//Chapter One//

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{Your PoV}

You wake up in a Monday morning of September. You shut off the noise of the alarm clock, and stretched. You suddenly remembered today is your first day of school in Layton Academy. You stood up and went to closet, disagreeing yourself of waking up.

You look through your close and found one of your uniforms. A sailor uniform, like the ones from some anime. You really don't mind it, actually. Maybe the school ran out of ideas of uniforms.

You went to the bathroom, take a shower, put on your underwear and uniform, and do your hair. You grabbed your bag and put on some white knee high socks and black Mary Janes that your mom brought you yesterday. You went downstairs and goes to the kitchen.

You see your mom putting plates on the table for the family, as your dad is reading the newspaper while your little brother, that is 9, read some Marvel comics that your dad brought for him.

"Good morning, (Y/N)," Your mother said to you as you sat down. "Ready for school?" no. You wanted to say that, but you don't want to disappoint your mother. "Yeah, sure." You mumbled and at some pancakes.

Everyone eats. Your mom and dad was talking about insurance and sexy time as your little brother was playing with his food. After you was done eating, you said goodbye to your family, and you started walking to school.

You went into the building, full of students. You try to find to principal's office, so you tap on a hall monitor's shoulder. He had rectangular glasses, a red arm band on his black uniform, and has ginger hair.

You asked the nerdy looking student, "Excuse me, I'm new here, where's the principal's office?" "Oh, Ms. Fukumoto's office? I will show you." He said and took you around to another hallway, and takes you to the assistant principal.

"Hello, Mr. Robinson, there's a new student that wants to see Ms. Fukumoto." The hall monitor said to the tall guy at the desk. "Oh, Ms. (L/N)! Welcome! Thank you, Eric, for showing her. You may go now as Ms. (L/N) can go with me to Ms. Fukumoto." Mr. Robinson told him and the student left out.

Mr. Robinson said to you, "Let's go, Ms. (L/N), Ms. Fukumoto is waiting for you." He stood up, and takes to another office behind him.

He opened the door, and there was a lady with japanese features, black hair in a high ponytail and wears a suit, sitting at her desk and stacking papers to make her desk look neat. She looked up and smiled as she saw you and Mr. Robinson standing at the door.

"Thank you, Mr. Robinson," The lady said in a nice sweet voice. "You can go now, (Y/N), take a seat." You seated in a chair in front of her as you told, and Mr. Robinson left, closing the door in front of you.

"Hello, (Y/N) (L/N), I am Ms. Fukumoto, or Miss F for short. I am excited to meet a student like you, that has high grades, A's and B's. This is what this school needs. And sorry if the uniforms are odd to you. I try to mix some japanese culture with an American school." She explained and pulled out two pieces of paper, giving them to you.

"Here are your schedule for the school year with a locker number and combination, and a map of the school. You have four classes with some juniors since your scores are very high; Algebra, Art, Biology, P.E., and English." Ms. Fukumoto explained as you look at the papers.

Your schedule paper says;

(Y/N) (L/N)
Locker #830 --- Combo: 19-27-13

1st period: Art - Room #93
2nd period: English - Room #48
3rd period: P.E. - Gym
4th period: Biology - Room #40
5th period: Lunch - Cafeteria
6th period: Algebra - Room #38
7th period: History - Room #69

Interesting, you thought to yourself. Going to a room full of juniors isn't that bad. Ms. Fukumoto spoke up, "I will take you to your locker so you can put your stuff away. Now, let's go." 

Ms. Fukumoto stood up and takes you outside the office and to your locker. You opened your locker, and putting your bookbag away, but brought out a binder, a pencil case, a sketchbook, and two notebooks.

You closed your locker and walk with Ms. Fukumoto in Art as the first bell ring in the morning, signaling students to be in the classes that they suppose to be in. You and Ms. Fukumoto walked into the classroom and stood infront of the students, as they murmur in confusion.

