Chapter 15

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I blocked the first of Yang's few punches with my closed umbrella. Glancing around at the crowd, I mentally sighed. I would never be able to do what Ozpin asked if I didn't let this happen. With Yang's next kick, I let my umbrella be knocked away, and tumble to the ground a good distance away. Her next punch connect with my cheek, the force of it knocked me to my knees.

For a moment, she was shocked that she was actually able to hit me, and to do it so easily. The crowd gasped in surprise, forming a very wide circle around us. The moment of peace passed quickly and her next strike threw me to the ground. I pushed myself to my hands and knees, but she kicked me in the stomach, causing me to flip onto my back. I managed to roll away and onto my feet just before her fist crashed into the ground, cracking the cement where my head had been.

She came at me without holding anything back, kicking and punching mercilessly. I happened to block a few out of instinct but let many of her blows connect. Within seconds I was on my back again, and just laid there limply. My body ached everywhere, and with Yang's rage, I was surprised that nothing was broken yet.

She came at me again, hey eyes burning red. I began to wonder, Was that how I looked as Scary Neo? With no feeling in my eyes other than rage and the desire to cause my target pain? No, they weren't just my targets, they were victims.

I held back a cry of pain as Yang hit me again. I deserved this. My mentor had always taught me to call them targets, to refer to them as my job to distance myself from them. To make the mission easier. To not feel. My heart squeezed. My mentor... a memory of him flashed in front of my eyes before I could stop it.

Sleepslicer and I were surrounded, standing back to back as the enemy moved in. This was my fault. I put us here. Throughout my training I had gained arrogance as well as confidence, and was crazy for my revenge. I blamed all of my pain and all of the pain I had caused others on the people who had murdered my parents.

I had caught wind of the position of the three responsible. Sly, the nickname I had given to my mentor, sorted from 'Slicer' in his last name, had tried to warm my against going. He knew something that I didn't, that the three who desired my life were pat of an organization, and a much larger one than I could have imagined.

So I went after my new targets and he followed. That wad how we found ourselves surrounded. Both he and I raised our umbrellas knowing that if we managed to kill these few, more wetter still on there way.

I drew the blade out of my umbrella and used it to slit one of their throats. I turned back to see how Sly was doing, and watched as a spear was shoved through his chest. He died there, all because of me, and there was nothing that I could do but portal away.

I let o ut s small cry as one of Yang's kicks cracked a rib, but I stayed still.My nonresponsiveness seemed to anger the blonde even more.

"Why. Wont. You. Fight. Back?!" she snarled, striking a powerful blow with each word. She stood me up, and with a strong kick she sent me flying. I reflexively landed on my feet, but fell to one knee.

Wolf pushed through the crowd to see what was going one. He froze in shock at seeing me beaten this way, and was about to run in to fight Yang off, but I held my arm out in a stop motion towards him, not turning to face him. He looked back at me with worry and confusion but stayed where he was.

Yang yanked me up and held me im the air by the collar of my jacket before punching my back to the ground again. My lip was busted, my cheek was cut and my eye was beginning to swell. I pushed myself to my knees and waited for her to come again, not sure how much more of this my small body could take. She stormed closer, arm raised to swing again, but someone held her back.

Without taking her burning gaze off of of me Yang spat, "Let me go Blake."

"Yang, stop this," the faunus girl said, now wearing a bow to cover her cat ears. "What if she wasnt in control of what she was doing."

"No control? She seemed pretty in control when she was aboUT TO KILL ME!" Yang shouted, jerking out of her teammates grip and taking another step towards me.

"Yang, lets be rational about this-" Weiss said quickly, but was cut off by Yang's shouts.

"I DON'T CARE! What if it had been one of you? Or Ruby? Who's to say she wont hurt one of you next time? Im going to make shure she never hurts anyone again!"

I bowed my head. Yang was right to do this, and she was doing it for the right reasons. I was a monster, and no amount of playing nice would change that. I looked up to see that Ruby had jumped in front of me, arms outstretched to block her sister. Tears were streaming down her face.

"Yang please," the red hooded girl sobbed. "This isn't you! Your losing yourself. Please Yang, if Goodwitch finds out you'll be expelled! You won't be able to be a huntress anymore!"

Ruby's words seemed to touch her sister and she cane out id her fit of rage, her eyes shifting back to purple.

"What is going on here?" Goodwitch demanded breaking theough the circle. It quickly disbanded, none of the students wanting to take responsibility or the consequences.

Team RWBY frantically searched for an excuse to answer the Professor's question and to cover Yang's actions, but found none that I was likely to go along with.

"Just a sparing match Professor," I cut in, somehow managing to hold back a yelp of pain as Wolf handed me my umbrella and helped me to my feet, "one that I lost."

Team RWBY stared with mouths open in surprise at me, shocked that I was the one to lie and cover for Yang.

"Is that so?" Goodwitch said in a tone that let us all know that she was aware that I was lying, but she was letting it go. "I shall let it pass today Miss Neopolitan, because you are new, but all serious sparring matches are to be done with a Professor president. As for you team RWBY," she said staining pointedly at Yang, "consider this your warning. Now, Professor Ozpin wants to see both of your teams in his office right away."

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