managed to deflect the blast from his boots even with my closed umbrella. I didn't see the chain come from Emerald's sickle behind me. It wrapped around my umbrella, wrapped around it, and yanked it out of my hands. Once it was away from me, the chain unwrapped, the umbrella flew over the edge of the building and to the fighting below.

As I watched it go over the edge, Murcury kicked me in the gut. Unable to catch my footing, I fell backwards and slid across the rooftop.

"What a shame," Murcury said as he and Emerald stood above me. Emerald pointed her gun at my forehead. "You would have such a sweet treat. Oh well, goodbye Neo."

Instead of showing fear, I smirked at them.
I wasnt done yet. I swung my legs, tripping Emerald and causing her to fire into the air. Murcury tried to stomp me with his boots, but I twirled away into a standing position. I stepped on Murcury's knee, and brought my other knee up into is jaw. Unfortunately, it wasnt enough to break his stupid jaw, but it did knock him backwards and onto the ground. I backdoors off of Maury and landed on a now standing Emerald, sitting on her shoulders.

I pulled my weight backwards, causing her to fall back. Her hands flew back to try to catch herself. As we fell I yanked one of her sickles out of her hand and conunied to pull backwards. I caught myself in a handstand and sung my body so Emerald went flying across the roof before i swung my legs down and stood up straight. It obly took me a second to figure out how to transform thw weapon into a pistol and pointed it at Mucury, who was on the ground rubbing his sore jaw. I was about to activate Scary Neo when Cinder cut in.

"Okay children. Playtime is over," she said, turning to us with a hand on her hip. I stared down Mucury. I could still do it. I could still kill him, a voice whispered inside me. I'm going to jail anyway. No, I couldn't. I wasnt Scary Neo. I rolled my eyes and tossed the gun towards Emerald.

Turning on my heel I strutted back over to Roman, happy that, at least for this time, I beat Mucury and Emerald. My arrogance was short lived as Cinder turned back to her henchmen with a disgusted glare and said, "Turn these two in to the police. They need to learn their lesson."

With a grunt of effort Mucury pushed himself to his feet. He grabbed my arm and said, "Right this way sweetheart." I wanted desperately to punch him in the face, but Cinder was watching. It did make me feel a littlw better when I saw that a purple bruise was already starting to form where I had kneed him. Emerald took Roman's arm and took us down to the street.

Air support and more experienced hunters and huntresses had arrived and quickly finished off the last of the Grimm. My eyes drifted over to Wolf. He and some of the random huntsmen saw us getting escorted. The others looked like they wanted to rip Roman and I apart. Wolf tilted his head and watched me closely, asking silently if he should jump in or do anything. I shook my head, acting disgusted that I had been caught. Wolf understood that I didn't want him to do anything though and noes ever so slightly. The rest of tem RNBW joined him. Recherche was resting my umbrella on her shoulder. Good. She would hold onto it for me.

Lastly I saw team RWBY. Yang recognized me instantly and lunged towards me, but her teammates managed to somehow hold her back. Years of training taught me to never let people see you be weak. So as she glared at me, trying to pull away from her teammates, I winked.

"Yang no!" Ruby protested as they struggled to restrain her. I tuened my back to them as we came to soldiers.

"Oh no, you caught me," Roman said with no small amount of sarcasm. They cuffed us and the us into a giant truck. Admittedly, I was afraid. I didn't know the plan. We were surrounded by guards so Roman couldn't tell me. I didn't know where we were going, or what thwy would do to ua once we got there. My only ally was Roman, who would leave my side without a second thought if it meant savin his own skin. I was alone. I was weaponless. I was silently terrified. I turned to the guard with his gun pointed at me and grinned. Never let them see you be weak.

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