C H A P T E R 5 1

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Author's Pov

2 years has gone. The little boy is now 10 years. He is curious as to why he can't remember anything. Yet no one gave him answers. He felt like he knew someone is out there that needs him. Someone that belongs to him. Someone that he loves. But he can't remember who that is.

The big brother who sacrificed his freedom is now too engrossed in the mafia world. His desire to get to the top now lingers in his head. The desire to show that he isn't the scared boy anymore. But something's stopping him.

Everyone believes him to be the little boy who stabbed a person and killed him with a butter knife. But Jungsoo is not someone who can even hurt a fly without crying. He had to grow stronger mentally and physically to fit with the world he was forcefully thrown into.

So now when he started killing brutally he needed a distraction. The guilt and the fear kept his mind too busy that he wanted a release. That's how drugs came into his life. Soon he was addicted.

But his love for his brother didn't reduce. His love for his sister that he lost or the baby brother was never forgotten by him. He was devastated seeing his sister go. But a part of his mind said that it is for the best.

He doesn't want to have attachments that could probably cause danger later on.

He was going on mission after mission, killing people, stealing from them, torturing them. Finally came home to his younger brother. At times he would just sleep in his bed but most days we went to his brother's bed to cuddle. Jungkook thought Jungsoo was just being playful.

But Jungsoo actually wanted to feel his brother's love. Which he believe that he lost since that night. 

The thing is Jungkook did love his brother just not as much as he used to. With his memories being lost, the only image he have of his brother is the mafia gangster. That's what Jungkook judged Jungsoo with now.

Soon, the 2 other boys that night, the ones who is the friends of the one who got killed, saw Jungsoo in a mission. They were surprised seeing the boy in the mafia of their lost friend. So they decided to go meet their father. The talk went on and they mistakenly told that Jungsoo isn't the one that killed the mafia boss's son. It was a smaller boy.

This fact angered the mafia boss. He called for Jungsoo and started to punish him for lying. Jungsoo was yet again put in pain due to the action of his brother but not once did his love falter. He knew he deserves this for leaving them that night to protect each other.

Jungsoo was then given a task. Prove to the whole mafia that he is worth keeping in business. He was given 2 weeks.

He knew that there isn't any specific skill for him to use to charm the mafia who excelled in everything. But the only solutiom he had now was present to them with their greatest desire. Money.

That is why he desperately needed the company of his father. If he became the CEO he will get a good salary that would be enough to impress the mafia. He knew his parents has given up on him now, he also moved away from home to live with his gang a couple months ago because he can't endanger the lives of his loved ones.

So when he came home that day, he didn't have any intention to take his gun out. He didn't have the need to hurt his parents. He just wanted to talk. His mom was crying while asking him to come back home, his dad shouted at him for all the bad decisions he made.

Not knowing that he didn't make them, they were made for him.

The gun was actually pulled out by his mother who was so shocked at seeing his lovely son carrying a weapon that could take away a life. That's when the arguement started.

His mom cried asking him to throw it away. But Jungsoo needed the gun. He can't lose it or he would have to go on missions weaponless which means easy death. So he tried to get it out of her hands.

When he finally got it, he aimed it at his father to stop his mother from trying to get it and to stop struggling. He had no intention to shoot.

The parents were now scared. His father kept on saying how he will never give the company to the boy but that still didn't make the boy want to shoot.

That's when the little boy came in. He saw his brother aiming a gun at his parents. He got scared. That's why he tackled the older boy and they got into a fight. One thing led to another and soon Jungsoo was held at gun point with a gun that is now held by Jungkook.

Jungsoo knew that unlike him, if anger got the best of Jungkook he could pull the trigger. So he tested his limit. Jungsoo wasn't afraid of death. But he was beginning to get afraid of the little boy who was once the sweetest there is.

The provocations led the boy to become angry and get into the daze of red. The place where he lost all senses except the intention to kill. So the boy soon pulled the trigger.

But he got scared. The power of the gun, the smell of gun powder, the effect of his mere action that might have taken the life of someone he loved. It got too hard to breath so the boy instantly made a ball of his body on the floor blocking out any sounds or specifically any screams from reaching his ear.

But he was hit by someone's kicks and soon he ran away from home.

So who did he shoot?

No one.

The bullet went through the wall after passing just next to Jungsoo's head. No one got hurt.

But then why was he kicked?

Jungsoo's fear for his little brother and the fact that the boy wouldn't hesiste to kill a person was enough to make Jungsoo angry. He knew he hate to change the way his brother thinks. That why he kicked the little boy.

