Back to Normal...Somewhat

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Maddy's POV
"Maddy?" Myles says waving his hand in front of my face. "Maddy?"
"Huh?" I say shaking my head. "What?"
"Are you okay?" he asks.
"Yeah," I reply.
"Hope you guys have your projects ready! Tomorrow's your last day!" Mr. Micks announced.
I swear under my breath.
"Watch your profanity," Myles says. I glare at him as the bell rings.
"See you tomorrow!" Mr. Micks says.
Once we're out the classroom, I snatch Myles by his ear and drag him to my car.
"Ow-where-ow-are we-OW," Myles stammers.
"We're going to finish this project tonight," I say.
"No buts!" I interrupt. "It's our grade or your grave. Pick your choice!"

We head to Office Max without another word. We walk in and look for a poster board. We find the one that suits us, grab some more supplies that we needed for the project, and leave.
"This is gonna look great for last minute," Myles says.
"It better look great for last minute," I mumble.
"Can we at least get some food?" Myles asks.
"Fine," I say. "What do you want?"
"Too greasy."
"Still too greasy."
"Perfect. Just don't get any oil on your sandwich."
"That's fair."

Myles' POV
If I wanted my mom to come to college with me, I would've just asked her. Maddy got a bit out of control.
"Maddy," I say. "Calm down. We have all afternoon to do this."
"Actually we don't because I have a life if that's not surprising to you," she snaps.
"Where are you going?" I question.
"Does it matter?!"
Melissa walks into the room.
"Maddy chill," she says. "Myles, quit with the questions."
We obey and work in silence.

An hour and a half later, our project is done.
"This looks great," Maddy says. "We did a good job."
"Yeah," I say in agreement.
Maddy sounded as if she were never mad just earlier.
"Justin will be here soon," Melissa says. "Be ready."
"Okay," Maddy replies. "I'll go get ready now."
Maddy grabs a change of clothes, walks into the bathroom and shuts the door.
"You wanna come with us?" Melissa asks me.
"Sure," I reply. "I'm not doing anything else."
"The more the merrier," Melissa says.

There's a knock on the door.
"I'll get it," she says. "It's probably him."
Melissa opens the door and a guy I'm assuming is Justin comes in. He looked familiar. I couldn't remember where I had seen him, but he looked vaguely familiar.
"Hey Justin," Melissa says.
"Sup," he says.
"Myles, Justin," Melissa says introducing us to each other. "Justin, Myles."

Justin's POV
"Where's Maddy?" I ask.
"She's-" Melissa begins.
"-out the bathroom," Maddy finishes throwing her dirty clothes in a basket. "Ready?"
"Yeah," Melissa says. "Let's go."
We leave and walk off campus.
"So we're going to stick with the healthier option of walking aren't we?" Melissa jokes.
"Pretty much yeah," I respond.
"It's good for your soul," Myles says.
"So are we going to walk around in circles or are we actually going to do something?" Maddy asked jokingly.
"We're gonna go do something," I respond laughing.
"Slap cam!" Melissa shouts running past and slapping me in the face. She keeps running.
"I'm gonna get you for that!" I yell and begin chase her down.
Maddy was laughing as I was doing so.

I finally caught up with Melissa and carried her over my shoulders. 
"Put me down," Melissa demands pounding on my back.
I turn around and Maddy and Myles have started talking to each other. Either I was super jealous or just wanted run and remove Myles from the equation. He was going to be trouble.

Melissa's POV
"Put me down," I command Justin.
"And why should I?" he asks.
"Because I can't breathe!" I croak. He puts me down. I take deep breaths in and out.
"You good?" he asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"Can I ask you something?"
"You just did but go ahead," I say.
"This is serious," Justin says urgently.
I stop joking around. He turns around to see if Maddy and Myles were still behind us then turns his attention towards me.
"Do you think I have a chance with Maddy?" he asks in a low voice.

The little, imaginary devil on my right shoulder says, "Screw his emotions. Tell him Myles likes her and she likes him, too." while the angel on my left shoulder tells me, "Give him good advice and save yourself."
"I think you should go for it," I say without thought. "It doesn't hurt to try."
"Thanks," Justin says.
"No problem," I tell him.

After a few more blocks, Maddy is on Justin's back and I'm having a little conversation with Myles.
"Maddy's a great person once you get to know her," I tell him. "You haven't known her long enough."
"I thought that was just her personality," Myles comments.
"Oh please," I say. "If that were her actually personality, I would have moved out of that dorm so long ago."
We laugh and continue to catch up with Maddy and Justin.

"Where on God's green earth are we going?" I ask. The sound of loud music answered my question. We were heading to the park.
"Adele is performing," Justin replies.
"The Adele?" Maddy asks.
"Yup," Justin says.
"I love her!" Maddy squeals.
"I didn't know she even listened to music," Myles says to me. "Or liked it."
"She's a music freak," I reply. "She can't get enough of it.
"Wow," Myles says in amazement.
"See," I say. "There's more to Maddy than you think."

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