Chapter One: Human Life

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Life. Jeez, it has its ups and downs. Mostly downs for me; I suck at living. Living, breathing, blinking. Anything that involves lifing,I can't do it correctly. So, my mother thinks it will be "good for me" to get a job. I mean, I'll accept the offer; I get to stay away from home.

"Sora," Mom said. "Found one, yet?"

"No," I answered, shaking my head and leaning closer to the newspaper in my hands.

Mom sighed and wiped her stressed eyes, serving me a large plate of pancakes and bacon smothered in syrup. Across the table, she set down a plate of scrambled eggs for my little sister, Jayda.

"Oooo," I cooed, suddenly standing up. I snatched my red marker and carelessly circled a job offering.

"Find a good one, yet?" She asked.

"Yes! And it looks interesting," I said with a short laugh. "Pssh, super easy."

Mom nodded. "Yeah, you -" she cut herself off and pointed at a furry animatronic bear. "That bear doesn't seem creepy to you?"

I shook my head again. "No," I said casually. "I mean, not really."

"Hmmm," she said skeptically.

"Freddy!" Jayda shouted all of the sudden.

"What?" Mom asked as I looked up. My eyebrows creased in curiosity.

"Daddy takes me there sometimes," the six year old said. "There's Bonnie and Freddy and Chica, and there are Toys, too!"

Mom tilted her head. "He does?"

Jayda nodded and continued eating.

A few moments passed as Mom stood still, studying the offering.

"Alright," she said finally, turning back to the breakfast. "Call the manager."

I grinned. My fiveteen-year-old self could finally get out of this house. But I didn't know it would be the last time I would see it, or what would happen on that night shift.

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