But most importantly, Jungsoo knew that the little boy pulled the trigger with the desire to kill him. He was in this life because of the little boy. So Jungkook does not get to kill him for something that his own self did!

When the boy ran away, the rest of the family took in deep breaths to calm their racing hearts. They were worried but most importantly glad that no one was harmed.

But it was short lived when a group of men came into their house. The rivalry mafia that Jungsoo had killed their most important dealer.

They didn't hesitate to kill anyone who came in their way to get the boy. And that included his parents. His father who held the boy behind his back away from the men first got shot right on the chest.

Then their mother who hugged the boy covering his body well away out of their sight. But she was shot on the head.

Soon the boy was taken away.

Tortured yet not killed. Each beat and pain made his desire to get the mafia under his hold grow in scales. So he faught with all his power and finally became the mafia boss.

That's when he started looking for his brother. When he found that he was involved with a mafia too he wanted to take the boy under his power and keep him safe and happy. But as it was not something he could do as his power is lower that the mafia Jungkook is in, he resigned to a different aim. To protect the boy no matter what the mission is.

Jungsoo made sure that a close friend of his would always follow Hungkook. If he is in any danger save him, if someone threatens him then kill that person.

That how that teacher from the orphanage who saw Jungkook's face ended by dying. Jungsoo couldn't bare the thought of letting Jungkook get in danger.

Finally when he was taken away from the mafia, Jungsoo was happy. Happy with the thought that he can finally get his brother back. But the boy has already replaced him with a group of hyung that he now loved with all his life.

This angered the older brother. He was replaced. After everything he had done.

That was when his love faltered. When he started questioning his love for his brother. That's when his revenge started.

He wanted to have his brother to himself. He thought that if he tortured his brother just with his words and small recollections from the past, his brother would give in and come back.

But no. The boy didn't come back. Jungsoo became an enemy in Jungkook's life. He became an annoyance. Jungkook got closer and closer to his six brother forgetting about the one who truly loves him still after everything they have been through.

Jungsoo didn't want the companies. He got money from every business his mafia managed. He just wanted a reason to talk to his brother.

The kidnapping of Taehyung was done because he got angry at how he treated Taehyung that day when the older boy was having stress with incomplete work. Yes, Hungsoo had spies planted in the office. He got the news about how Jungkook calmed down the older boy and Jungsoo got jeolous.

Jungkook is his brother yet why isn't he with him when he needed the love the most?

That's why Taehyung was the target.

That night though, he shot his brother for the very first time in his life. His resolve broke. Anger seeped through when he saw how Jungkook turned to go with his hyungs leaving him bleeding on the floor.

That anger led him to shoot. He still kept an eye on the boy through Taehyung when he had control over him.

But the care of the hyungs and the way Jungkook smiled brightly in their embrace, special Jin angered him more and more. For a split second he wished for the death of Jungkook. That's why he made Taehyung open the injured wound.

He didn't attack and neither did he make a move after that becauseJjungkook needed time to heal. He felt guilty of his mistake too. He regreted shooting that night so hard that he made all of his mafia fighters hit him until he felt like he was even with his deed.

Bloodied and bruised he stayed but he caught information about how Jungkook went abroad. So finding information about the visit, he found his sister Y/n. Jungkook is dating Y/n.

Jungsoo cried that night. His tears fell one after the other. Happy at the fact that he found her, happy at the fact that his brother is together with her. But sad about him not being a part.

That's when his aim changed. This time with a more solid aim and not a fake one.

He wants Y/n.

But now when he saw her. The same eyes of innocence, the same giggle and laugh, he couldn't help but make sure that she would always smile.

But he knew that with him she would never be happy.

Her happiness is Jungkook. Her love is him. Not Jungsoo.

So Jungsoo made a plan.

He knew he was never someone's love, someone's whole world, someone's breath. He knew no one really loved him as much as he loved them. No one cared about him.

He had enough.

His plan was simple. He would try his very best to make sure Jungkook can't find her. But if by some way he did, then Jungsoo would let everything go.

So it seems this night is the night he would finally go ahead with the plan.

He had enough.

But what they didn't know is that, 16 years ago a little girl with his two loving brothers went to see stars. The night that ruined their lives is on the same day as today.

Will the night that started everything also become the night that ends everything?

Will they be able to become happy?

But what's his plan?



I didn't get to proof read after I edited once so I really hope it doesn't have many mistakes.

I'm actually under quarantine now. Not contacting with corona but because our university has to start so we are made into a bubble. No one can go out and no one can come in. We are in a room alone, studying all day.

I really hope I stay sane this time around. Cause last time almost made me a psycho.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter. The end is near so stay tuned just a bit more.

Love you guys so so so much!

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