Chapter 2

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Adrien had gotten home to open arms from his mother. 

"Adrien thank you for saving me." Mrs. Agreste whispered in her sons ear when he hugged her.  

"I didn't save you Chat Noir did." Adrien replied. 

"If you say so Adrien, but I know that it was you because of the similarities." Adrien's mother replied. 

"Whatever you say mom. Any why how are you?" Adrien asked.  

"I am great I hope you had a wonderful day at school!" she replied. 

Adrien didn't respond because she would most likely going to ask what had happened. He couldn't just go around telling people he is Chat Noir. He was always blaming himself for things that were out of his control.  

"Adrien why didn't you tell her I mean she is your mother after all." Plagg asked while eating his cheese. 

"I can't just go around telling everyone I am Chat Noir. Besides she would probably wonder how I got the miraculous from and honestly I don't know where it came from i just found it in my room." Adrien replied

"Oh right." Plagg remembered while he finish his cheese. 

"Adrien come down stairs right now." Gabriel boomed. 

"Please there is something on the news that is very important." his mother added. 

"Coming. Get in my jacket now!" Adrien scowled at Plagg. 

So Adrien went down stairs to see what was the commotion was all about. He saw the Mayor at podium and he looked worried. 

"The mayor received a call from some researchers in the North Pole. They had information that only Chat could hear. Chat if you are watching this please come quickly." replied Anna Love. 

"Mom, Dad I have to go." Adrien replied getting up a heading for the door. 

"Good luck my little chaton." his mother replied not letting a word slip to notify his father that he is Chat Noir. 

"Bye." Gabriel replied turning his attention to his son.

So Adrien left the vicinity and turned into Chat. He had to see what the phone call was about. 

"Look it's Chat Noir!" yelled a little kid alerting the reporters. 

"Hello Mr.mayor. May I take the call now?" Chat asked.

"Yes the researcher seemed really worried. I wonder what is happening." Chat knew that the call had to be a sign that Ladybug was alright. 

"Hello is this Chat Noir." replied the researcher nervously.  

"Yes the one and only." Chat replied. 

"Tikki Chat has finally come." the researcher replied. 

Chat wondered if that was ladybugs real name. Part of him thought otherwise. 

"Oh that god Chat you finally came. By the way I am Ladybugs kuwami." Tikki replied in relief. 

"Alright. What do you need?" Chat asked. 

"I need you to come here to the North Pole with three people. Ladybug told me to tell you that she could possibly die." Tikki replied.  

"Wait. What?! She could die!" Chat yelled. 

"Yes but tell me can you get her three people." Tikki replied. 

"Alright tell me there names and I might be able to help." Chat replied as slick as Treys hair(inside joke). 

"Ayla, Nino,for some reason, and Adrien Agreste. Can you do that Chat?" Tikki asked. 

"Y..yeah." Chat replied," What could Ladybug want Adrien Agreste I mean me there?" 

"The fastest way to get to the North Pole is by Boom-tube. It will get you there in 20 minutes." Tikki replied. 

"Where could I find one?" Chat asked as curious as a little kitten. 

"Oh I have contacted a man that can help you now just get those 3 and wait at the school but wait till tomorrow. Okay Chat?" Tikki asked. 

"Gotcha bye." Chat replied. 

"Bye and keep Plagg safe." Tikki replied. 

"I will." Chat said as he ended the call. 

"Is everything okay?" the mayor asked. 

"Yup." Chat lied. 

So Chat went to Ayla's house first because he could just tell Nino in civilian form. Her room was the only one with a window opened. Her room was full of Ladybug merchandise. Her walls we plastered with Ladybug posters and the little wall not cover by the posters was red with black spots.

"Mind if I drop in?" Chat asked when he came in through her window. 

"Nope but first tell me why isn't Ladybug here?" Ayla asked. 

"She is in a research camp in the North Pole because I chose to save my....Mrs.Agreste." Chat replied. 

"Alright what do you need?" Ayla asked while updating the Ladyblog.  

"I need you to meet me at the school tomorrow that where I will tell whats happening. Also pack a bag. Bye." Chat replied quickly getting out of the room because he was going to detransform soon. 

