Chapter 9

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I matched Yang's glare with a grin and a look of arrogance. I had read the reports that team RNBW had made on her, and I had watched her fight. There was no doubt that she was powerful. I could feel her anger and strength in her aura around her.

But she still wasnt nearly as strong as me. Well, in power and brute strength maybe, but I had years of fighting experience over her. I tilted my head to the side and waited for her to make her move.

It didn't take long to get started, with a grunt of effort she raised her arm and swung her fist at me. Too slow though. With a movement too fast for her brain to process, I struck her in the gut with the tip of my umbrella. The blow sent her backwards, but she recovered with a twirling motion.

She growled at me in annoyance. I flicked open my umbrella and held it behind me, tempted to bow again. With a cry of rage she lunged at me. She threw many of punches. I ducked under a few and bent back to avoid a few. Each of my movements fluid and easy to make. I didn't even move my umbrella from my shoulder, or my hand from my hip. I side stepped her kickes with ease, not one of her strikes making contact. I lost count of the kicks and punches that she threw at me.

Yang jumped up and aimed a kick at my face. With almost no effort at all, I folded my umbrella and use it to block her kicks. She threw more punches at me, all of which I blocked with my umbrella. I grew bord of simply dodging. With one swift kick I knocked her to the ground. As she lay on the ground I did a backflip and aimed another heeled boot at her face. She rolled out of the way just in time.

She rolled to her feet and came at me again. I grinned again as she threw her fist at my face. Using my umbrella I locked her arm and pulled it over my shoulder. I hit her in the head with the tip of my umbrella for good measure. This distracted her so I could pull her forward as well as lift my leg up and kick her in the head. The blow knocked her back a few steps. She was of balance enough for me to kick her in the gut and send her flying back and onto the ground a small distance away.

I cartwheeled over to her before she could stuggle back to her feet. She stood up, spun to face me and snarled at me again and fired at me with her gauntlets. I quickly opened my umbrella and blocked the flames. She fired at me again but I ducked under her arm, folded up my umbrella, and used it to knock her arm up as well as wap her in the face and once more in the gut. I opened my umbrella up and used it to block more atacks and even hit her with it open.

She snarled at me again and side stepped my umbrella. She then shot flames at my feet. Smart girl. I closed my umbrella, jumped back with a flip, flipped backwards twice and landed on one of the crates across the car. I crosset my legs, opened my umbrella, rested it on my shoulder and smirked at her, my umbrella twirling slightly. I tilted my head curiously as she stormed up to me.

Yang aimed a solid punch at my face. I used my umbrella to block her strike before closing my umbrella. I swung my body up, doing a handstand on the crate. I used my boot to block her next strike, flipped off the box, did a front flip and a back flip, kicking out at her. She managed to block the first one, but the second one hit her with a lot of power and sent her stumbling back. She managed to regain her balance.

I readied my umbrella as I saw her reload her gauntlets. She fired at me with so much anger and will power that I had to use some of my aura to block as well. Doing so I stayed with my back to her, leaving myself open. Thinking I was unpreparied she lept at me, but I blocked her blows with my umbrella. I spun around to face her.

This time it was my turn to attack. I swung downwards at her with my now closed umbrella. She deflected it with her gauntlets and tried to regtaliate. I hit her arm with my umbrella and enough force to knock her arm back. I aimed a kick at her, but instead of simply deflecting it as I expected, she caught my ankle. She pulled me back with a great force, swung my body and sent me flying across the car. I opened my umbrella to slow my momentum, and landed with a graceful cartwheel. Good she was learning.

I didn't hesitate at all between my landing and my next attack. I wrapped my arm aorund Yang's neck and swung myself up and did a hand stand with a single hand on her head, spinning around in a full circle. As she flailed around trying to get me off, I put a boot in her back and grabbed her hand. I then pushed my boot into her back, pulling her back. At the same time I pulled her arm, yanking her up. I pulled myself towards the ground, pulling her up as well. The momentum helped me to pull her up and flying forcefully through the air. I stedied myself with a carwheel, coming back to a standing position.

Yang hit the ceiling behind me, and collapsed, unmoving to the ground. I held my closed umbrella with two hands and sighed. A good fight like that was fun, but the game was over now. I walked over to Yang slowly. As I did I pulled the curved handle of my umbrella, pulling out a long blade. I didn't like killing people, but this was my job.

Actually I probably wouldn't have been able to deal with killing anyone at all if it hadn't been for Nicholas Sleepslicer. He was the one to trained me, the one who taught me everything that I knew, and the one who saved my life. He was also the one who helped me to create her.

Wolf called her 'Scary Neo', and for a good reason too. To be honest, she even scared me. She was a sort of alter personality that Sleepslicer had helped me to create in my mind. She was the reason that I was able to kill. I was fully aware of what I was doing when I activate Scary Neo, but I wasn't me exactly. I detatched all of my normal emotions, all of my feelings, and became Scary Neo. She... I actually enjoyed the kill. The pain, the defeat, the sorrow, or the fear in someone's eyes right before she... I took their lives.

I took a deep breath, and became her now. My eye both clame a creamy sort of white. I could feel a manic smile creep across my face. My heartbeat increased increadibly and this scary feeling washed over me. I was thrilled. It had been months sinced I last killed. Normally I would consider this a good thing, but I wasn't me. I was Scary Neo. As if giving these feelings a name made it not my fault. Whatever. It didn't matter anymore. What mattered was the blond in front of me.

My little blade rang as I pulled it completely out of the umbrella and i reached Yang. I spun the curved handle in my hand so it stopped blade down so I could stop easily. My grin widened as I held the blade over Yang. The rush of power that came over me was unlike any other feeling. Part of me wished that she would wake up and see just how defenseless that she was. I raised the blade up so it would have more force.

I flash of light and a sword swinging at me stopped my attack and deactivated my Scary Neo mode. I used the smaller blade to block the sword but the impact still forced me back. I quickly shethed the blade and looked up at my attacker.

Oh no, it was her! Raven Branwen. She was a legend. I looked back at her. Her face was covered by a Grim mask, with Nevermore feathers sticking out the back. She was dressed in red and black, but the most concerning of her features was the giant sword in her hand. She sheathed it in a large container haning from her waist. I knew it was filled with dust. It could create any sort of magic blade that she needed. As she pulled the sword out of the sheath, it was all red. Its lenghth could have been the same as my height.

I was outmatched here. I glanced back at Yang one last time before I opened up my umbrella, jumped backwards and teleported away. I quickly found the Luitenant   and an unconsious Roman and teleported them away before the train crashed into the last wall. It broke a giant gapeing hole into the city of Vale. Our plan had suceeded. The caos from the explosions and the gaping hole had lead an army of Grim into the so well protected city of Vale. I teleported Roman onto a nearby rooftop that was safely out of the reach of the Grim. He managed to regain consiousness, right as Cinder approached us.

"What are you doing her Roman?" she asked, her voice was calm and mellow, yet venomus and full of spite. "You were not supposed to bring them for another few days. This is not what we planned."

I lowered my head in respect for my boss's boss, but looked down to the city. Team RWBY was fighting Grim, along with Cinder's two henchmen Emerald and Murcury, and a few other Huntsmen and Huntresses that happened to be around. I saw Wolf and the rest of team RNBW below, and they looked to me for instruction. I opened my hands and guestured to the Grim in a 'help yourself' kind of way. Wolf nodded and ordered the rest of his team to begin clearing out the Grim. There were few enough grim and enough Hunters and Hunteresses so that I knew that they would be safe. I was not so lucky. Cinder was not going to let Roman and I off the hook for 'our' mistake.

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