Then, the teacher, that is an old, fragile lady with round frame glasses, stood up with you. "Okay, okay students quiet down, Ms. Fukumoto is here."

"Thank you, Mrs. James. Now, there are a few of you that will see this student multiple of times today, since she is the first sophomore that will have mostly junior classes. Her name is (Y/N) (L/N), and give her a warm welcome." Ms. Fukumoto explained.

You smiles and waved shyly. You hear students whisper, "Do she talk?" "She look like a killer." "She might be very nice." "She looks like a cry baby to me."

Ms. Fukumoto clears her throat and says, "Quiet! Now, welcome (Y/N) and continue on with your studies." Ms. Fukumoto leaves and Mrs. James goes to you.

"I am so happy that we have a new student here. Make sure you all set a good example for her." She told the classroom, then tells you, "You can sit by Calvin Vail, the young man that has a hat in the back."

You looked at him. He looked so perfect to you, as your heart began to flutter. Calvin. Calvin Vail. You thought. You blushed and walked to the desk next to him and sit on the stool.

Is this is what love feel like? You thought. You never felt this feeling before. You try to pay attention to Mrs. James, but, him. His looks, his voice when he answers a question, is perfect and beautiful.

Mrs. James stopped talking and assign you and the other classmates to draw a poster about yourself, that was due Friday.

You started drawing, and you looked over Calvin's shoulder. He actually just doodling. You decided to speak up, "Wow, I really like your drawing."

Calvin looks up and says, "Thanks, I like yours, too, new girl." Then, he went back to drawing. You blushed and continue drawing.

Time have past, and class ended. You followed Calvin, to see where he goes next. It was the same classroom that you was about to go. English.

"I have more classes with him?" You mumbled to yourself and blushed. Inside your squealing full of excitement. You go to the English teacher, Mr. West, and he introduced you to the class.

He tells you to sit the desk back to Calvin! You smiled, keeping it cool and sit in the desk. Ten minutes in class, you already writing notes. "Hey, new girl." You hear Calvin call you. "Can I borrow an eraser for the class time?" You smile and reached in your pencil case for an eraser.

You give the eraser to him and he thanked you. Your heart is full of butterflies again. After class, he gave you the eraser back and walked off.

"I will keep this as a prize." You said to yourself and goes to class. You walked to the P.E. teacher, Mrs. Walker, and greeted her. She greeted you back and she gave you clean P.E. clothes and takes you to the girl's locker room, that has the smell of strong perfume and lotion.

Mrs. Walker gave you a gym locker and leaves to get you changed. You changed slowly, feeling uncomfortable of changing clothes around other girls.

After you done, you walked out of the lady smelling locker room and into the big gym. You saw Calvin, talking to a small group of guys and girls. You feel envy while seeing the girls talking to him.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Come here!" Calvin yelled for you, and you came to him. "What is it?" You asked. Calvin smiled and said, "This is the new girl, (Y/N). She's very good at drawing."

"Um, hello." You spoke shyly. The brunette girl that has a ponytail spoke, "Oh, hi! I'm Theresa! And this is my girlfriend, Lana." She hold the other brunette's arm, with excitement in her face.

Theresa's girlfriend, Lana, had wavy, long hair, almost looking like Lana Del Rey. "Hi, I'm Lana, not Lana Del Rey though." She said. Then, a british looking guy came up to you with a weird hairstyle.

"Hello, mate. I'm the school's cunt, Niall, with the old memes." He greeted. "It was nice to meet all of you." You said looking around, then you heard a whistle.

Class begins.


You reached to your History class, but Calvin isn't here since this is a sophomore history class. But Calvin was in your other classes, even at lunch, but you didn't sit with him, you sit with some other sophomores, so you can mingle with people your age, even though you're not the sociable type.

Calvin dropped a bitten apple on the way out, but you caught it, and kept it as a little prize. And in Algebra, he gives you one of his doodles. So, you kept it in your binder, and took picture of him in class.

So, today is a good day, at least. Now, let's get history done.


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