Chapter 22

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Exhausted from using so much of my aura, it took a little more effort to lift up my head and walk into the library. Both team RNBW and team RWBY were waiting for me.

"So you're alive," Wolf grinned teasingly, but I could tell that he really had been worried about me. His red ears lifted up and his tail wagged eagerly.

"We were worried," Rech said calmly as they came over and hugged me. Team RWBY glanced at eachother awkwardly. Yang glared at us, deciding that they must be almost as traitorous as I was. The image of my teammates' dead bodies scattered around me caused me to flinch back and pull out of their embrace.

"You're late," the ice queen snapped, crossing her arms and sticking her nose in the air.

"Did you find anything?" Blake asked with... was that sympathy in her eyes?

"My informant didnt know anything," I said softly.

"So you dont have anything?" Yang asked me with attitude.

I ignored her and turned to the others saying, "It appears that my old business associates-" here Weiss scoffed at my name for them "-have placed a bounty on my head. Fortunately this worked out okay, because three White Fang members came out of hiding and after me. Two of them are in the other room. Ozpin is giving us 2 hours to interrogate them before Ironwood gives them to professionals."

"Only two hours?" Bolt asked in surprise. For interrogation, that wasn't much time at all.

"What happened to the third?" Yang asked, crossing her arms and looking me over closely.

"There was... an unfortunate event," I replied, mentally cringing as the memory of his head splatting in the Libratian's hands like an insect flashed in my mind.

"Hmph," Yang scoffed. Even without her saying anything, I could tell that she thought that I killed the other man.

"We should be going," I said, turning on my heal and leading the others away. Yang followed reluctantly behind. The hallways grew darker and had more turns. These were usually set aside for the General and his men to use as offices, but they had shut off a section for out two teams to use.

"Through here," I said indicating to a door ahead. Yang brushed past me. She bumped my side roughly and scoweled down at me before yanking open the door. The rest of the teams and I followed her in.

It was a tiny room with two doors in it. Each of those doors lead to an interrogation room with one of the White Fang members inside.

"Its kinda cramped," Wolf said as we squished together inside.

"Thats why there's these, so we can watch from the hall way," I replied holding up tablets. I passed them out and then lead the teams back out to the hall.

"How do we want to do this?" Bolt asked.

"Let me in there and I'll beat answers out of them," Yang said confidently, crashing her gauntlets together.

"We should let Rech go in first," I told the group.

"I do have experience with this sort of thing," Recherche admitted. No one decided to ask how. Team RWBY probably assumed that her parents did something like this. We all agreed and Recherche went into each of the rooms, and traced her arcane mark on their heads. While we watched from the hallway.

"Can I talk to you?" Blake asked Yang sounding a bit unsettled. Yang nodded and Blake lead her down one of the hallways. Shortly afterwards Rech came out to speak with us.

"The faunus girl is going to have to be tricked into giving us what we want, no amount of scaring her will do us any good. The guy on the other hand, we may be able to frighten things out of him," she said.

"On it!" Bolt grinned eagerly, stepping in with her. I sighed and let my feet wander. I didnt realize that I had taken the same way that Yang and Blake had until I could hear their voices.

"Yang, you dont have to be so mean to her," Blake was saying.

"She tried to kill me, Blake. She has killed other people! She's done terrible things, and it's our job to stop people like her," Yang growled.

"I get that Yang, but we dont know anything besides that. You dont know what made her do those things. You dont know anything but what people have told you about her," Blake pleaded.

"Why are you protecting her?" Yang snapped loudly.

"Because I've been her!" Blake snapped back. Then she bit her lip and her features softened. "I've done equally terrible things, because I thought they were for the right reasons. And just like her, I've tried to do the right things even though I know it will never make up for the wrong things. The only difference is that not many people know who I am, or what I've done." A tear trailed down her face, which broke through Yang's rage.

The blond sighed and hugged her cat friend and said, "I dont think I'll ever forgive her. I will not trust her, but for you, I will try. And I promise to be nicer."

"Thanks Yang," Blake told her friend, wiping her eyes and cheek.

Yang grinned and then said, "Im going to check on the others." The faunus girl nodded before Yang walked away. I quickly and quietly moved into a nearby doorway so she wouldnt see me. When she passed, I left my spot and went to Blake.

"Neo," she greeted.

I looked down to my shoes, trying to find the words to say. "Thank you for speaking to Yang for me."

"Its no problem," she assured me.

"It might be," I said, bringing my pink and brown eyes up to her amber ones. "Its more dangerous than you know to be around me. The second that Im done being useful, the side of the light will turn on me. Even now the side of the darkness is hunting me. Its not safe to be around me."

"I know," she told me, understanding what it was like to fear both sides.

"No you don't," I sighed shaking my head. How did I get her to understand that I was dangerous? "I'm a monster."

"Oh Neo," she sighed. She wrapped her arms around me in a hug saying, "No you're not. Not anymore."

I flinched away from her touch, seeing Wolf's pain filled eyes as Scary Neo pulled out his heart. How do I explain what kind of a monster I was? If I told her that I had some sort of murderous multiple personality in me then she'd feel sorry for me. I didnt want her sympathy. I wanted her to know that I was a danger to everyone, so she could save everyone from me.

"You're wrong," I told her, giving her a little shove back. "I am a monster. I know who you are Blake Belladonna. I know your score, what you've done. Those are childish pranks compared to what I've done. You think we're the same? You did what you did because you thought it would make a change for the better. I did what I did for revenge and then for money. You're here trying to do the right thing. I'm here because I got caught."

"Thats not true!" she nearly shouted at me, but I could see some doubt in her eyes. That was enough for now. I just smirked at her because I was out of words. I turned on my heal and strutted away, leaving her to think about what I said.

"Why would you say that?" Wolf asked softly from where I had hidden before. My heart missed a beat. I wasn't used to being snuck up on. But I recovered quickly and glared menacingly at him.

"Because its true Wolf, every word. And you would do well to remember it," I snapped harshly. He flinched back as if I had slapped him and I stalked away. I passed by the others, Yang watching me closely as I kept walking. I glared at her too for good measure, my eyes filling with tears after I looked away.

"Where are you going?" Weiss demanded, "Rech is about to break them! We'll need everyone here so we can figure out what to do next." I lifted my head high and kept walking. "Hey!" she shouted, making a move to come after me.

"Leave her be," Bolt told her, "Neo's had a rough day."

I found a nearby by office and broke out into silent sobs. I could hear my Scary Neo voice in my head. "Crying again Neo? Pathetic." I hated snapping at Wolf like that, but it was better if he and the others stayed away from me. After this job I was going to go far, far away. I hated to admit it, but I really cared about Wolf and my team. I was really going to miss them. "You are so weak." I thought to myself. How did I let myself care for them? I should have known better.

The door creaked open behind me unexpectedly. I stood up strained and tried to compose myself. "Go away Wolf," I snapped.

"I'm not Wolf," Yang told me, closing the door behind her.

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