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Maddy's POV
Things were as normal as they can be. I like my normal life on my normal college campus with my normal college friends. It was my last year of school here and I needed to get my head in the game.
"Hey, Maddy!" my friend, Melissa, calls out.
"Hey," I say once she catches up with me. We were roommates when I got here and friends since.
"So there's this new boy on campus," Melissa says in between breaths.
"Okay?" I say.
"And you're majoring in the music area?"
"Spit it out!"
"He's in your class!"
"Why does this concern me?"
"Because he's super cute."
"Are you serious?"
"As serious as I'll ever be."
"Okay he's cute? Big deal! Most of the boys on campus are cute."
"They're not like him. He's gorgeous."
"I'll take your word for it."

Myles' POV
"Okay your assignment is to go in and figure out what's going on in this school," Kalin tells me.
"Okay," I respond.
I've being sent by the FBI to get the scoop on what's going on at this college. They've looked through records saying that there have been drug dealings and people smoking pot on campus, but this is different.
"What am I looking for?" I question.
"Any suspicious behavior," Kalin replies. "There was a bomb threat sent about two weeks ago and the person still might be on campus."
"Did school let out?"
"No! That's just it."
"How did we find out then?"
"The last agent figured out what was happening and who did it but didn't come back alive."
I gulp.
"This is a dangerous job," Kalin warns me. "Be careful and don't trust anyone."

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