"Why?" Ayla asked but she was too late Chat was long gone. 

Adrien went to the bakery to see if Marinette was there and to pick up some cookies. 

"Hey is Marinette okay Mrs. Dupain-Chang." Adrien asked. 

"Yes she is upstairs. She has been up there for days. She is very ill but she won't let me in there. Maybe she will let you in." Sabine replied. 

"Okay." Adrien replied heading up the stairs to there living space. 

"Mom go away!" a similar voice replied. 

"Its me Adrien. Your mother asked me to talk to you." Adrien replied. 

"I don't know... oh yeah come in." she lied. 

Adrien walked into her room and saw her in bed.  

"Mari are you... you are not Marinette!" Adrien yelled. 

"Shhhh. I know okay my sister, who I don't live with, needed my help. So... you look a lot like Felix."  she replied. 

"Felix is my older brother." Adrien replied. 

"Wow no wonder Mari likes you." she replied. 

"Who are you?!" Adrien replied really no amused.  

"Okay my name is Bridgette. So do you know who Chat is well I need to tell him something really bad. She said if I am gone for more than 3 days find and tell Chat something important." Bridgette replied.  

"Well bye Brigette. I have to go and talk to my friend." Adrien replied.  

"Bye *cough cough*" Bridgette replied faking a cough. 

So Adrien exited Marinette's room and went to the kitchen. Mrs. and Mr. Dupain-Chang were waiting for a sign of somewhat that Mari was okay but Adrien was wondering where Mari could have gone that her parents could not know. Then it hit him Ladybug wouldn't tell her parents that. Marinette was Ladybug. He wondered why it took so long to realize this but he couldn't come up with a good reason.

Adrien was so close to Nino's house. He had never been inside of his house because his father wouldn't let him go over there. 

"Hi who is this?" asked a woman who looked like Nino. 

"Hi I am Adrien and I came to hang out with Nino." Adrien replied. 

"Nino your friend is here to hang out!" his mother yelled. 

"Adrien welcome come on in bro." Nino replied guiding Adrien to his room. 

"So Adrien what brings you to my house." Nino asked while at a safe distance from his parents. 

"Ladybug is dying and she wished you, Ayla, and me to go there along with Chat. So I just want you to tell your parents that Chat needs your help and that you may be gone for two days so pack a bag alright." Adrien replied. 

"Why wouldn't Ladybug invite Mari?" Nino asked. 

"She is sick remember." Adrien lied. 

"Okay so how are you gonna pull off the Adrien and Chat thing bro?" Nino asked remembering that he is Chat Noir. 

"I don't know but I will have to try. Maybe Plagg can help." Adrien replied. 

"Well I could but if Ladybug is detransformed than the only person who could tell I am not Chat would be Tikki. Except you two. It will also take a lot of my energy." Plagg replied. 

"But how long will it last?" Adrien asked. 

"Until I am out of energy but that is why you will need to bring lots of cheese." Plagg replied. 

"Alright I am in." Adrien replied. 

"If you are than I am." Nino replied. 

So after an hour of planning Adrien finally went home. He ate dinner with mother and father and went to bed.  

"Hello Chat Noir and Ladybug. I was wondering when you two would come." Hawk Moth replied. 

"We won't let you get away with this! Ladybug yelled then all of a sudden a trap captured her. 

"M'lady! You let her go you... you monster!" Chat yelled. 

" I will give you a choice this lady or this lady." Hawk Moth replied when a cage came out of the ground it was his mother. 

"Save her Chat I can manage." Ladybug replied. 

"Tic toc Chat Noir you can only save one." Hawk Moth replied. 

"Save her! I can manage Chat!" Ladybug yelled.  

Chat used  Cataclysism and broke the cage. He grabbed his mother and ran out of the cave. Chat didn't know what was to happen to his lady.  

Then out of nowhere a bloodied Ladybug rose from the ground. 

"Why did you leave me to die?!" she yelled. 

"AHHHHH!" Adrien realized that it was a nightmare. 

"Adrien are you okay?" his mother asked. 

"Yeah it was only a nightmare." Adrien didn't go back to sleep he didn't want to see that very vivid image again. 


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