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(Dan's POV)

She fell asleep after mumbling something which I couldn't quite hear. Was it too early to say that to her? Does she feel the same? I mean she said she almost loved me but what if she meant in a friend kind of way? I wasn't too sure. I don't wanna assume things either, but I'm gonna have to just assume she meant it in a friend way, to be safe.

I look around the dark room, a bit of moonlight was the only thing shining into the room, barely helping with the darkness. I'll be honest, I don't like the dark all that much. I don't care if it makes me look like a "baby" either, the fact of being somewhere where you can't see and don't know what's around you is terrifying to me. I like seeing what's around me, and I have to be very tired to fall asleep in the dark. Usually why I sleep with a TV on, but I can't.

I don't wanna wake Emily up. I sigh looking around the room, and decide to go outside and get some fresh air. I slowly get out of bed, making sure I don't wake her before walking downstairs, and going out front, sitting on the small concrete 'step'. I sigh, the air wasn't too hot but wasn't cold either, it was perfect. I fiddle with my fingers as I look out at the empty street.

The only sound was the one from the buzzing streetlights. I liked silence, most of the time. "You are surrounding, all my surroundings, sounding down the mountain range of my left side brain.." I hear soft singing, beautiful singing. It was coming from in the house and I wanted to go listen to more, but decided against it. Emily might not like singing in front of people and I don't want to make her uncomfortable.

I run my fingers through my messy, blue hair which I needed to redye soon, as my roots were coming in. Suddenly arms wrap around my torso, and I jump and look over to see Emily. "I had another nightmare.." She whispers and I frown. "I'm Sorry.." I say and she shrugs, leaning her head on my back. "You are surrounding all my surroundings, twisting that kaleidoscope behind both of my eyes.." She sings again and I smile. "Your voice is beautiful.." I whisper, and she chuckles.

"Really?" She says and I nod. "Yeah." I say and smile as she wraps her around my neck, placing her head on my shoulder. "Are you a koala?" I ask turning my head to try to look at her. "Maybe?" She says and I chuckle. "So do you think I'd be able to post singing covers on YouTube..?" She asks and I shake my head. "Definitely." I state and she places a kiss to my cheek, causing my face to heat up. "Dan.." She says and I smile. "Yes?" I ask, the smile dropping off my face when she sighs.

"Do you actually like me.. Like that?" She asks. "Like more than friends." She says. "Yes, I really mean it when I say that I love you a lot." I say. "And you're not lying..?" She asks and that made my heart drop. I remove her hands from my back, turning to face her, sitting across from her. I take her head gently in my hands so she looking at me. "Emily, I love you." I say looking her in the eyes the whole time. For a moment she just stared at me, a smile on her face before tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"Shh, don't cry." I say, wiping my thumb across her cheek, removing some of the tears. "I.." She says but pulls me into a hug. "I do too.." She whispers in my ear. "I wish I saw it sooner. I wish I knee how much I loved you so much sooner." I say. "I wish you did too.." She says. She was holding onto me as if her life depended on it. I didn't mind though. As long as she felt safe then I was okay. For a while we sat there win silence hugging, she was playing with my hair.

Usually I don't want people to touch my hair, but I didn't mind her doing it. "Do you wanna head back up to bed?" I ask and she nods. "Tea first?" She asks and I smile and nod. "Tea first." I say. So that what we did, we made tea, and sat in the kitchen talking about random things, laughing loudly, as if it wasn't almost 3AM. Even after we finished our tea, we both seemed not to acknowledge our tiredness and carried on telling each other stories and laughing.

It was nice. It was nice to have someone who cared about me, had my sense of humor, and was a total sweetheart. It was amazing at that. "You know the one time, when my Dad was still around, I remember going to get ice cream, and the lady forgot my sprinkles and after my Dad confronted her she said I had "licked them off" so he took it and threw it in her face. It was s-so hilarious!" Emily says and I smile.

"Where's your Dad now?" I ask. "Dunno. He went to work one day, and never came back. No one has heard from him since. Some say he got killed, some say he had a second wife or something." She says looking down at her empty cup. "I'm so sorry.." I say and she chuckles. "Its alright, don't be sorry." She says with a small smile on her face.

"Hey let's head up to bed okay? Don't wanna be too tired." I say and she nods, standing up. As I lay down, I feel her wrap her arms around me and smile. "Please don't ever leave me, Dan.." She mumbles and I turn to her. "Never. I won't leave you as long as you don't leave me." I say and she smiles. "Thank you.." She mumbles and I close my eyes, and slowly drift to sleep, not realizing I was tired until then.

Authors POV

So someone asked for a chapter just in Dan's POV so here it is! Hope you like it!

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