C H A P T E R 1 2

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Y/n Pov

I woke up with tears in my eyes. I don't know if I should be happy or sad right now.

But one thing's for sure. I'm definitely not letting him go.

He sounded innocent and weak as he said everything to Jimin.

He heard me last night. So he is the one who I sensed. It's not someone else. It's him.

It has always been him.

I take my phone again and try to seach for him again.

I know he is a CEO but I dont know what his company is or what his business is.

I try to think if I've ever got to know his company. Something tells me that I do know.

I close my eyes tightly as I recall everything.

Is it perfume?


I quickly open Google and search "Jeon Jungkook JJK perfume."

A webpage came with JJK perfume site. I tried looking for it's CEO but nothing was mentioned on him.

I wonder why a name isn't mentioned. Isn't he the CEO?

"Why can't I find him?" I mumbled to myself.

I check the time just then to see that I only have 15 minutes before the bus comes up.

I dash to the bathroom and had a quick shower and quickly got dressed to go to university.

"Y/n! Have your breakfast!" Mom said as I ran towards the front door.

"Sorry mom. I'm late. I'll get something from the canteen. Bye mom!"

I catch the bus and take a seat, satisfied that I didn't miss it.

The day goes on as usual but before long I find myself getting weak.

I haven't eaten anything proper for like 2 days. Yesterday I was devastated over what I saw with jungkook that I didn't have the heart to eat anything. And so far today I didn't get the chance to eat.

During lunch break, right as I was about to head to the cafeteria, Mr. Wills called me to come into his office.

"Yes Mr. Wills?" I asked politely.

He sat on his chair and took a paper in his hands which I realized was my answer sheet for the exam.

"Miss.Y/n, care to explain why your marks are low?"

I sigh as I looked down. With everything going on with Jungkook, I didn't even have a determination to concentrate.

"I'm sorry sir." I mumble.

"That's not what I was looking for. Why aren't you working like before? You used to be my top student."

I look down. I did work before. But now I just can't.

"Y/n. Tell me what happened. Last week test you did really good. This week you did really bad. There must be a good reason for this drastic change."

"It won't happen again sir." I mumbled.

"It better not. But you scored the least from the whole class. Do you know what that means?"

I internally groan. Whoever gets the lowest mark on the weakly exam has to prepare a tutorial session of the paper on monday.

"The tutorial session." I whisper.

"That's right. Now sit down on a table and I'll give you a paper. Start writing your answers and reasons. You can ask me any questions you have."

My eyes widen as I look at him. "Right now?" It slips before I could stop.

He glared at me. "Pardon?"

I shake my head quickly. "Nothing sir. I'll get right on it."

I grab the paper he was pointing and made my way to sit down.

I feel so weak and so hungry. I really wanna eat something.

There really should be rules against keeping student during their lunch break.

I sigh as I get to work. I have to write the correct answer with the reason of why that is the correct one. And then I have to present everything to the class.


Soon the bell rang and Mr. Wills stood up from his table. "Until when can you stay after school?"

I can stay till 5. But I seriously don't want to suffer being here doing a paper when I could go home and sleep.

"Until 4 sir." I lied. 4 o' clock is when lectures ends. That means I won't have time to do this.

"Okay. I expect you to be here at 1. Your last lecture with Mrs. Becky is cancelled today. You are dismissed."


I groan as I made my way to the lecture hall. I'm so hungry.


I was dozing off during the lecture. I felt lightheaded and dizzy but I managed to get through the lecture without causing much trouble. Now I have to suffer through the stupid paper as well.

It went okay. I asked questions that I can't do from Mr. Wills momentarily forgetting about my hunger and dizziness.

Soon when 4 o'l clock struck, he dismissed me making me rush home.

While I was walking on the road to reach home, I got a call from the manager of the coffee shop.

My heart skipped in excitement. Maybe they are closing for the day early and might be calling me to tell me not to come.

I answer with glee. "Yes Mr. Elis?"

"Oh Y/n. I need your help. Can you come to the shop now? Jia had to leave early and we are kind of short on staff. I'm sorry for this. But I'll let you leave early today."

I groan. Why is today like this?? Why is no one letting me eat anything?

I sigh. "Okay Mr. Elis, I will be there."

I quickly went home to change.

Opening the fridge after getting dressed and grabbed a sandwich that was wrapped.

It reduced my hunger but I need more food.

That sandwich might have made my hunger worse as it only just aroused me.

As soon as I enter, I saw Emily hurridly serving the customers alone. She looked stressed and tired. So without any greeting I quickly got into work.

Fridays are busy days as many comes to relax with a coffee after their long week. Which means that we get the most work on Fridays.


As it got closer to the night, I felt myself getting weaker and weaker.

It was hard to stay standing up yet alone keep my eyes open.

But I somehow managed to do all the work that I'm supposed to do before leaving.

I felt jungkook there but I didn't say anything to him because I was not in my right mind to speak.

I can't even think properly.

Everything happened fast, yet slow for me.

One moment I was walking home, the next Seth was holding me.

Before long he was undressing me.

I felt so helpless.

"Scream loud baby." I heard him. I heard his voice. I wanted to scream. I wanted to get away from this. But I can't find my strength. It's so frustrating!!!

I can feel him on my body. I feel disgusted. I wanna go away from here! Save me!

I heard a scream. It was faint as if it's coming from afar. But it sounded painful. I wanted to scream louder.

I knew jungkook was here. He is the only way that I can be saved. He has to be my savior. Which is why I gathered all my strength to tell him to save me. To tell him that he can do it. He is the only one who can.

Just then I heard him scream "Leave her alone." I heard it vividly as if he was right here for real.

The lightning brightening up the sky made me see him. Made me finally be able to see him.

My eyes widened as I stared at his face. Anger evident in his beautful features. He looked deadly.

I smile softly. He is here. He was always here.

Seth scrambles away from us being scared.

Jungkook then comes to me as he crouched down to meet my eye level.

I smile up at him. His beautiful black orbs searching my face.

"I see you." I whisper.

His smile lights up his face as his tears spill from his eyes. He lifts his hands up to caress my face. I slowly close my eyes waiting for his warmth.

But when I didn't feel it, I opened my eyes to see the empty road.

He is gone.

Tears spill freely as I sat there alone in ragged and torn clothes.

I don't have strength to get up. I don't have strength to do anything.

I close my eyes and lean back against the wall as I let darkness engulf me.



Chapters with Y/n's Pov is somewhat hard to write. It goes as a continuation of Jungkook's chapters so the connection is hard to build up. I hope it's not as boring though.

Hope you all are enjoying.

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